Sniper Fire!

SNIPER FIRE! LMFAO! after after all the bitching and moaning the dems have done about Bush, I think its f***ing hilarious that these two douchebags (douchebag hillary and douchebag obama) are the best your party can come up with ....absolutely freakin' hilarious! can't wait to see whats next with these two.....
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Post edited by Unknown User on
Why are these three the best we can do?
Because we refuse to support better candidates, you know, the ones the media call 'unrealistic'.
I guess it's better to support media approved 'viable' mediocrity than it is to support and stand behind someone actually worth your vote in the first place.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's so painfully obvious, it bothers me that you have to keep beating this drum. People need to IGNORE msm polls, and stop voting against the other party. But then, people were preaching this gospel the last three elections and no one listened. Sad that an economy in ruins and a complete quagmire of a war haven't changed that. Disheartening.
(keep in mind, this is coming from an individual living under a multi-party system, with multiple inept parties)
accept accept you need to accept the truth.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Hey Drowned! Haven't seen you around these parts too much lately. Though, I can't say I blame's denial central.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
nowadays hits you when you're young