Ron Paul is Devoutly Pro-Life!!!!!!!!!!
I'd hate to ruin him for some of you, but he's one of the most pro-life candidates in the election.
And I love it!
True lovers of freedom also want to protect human life from conception until natural death!!
I'd hate to ruin him for some of you, but he's one of the most pro-life candidates in the election.
And I love it!
True lovers of freedom also want to protect human life from conception until natural death!!
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
-Enoch Powell
True lovers of life also want to protect our soldiers from getting killed in Iraq.
No natural death there, my corporate whore.
Give yourself a pro-life high-five, nerd.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
lol, someone seems like he's jealous of poor old CorporateWhore. That's two mean attacks in the past 24 hours!!
It's not my fault you hate freedom and love terrorists.
-Enoch Powell
That might be hard to do without any health insurance.
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it's a good thing that 85% of the country has it in some form...go with the odds that he'll have it. don't be so pessimistic
Devout fanaticism results in these things: Bad things.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
yeah, but if 15% of americans dont deserve it, how come 15% of babies also dont deserve any sort of fetal protection? the babies being aborted would probly just grow up to be lazy, welfare-riding minorities. let's get rid of em before they steal money from our bank accounts via tax-funded handouts.
not all of them would grow up to be lazy, don't be that harsh on them. But honestly, people on welfare usually DO qualify for medicaid or WIC so we do have avenues to help. Not everyone in the 15% that don't have health insurance are poor though. I know a guy who works construction and is doing very well for himself (makes over 50K) and chooses not to have insurance, I'm not saying by any means he makes up close to the majority, but there are people who don't have insurance but CAN afford it. And in the percentages do they include illegal immigrants who shouldn't have it? It would be interesting to know how many of the 15% don't have insurance yet would qualify for medicaid, medicare etc...edit: and choose not to apply for it.
Many of them are recent college graduates who have yet to get a decent job but much potential.
-Enoch Powell
i *heart* collin.
and yes, this IS a main reason why ron paul could never be *my* candidate. tis a shame really...b/c he's got good things to say.......but yea, he and i just are so far afield on this important issue. no way do i want someone with that point of view to have that kind of power.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Well, even the ones who do have it fight hell to get their HMOs to actually pay for what they need. They get treated worse than the people who can't afford the insurance and are on Medicaid. At least Medicaid pays for procedures without harassing people and searching through their medical histories with a fine tooth comb to find anything so they won't have topay out. It's sickening. Seems to me the govt programs are working a lot better for the people than these private providers.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
yes medicaid and medicare are perfect :rolleyes: There are some insurances that are good and some that are bad. I've worked with medicaid and medicare patients and you know what...they may pay, but they are extremely rigid in what and how much they pay and you know what...whatever they don't pay the offices don't bill the patient; there is a lot of pro-bono work done in medicine as well.
Cause that's exactly what I said. :rolleyes:
I'm speaking in an overall sense...more people are pleased with their medicaid/care coverage than their HMOs.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I am pro-choice, however, again, I don't think my view should be forced upon all. If anything, I would like to see this issue limited to the purview of the community, or county/parish.
This is, no doubt, a heated issue, however, I do not think that it should be legislated at the national level...
-The Duke
that's prob true to an extent, but it's still not great on any front and i think (as I'm sure you do) we should be able to do better.
This is what irks me:
When you say that you don't want your view to be forced upon anyone, that doesn't mean anything at all. You're forcing only one option, in reality, and that is abortion. If I disagree with you, the only option you're forcing on me is that my society must have abortion in it.
If I substituted "for choosing abortion or not choosing abortion" for "pro-choice," your claim wouldn't make any sense. Look:
"I am 'for choosing abortion or not choosing abortion,' however, again, I don't think my view should be forced upon all."
It's really two views. One I agree with and one I don't. You're just using code word for "I think people should choose abortion if they think it's good for them."
It's amazing that the pro-choice movement has so little confidence in itself that it could support the right to do something that most within the movement would supposedly "never approve of" themselves. That shows true and utter moral degradation. The moral confidence of past generations has truly gone to hell and in its place, ethical subjectivism has prevailed.
-Enoch Powell
For you, anytime.
We most definitely should be able to A LOT better.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
now if we could just figure out how.
Well, it's our society, and the decision to choose is up to you. Again, if you disagree with abortion, no one is going to force you or your loved ones to get one.
It is amazing that so many pro-choice people would "never get an abortion themselves," but they still favor the right to choose. That's a good thing. Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. Don't you think it's a big arrogant to say you would never get an abortion, so that means no one in the country should be allowed to safely terminate a pregnancy? I should not have the right to decide what you do with your body.
"My body's nobody's body but mine...
You run your own body, let me run mine."
Here's the problem with that argument:
Many folks who are "pro-life" believe that abortion is equivalent to taking a new-born baby and shooting it. So it's hard for them to say, "Well it's okay for others but not for me."
It'd be like asking someone who is against the death penalty, "Well, just don't you or anyone you care about go and commit any crimes that will result in getting the death penalty." It's missing the entire point that drives their thought process behind the opinion.
It's not a perfect analogy but I think the point is made.
But the fact is, it is not the equivalent of taking a new-born baby and shooting it.
My point was that abortion was not being forced on him. No one is making him work at an abortion clinic, and no one is going to force him or his loved ones to have an abortion. Why does he care what some woman across the country does with her body? He believes, and I could be wrong, that life starts at conception. So to borrow from Bill Maher, does that mean when I'm smoking a cigarette after sex, there's now a 3rd person in the room? What about the morning after pill? Is that too like taking a new born baby and shooting it?
I agree with what you are saying -
The heart of this entire matter has nothing to do with being "pro-life" (as if abortion-rights folks are pro-death) or "pro-choice" (as if folks against abortion believe that women should all be in the kitchen deep-frying meat while the husband is out smoking cigars and nailing 18 year olds)......
The heart of the matter is "When does human life begin?" That's where the divide between "her body" and "killing a baby" happens. You have to define that first. That's where this entire debate stems when you think about it - where does human life begin?
Whether someone works at a clinic or is pregant personally doesn't really have anything to do with this.