A Happy Pill?

So there I was watching 60 Minutes last night, when they did a story on a pill that can erase bad memories.
Apparently some scientists in America have created a magic pill that can be used on people with such illnesses such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Someway or another it blocks off some cell-thingies and if ,say, you have a fear of travelling in a car because you were in a bad accident in the past, by taking the pill you can stop your brain from processing the bad memory part and it inhibits the fear.
I thought this sounded great! Imagine all those poor souls who cant even function in day to day life because of a fear they have. However, then they interviewed someone else who said that our memories make us who we are and that by changing this fear, we somehow erase part of who we are.
Due to the fact that im in Australia, and it was an American interview, all the Americans of this forum have probably already discussed this issue, but for those who havent....what do you think?
Apparently some scientists in America have created a magic pill that can be used on people with such illnesses such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Someway or another it blocks off some cell-thingies and if ,say, you have a fear of travelling in a car because you were in a bad accident in the past, by taking the pill you can stop your brain from processing the bad memory part and it inhibits the fear.
I thought this sounded great! Imagine all those poor souls who cant even function in day to day life because of a fear they have. However, then they interviewed someone else who said that our memories make us who we are and that by changing this fear, we somehow erase part of who we are.
Due to the fact that im in Australia, and it was an American interview, all the Americans of this forum have probably already discussed this issue, but for those who havent....what do you think?
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed