Ward Churchill is a Lying Plagiarist

"The faculty found a pattern of serious, repeated and deliberate research misconduct that included fabrication, falsification, improper citation and plagiarism."
Funny how he called the Americans who died in 9/11 "Little Eichmanns" and yet his research methods indicate that he couldn't even make an honest living. At least those people who died in 9/11 made an honest living when they were murdered.
"The faculty found a pattern of serious, repeated and deliberate research misconduct that included fabrication, falsification, improper citation and plagiarism."
Funny how he called the Americans who died in 9/11 "Little Eichmanns" and yet his research methods indicate that he couldn't even make an honest living. At least those people who died in 9/11 made an honest living when they were murdered.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
So, no matter who it is... if you're handed a nice fresh glass of Kool-Aid... you'll drink it. Interesting indeed.
Thinking critically, I see that this report was written by the very person who recommended his dismissal, The President of CU. I think had the same study been done on any professor in the United States, you could draw the same conclusions. This is because the accusations are up to the eye of the beholder. What is "fabrication... and improper citation" to one person, is an every day truth for another person.
As far as falsification and plagiarism goes, I'd like to see the evidence before I drink what they are handing out. I could smell that top of the ladder bullshit from the second I started reading the article. It would be interesting to know the names of everyone on the panel, so I could research each of them on my own... I'd bet Dick Cheney's wallet that they are all "yes men".
there is my two cents...
Clearly you're the one drinking Kool-Aid if you refuse to believe the mountains of evidence against Churchill. Yes, he may agree with you about Little Eichmanns but his plagiarist tendencies are separate from that.
Obviously you wouldn't believe it if Churchill said it himself. Don't give me that Kool-Aid crap.
-Enoch Powell
The university faculty committee found him guilty; those are his peers. Good grief.
the University released its investigative committee findings.[1] The Investigative Committee, a subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, agreed unanimously that Churchill had engaged in "serious research misconduct," including four counts of falsifying information, two counts of fabricating information, two counts of plagiarizing the works of others, improperly reporting the results of studies, and failing to “comply with established standards regarding author names on publications.” In addition, the committee found him "disrespectful of Indian oral traditions."
The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, after examining the findings of the Investigative Committee, disagreed on what sanctions should be imposed on Churchill. Six members voted for dismissal. Two members voted for a five year suspension without pay, and one voted for a two year suspension without pay. Churchill's actual punishment will be determined by the University Chancellor.[30]
In its report, the investigative sub-committee "expresses its concern regarding the timing and perhaps the motives for the University's decision to forward charges made in that context." The Standing Committee's final report, however, states that they could not ignore the charges against Churchill given the seriousness of their nature.