Which Party Supports Our Troops?

Surprise!! It's the Democrats!!
An organization called the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) have put together a scorecard for congressmen and senators. (This is NOT an anti-war group. This organization is committed to ensuring "the enactment of policies that properly provide for our Troops & Veterans, keep our military strong, and guarantee our national security for the purpose of a stronger America." So we ain't talking libby pinko bleeding hearts here.)
They've put together a scorecard which gives congressmen and senators grades. Here's the method for putting together the scorecard:
And here are the scores for the entire Senate, showing a very clear dividing line between Democrats and Republicans:
Ain't that a freakin' kick in the pants?
You can go directly to the site and find your congressman here:
My Republican congressman -- from a Purplish Part of the Bluest of Blue States -- got a C+, which in this day and age of rampant grade inflation is pathetic, particularly when you compare it to the A- and B+ of my Democratic senators.
Some of the issues on which they base this scorecard? Really radical stuff like letting reservists and the National Guard buy into the DOD health insurance system and putting more money into studying traumatic brain injuries -- a leading cause of injury among our soldiers -- and increasing the amount of money we give to the families of dead soldiers (which is currently $12,000). Crazy, wild-eyed, liberal shit like that . . .
So could someone explain to me again why people in the military vote for Republicans? And supporters of the war? Can we get a little love for Democrats who are actually supporting our troops?
An organization called the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) have put together a scorecard for congressmen and senators. (This is NOT an anti-war group. This organization is committed to ensuring "the enactment of policies that properly provide for our Troops & Veterans, keep our military strong, and guarantee our national security for the purpose of a stronger America." So we ain't talking libby pinko bleeding hearts here.)
They've put together a scorecard which gives congressmen and senators grades. Here's the method for putting together the scorecard:
And here are the scores for the entire Senate, showing a very clear dividing line between Democrats and Republicans:
Ain't that a freakin' kick in the pants?
You can go directly to the site and find your congressman here:
My Republican congressman -- from a Purplish Part of the Bluest of Blue States -- got a C+, which in this day and age of rampant grade inflation is pathetic, particularly when you compare it to the A- and B+ of my Democratic senators.
Some of the issues on which they base this scorecard? Really radical stuff like letting reservists and the National Guard buy into the DOD health insurance system and putting more money into studying traumatic brain injuries -- a leading cause of injury among our soldiers -- and increasing the amount of money we give to the families of dead soldiers (which is currently $12,000). Crazy, wild-eyed, liberal shit like that . . .
So could someone explain to me again why people in the military vote for Republicans? And supporters of the war? Can we get a little love for Democrats who are actually supporting our troops?
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think its because the Dems do not attempt to sell themselves as the party who cares about the military. They pitch themselves to other groups and demographics, but not so much to soldiers. They should make more of an effort to make this sort of info better known to the general public, as well as servicemen.
As far as I know, it's the concept of war which is refused
Republicans went to war without concerns for your boys.
Democrates support the boys they want safe back home.
I consider myself without politic opinion. Or at least, I don't find anything that makes me believe politic works.
But I'd be on the democrates side on this one I think
both of my senators got an A-
just look at those damn, good-for-nothings dems
angels share laughter
My Democratic Senator gets a B+ while my Republican Senator gets an F.
My zip code is split between two districts, one held by a Democrat and one a Republican (I believe I'm in the Democratic district). The Democratic Representative (Mr. Freezer Cash himself) gets an A- while the Republican one gets a D.
I suppose the Republicans win out in the Military Vote because they're the party that focuses on God, Guns, and Gays - meaning, there won't be any Gays in the shower (can't control themselves, you know), they'll be plenty of Guns on the battlefield (what else does a soldier need, really), and a loving God to take them in once they're shot (God doesn't take Democrats after all - and if you're a soldier, you can't be too careful).
I was amazed at how stark the difference is. And I think reborncareerist is right -- if anything, this is an indictment on the Democrats and their ability to get the word out, or at least to get these stories into the press.
I also wonder about the military vote. I haven't seen a breakdown of officers and enlisted men. I'm guessing the enlisted men are more likely to vote Democrat than the officers.
But the silence of the conservative participants on the board is deafening.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox