Conspiracy Vs Realist

The powers that be (even here in the west!) are corrupt and generally have no issue with harming/killing their own people to achieve their aims.
The press does not tell us the truth, the government does not tell us the truth.
There are powerful people pulling strings to keep the status quo exactly that, at the expense of the majority of people.
Questions = eventual truth
america needs a strong military to protect it from Mexican drug lords and Reds intent on invading.
The people need to militarise to prevent their national miltary from invading, as well as to fight off said Mexican drug lords and Reds.
Any attempt to breed understanding and tolerance thru education is an attempt by the lefties to turn everyone gay and lazy.
Questions = stupidity and are unpatriotic.
so who stands in the light and who hides in the shadows of the bigger boys?
The powers that be (even here in the west!) are corrupt and generally have no issue with harming/killing their own people to achieve their aims.
The press does not tell us the truth, the government does not tell us the truth.
There are powerful people pulling strings to keep the status quo exactly that, at the expense of the majority of people.
Questions = eventual truth
america needs a strong military to protect it from Mexican drug lords and Reds intent on invading.
The people need to militarise to prevent their national miltary from invading, as well as to fight off said Mexican drug lords and Reds.
Any attempt to breed understanding and tolerance thru education is an attempt by the lefties to turn everyone gay and lazy.
Questions = stupidity and are unpatriotic.
so who stands in the light and who hides in the shadows of the bigger boys?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The powers that be are evil (especially here in the US!) and have created every bad situation in the world.
Aliens control the powers that be through Jedi mind tricks.
The press has been brainwashed by the government.
When we talk about government, we're actually talking about a super secret shadow government who has invisibly pulled strings for decades.
I read it on the Internet, so it must be true.
Outrageous Questions = ridicule, which must mean we're right. Right?
America needs a strong military to keep America safe. America should stop giving a shit about the rest of the world.
Any attempt to breed understanding and tolerance thru education is welcome, any attempt to stir the pot by throwing about unreasonable and silly theories will be appropriately ridiculed.
Questions = good. Conspiracy theories = silly. Occam's razor should be the default when in doubt.
so who stands in the light and who hides in the shadows of the aliens?
I was waiting for someone with a sense of humour, some originality, and a decent line to argue, it could have been very funny.
I get fucking jeffbr to bore me to death again.
someone help him out.
That's my job, son. I'd hate to disappoint.
if you don't like being disappointing get a new job.
Eh. I'm just happy that I was able to contribute to your stupid thread tanking.
what are we called?
lol funny
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
1. I don't believe in evil, I believe in different perspectives. You're being short sighted and over simplifying to write off what we bring up as a struggle between good vs evil. Save that shit for the religion threads.
2. The press isn't brainwashed by anyone...just bought and paid for
3. You can read stuff on the internet supporting all sides of this point is moot.
Obviously this coming from your biased viewpoint, you really have no place deciding which questions are ridiculous and silly. But for the sake of argument, which questions do you deem to be so outrageous that we have brought up here?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
soooo...questions shouldn't ever be asked? i don't get what you're saying and who said anything about aliens?
there's plenty of things that were labeled crazy conspiracies that wound up being overthrowing a democtratic leader in iran and installing a dictator, selling arms to indonesia while they were killing, what, 3/4 of the population in east timor?, the iran-contra thing, watergate, panama, what we did to nicaragua, the countless other countries we overthrew and installed dictators in....
having a strong military to keep us safe is one thing...using it to overthrow democratic governments we don't like, destabilizing other another
and it's not like many here just read 1 article, lots of time is spent researching's not like questions aren't answered from myself or others, it seems like a lot of blind faith in the government, which you seem to detest in other know sectors of government are corrupt and power hungry, you act as if these ppl don't want to keep their power.
Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are serviley crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God, because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blind faith. ---- Thomas Jefferson
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Oh, please. My post was done in the same vein as Specifics. You've never heard of any conspiracy theories about aliens?
yeah, i have (altho, to think the universe is endless how can we be the only life forms? pulling strings here is different, tho and just as looney as reptilians
or the moon landing just seems things are quick to be lumped in that looney category and compared to them quite frequently
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
no jeffrey, i beg to differ. mine is an original idea i had, based on arguments i read all the time on this board, from people who like to throw out words like conspiracy and realist.
yours is not funny, not original, and attempts to whitewash things with non-sensical bullshit, therefore making no point other than a little insight into your internal workings.
I hope you're not implying yours was funny, or original (aside from the mexican drug lords and "Reds") and didn't whitewash with nonsensical bullshit.
The whole premise of the list is attempting to whitewash...every list that categorizes people is an attempt at that.
Im implying everything you say apart from funny because i wasnt aiming at funny. It's absolutely original because i thought of it, me (aside from the mexican drug lords and "Reds", which are arguments levelled from others on the board), thats how it works.
I wasn't whitewashing anything, everything i stated i have read on this board, the things that people have been labelled conspiracy theorists for, and the things that are argued by the people doing the labelling and calling themselves realists.
Does the cap fit? is that why you posted? or do you just fancy Jeff?
You talked about mexican drug lords and reds as if the "realists" in your scenario put that forward. In fact, wasn't the "mexican drug lords" phrase leveled at one you'd place in the "realist" camp by someone not in that camp? So you didn't take representative postings of people withing your categories, you created your own pictures of these groups. I did the same. Neither were particularly accurate. They're hyperbole and exaggeration used to make a point. And I never claimed mine was funny, merely a mirror of what you did. So I didn't find my post particularly funny, in much the same way I found no humor in your post.
No, I don't think the cap fits at all. I think your assertations about the conspiracy people are what most people think. I think your reasons re: the realists are purposefully baiting for a response. a realist would most likely say
america needs a strong military to protect itself
understanding and tolerance do not have to equal accpetance and endorsement of an act.
Good questions are needed to find the truth and find answers. If the answers you receive don't fit your preconceived notions it doesn't make the answer wrong, it means your preconceived notion may be wrong. But we can't say that b/c someone might get their feelings hurt.
Do you really get paid for this?
This was the funniest piece in the entire thread so far, so kudos.
You are correct. I am biased. So are you. So is the original poster. We all bring our biases to the table. You demonstrated yours clearly in this thread. The original poster exaggerated and embellished and took things out of context to create an image and make a point. I mirrored his post, doing the same thing from a different perspective. But rather than challenging the original poster's premises, you give him a big thumbs up, and then challenged my post. Do you see any inconsistency there? Do you at least acknowledge that your bias was demonstrated? If I have no place assigning judgment to questions, then neither do you. In fact, we should all withhold all judgment (positive or negative) from one another's posts by your logic, since we are all biased. Wow, that would make for a boring board.
Absolutely! You guys don't do this for free, do you?
Of course I am biased. I draw the line at ridiculing...that's all. If you felt you were being ridiculed you have every right to object as well.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's not about getting anyone's feeling hurt. It's about tolerance of other opinions and ideas when given the same set of facts. It gets really old how some of you choose to mock people for seeing things differently than you do. You can disagree without the complete lack of respect. Your trust is just as preconceived as our doubt.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
hehehehe... original? the day you provide an original thought on here is the day ill actually leave permanently. and i say that to give you some incentive.
Oh no come on don't leave, i think this may be the first time we've even communicated, and you already seem like the sort of jumped up little prick i like to fuck with. stick around dude
Edit: hehehehehe
Oh no Jeffrey, quite the opposite. That exact argument was posted by a VERY close friend of yours who believes himself to be the ultimate realist, as a decent reason for having an all powerful military.
My bad, is that what you "realists" are scared to say in case you hurt some feelings?
I never picked that up thru the nose in the air, my Dad's bigger than your Dad, simplistic rhetoric that gets given out instead of decent well thought out answers.
Lets debate in future without fear of hurting each others feelings then, deal??
first of all I never called myself a realist; i merely provided my opinion of what most likely represents a realist better than your oh so enlightened response. second I'd love to hear your assumption of what i meant when i said we should have a strong military for protection; please enlighten me as to what I meant. As for the "very close friend" part; it's good to see that when you are challenged you resort to implications of something...very original as well.
everyone here mocks people for seeing things differently. Ever been to the religious threads? I usually do disagree w/o complete lack of respect. And just out of curiosity, of what trust are you speaking? The govt? I don't think the gov't is very trustworthy, but I also don't think their withholding of information is necessarily an indictment of their guilt or involvement in something. To me, trust is they are saying everything they know and there is no way they would do anything to harm or mislead the public, which is a terrible position to have.
You're very defensive for someone who doesn't think of themself in that way!
Well i certainly never said that the people calling themselves "Realists" (you it seems) are actually realists, far from it. Why and where did i assume what you feel about the military? you tell me in your "oh so enlightened response".
I think you're suggesting that i was accusing jeff of being Gay, that came from your mind too, wonderful thing huh words, like a view into a person.
not worth it.
I choose not to fall back on the old 'everyone else is doing it' excuse.
You trust their version of certain events and I have serious doubts. That's what I meant by that.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde