Deport Illegal Irish! (for Irish jammers)

Heh, apparently there are illegal Irish immigrants in America. Roughly 25,000!
This provides one more example that enforcement of immigration law is NOT racist. It's supportive of law and order! You want to see proof that I am here legally and I'm of Irish descent. Certainly! Kick me out if I'm illegal.
p.s. I don't know why Irish people would come here illegally...I'm pretty sure that island never meets its quota of permanant visas anyway. Also Ireland's economy is doing great. I guess America really is just that good
This provides one more example that enforcement of immigration law is NOT racist. It's supportive of law and order! You want to see proof that I am here legally and I'm of Irish descent. Certainly! Kick me out if I'm illegal.
p.s. I don't know why Irish people would come here illegally...I'm pretty sure that island never meets its quota of permanant visas anyway. Also Ireland's economy is doing great. I guess America really is just that good

All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell