White Nationalism's Destiny in American Politics

I would argue that most whites do not give a crap about their skin color. That is a good thing, by and large. Racial identification in and of itself rarely does anyone any good.
But, someday a majority of America will not be composed of whites. Whites will be a minority. This is undeniable given future projections.
When whites are a minority, white nationalism will begin to become a significant movement. Today, minorities work to fight for recognition in this system by forming groups like La Raza for Hispanics, the ADL for Jews, and the NAACP for Blacks.
When the time comes for whites to be a minority, do you think whites will form a minority representative group? Will they form a community? Why or why not?
I think that, unfortunately, it will happen...to the detriment of intelligent policy.
I suspect that liberals would argue that whites will still have the power so they won't need anyone to represent them. But when they don't have a majority of the vote, how else will they be represented? I think that whites do have things in common that would cause a racial identification. Is this really what we want?
Is major demographic change really a goal we should seek? Why should we change the country's ethnic composition so drastically without taking into consideration the possible implications, such as white nationalism?
But, someday a majority of America will not be composed of whites. Whites will be a minority. This is undeniable given future projections.
When whites are a minority, white nationalism will begin to become a significant movement. Today, minorities work to fight for recognition in this system by forming groups like La Raza for Hispanics, the ADL for Jews, and the NAACP for Blacks.
When the time comes for whites to be a minority, do you think whites will form a minority representative group? Will they form a community? Why or why not?
I think that, unfortunately, it will happen...to the detriment of intelligent policy.
I suspect that liberals would argue that whites will still have the power so they won't need anyone to represent them. But when they don't have a majority of the vote, how else will they be represented? I think that whites do have things in common that would cause a racial identification. Is this really what we want?
Is major demographic change really a goal we should seek? Why should we change the country's ethnic composition so drastically without taking into consideration the possible implications, such as white nationalism?
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
Yes, whites will fall below the 50% line. However, no one "race" will take the majority. In fact, whites will still rule by and large through a strong, established plurality. And, they will still have the largest population, by far, than any other "minority."
Ever heard of suburbia?
They will continue to have a relative majority in most districts, therefore will continue to be represented at a higher level than other "minorities." Germany, France, and Great Britian have such a strong history of love and brotherhood. Right?
We're not doing anything to change the country's ethnic composition. The country's ethnic composition is taking care of itself. Attempts to keep the nation's ethnic composition at its current levels would be "change" - and would take massive government intervention. You know, when faced with things you don't want (less whites, by percentage), you sure seem to warm up to using that big, bad government.
I have trouble understanding how "change" means that the ethnic composition of this country stays the same. You have a falacious definition of change. Change has caused whites to be a smaller percentage of the population. If no immigration had been allowed, whites would have remained at the percentage that they were.
Specifically, the Immigration Act of 1965 changed our immigration policy so that non-whites would enter the country in far greater numbers. This was a change. Seeking to reverse that change would be a return to the original situation. That in itself would be a return, not a change.
The government has always protected this nation's sovereignty. It's only since the 1965 immigration act that it has failed to do that.
I fail to see how making white people a minority in a country that was founded by them serves the interest of anyone. We certainly wouldn't expect China or Japan to do that. Why do we expect it of ourselves? Because we're a "nation of immigrants"? Nah. That's really a lie. This is a nation of Americans. Anyone who comes here is expected to change.
-Enoch Powell
Me? I have a living to earn, so I'm outta here for now. However, I will say that to "return" to where you were, you have to "change" direction from where you're going.
The government does need have to be big to enforce the constitution. It was able to do it in 1800 and it wasn't big.
-Enoch Powell
The country's a little different than it was in 1800 - and it isn't just because we extended representation to more than just white men.
You say most whites don't care about color of skin, but then you go on saying how we should somehow protect our country from people of different skin colors.
People do change when they come here... but it just takes a generation or two to assimilate. In the past couple of decades there has been such an influx in immigration that the current generation that the assimilation isn't there yet. The second generation is usually bilingual because the parents still speak their native laguages at home, but by the third generation, 3/4 of hispanics are english dominant - meaning they speak english at home and in their daily lives.
It has happened in our country before... the irish boom wasn't a huge deal since they spoke english, but the italians had their neighborhoods and brought their customs here and for the most part kept to themselves. Once they had children and grandchildren assimilation took off.
It amazes me travel abroad how we expect other countries to have signage in english and service industry staff that speaks english, but when it happens here with spanish speaking people we throw a fit about it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
We were able to enforce immigration law up to Eisenhower's presidency in Operation Wetback. That's the 20th century!!
-Enoch Powell
I don't expect others to speak english to me in their country.
-Enoch Powell
For example, there are fewer males than females. But females are a cultural minority in that they hold a disproportionatly small amount of the power and earning.
Edit: And of course, whites were the minority, in terms of numbers, during Apartheid South Africa.
Anyway, given that whites are so disinterested in skin color, it's suprising to see one of them pre-emptively planning what to do when his is no longer as dominant.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Minorities are thinking about it. You don't think Hispanics know what's happening to this country? La Raza means "the Community" or "the Race," depending on your definition. They look after Hispanics first.
-Enoch Powell
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
Because black people are oppressed and you are not.
Because minorities have the right to be proud of their culture since they've never attempted to commit genocide, only whites have tried to do that.
-Enoch Powell
They claim it is.
How can a group cooperate with other races if they seek to exclude themselves simultaneously? That's what will happen when the largest demographic in this country is no longer the same as the group that founded it. Is that for the better? I'm not sure.
Certainly other groups can be assimilated into this society, but not in these numbers. 12-20 million? How is that possible?
-Enoch Powell
They can be assimilated, I feel like a fucking Borg from star Trek when I say that. Muck like the waves of Italians, Irish, Germans, etc... who immigrated to this country it took time for them to assimilate to their current day culture here. Each generation that passes it will become, for a lack of a better term, more Americanized.
Let's look at Cubans. the first Cubans to come over to this country, back in the 60's, still held on tightly to their culture and customs. As the second generation, the first American born, they where more Americanized than the previous generation. Now you have the 3rd generation who are completely Americanized and have no identity with their grandparents culture. They may still speak Spanish and eat tradition Cuban cuisine but that is about the extent of their cultural tie with their grandparents culture.
The same will happen with the South/Central Americans who are entering or have entered our country within recent years. The first generation, the immigrant, will keep a strong tie to their culture and not adapt or assimilate very well into this countries culture. The next generation will and so forth.
Also much like older cultures that immigrated here, elements of their culture will be incorporated into the American Culture.
I believe that thinking in terms of white, black, yellow, red, brown, etc., is kind of dumb considering we're all mixed.
I'd like to see race eliminated as a basis for classification since nobody can really objectively define it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
the only way whites are in trouble is if every minority in this country bands together to decide to vote in a bloc and stick it to the white man. i dont see that happening. we're not that bad and they know it.
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They follow orders well. Make her wear a headscarf and smack her around a bit. It's cultural!!
-Enoch Powell