Accessory nipples ...........

Was just doing some work and I met another accessory nipple. Some people have up to three of these, making five in total if you count the two that are in the standard design spec.
So, not sure if this has come up before, but back to the old creation vs evolution thread, I'm pretty sure that accessory niples are a good arguement toward the evolution side of things, vs creation .
I know in the Middle Ages, an accessory nipple was referred to as a "witches teat', and was used by withchfinders as an excuse to get girls clothes off before burning them at the stake. I wonder if the reason they hated them so much was that even then it was evidence that man was derived from animals ??
Too much for their paltry egos to stand !!
So, not sure if this has come up before, but back to the old creation vs evolution thread, I'm pretty sure that accessory niples are a good arguement toward the evolution side of things, vs creation .
I know in the Middle Ages, an accessory nipple was referred to as a "witches teat', and was used by withchfinders as an excuse to get girls clothes off before burning them at the stake. I wonder if the reason they hated them so much was that even then it was evidence that man was derived from animals ??
Too much for their paltry egos to stand !!
Music is not a competetion.
Post edited by Unknown User on
How is a nipplectomy going for these days?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Accessory nipples occur along the mammary line. This is a line of embrylogical tissue that runs along the abdomen up to the chest. Depending on your species, a varing number of nipples and mammary glands will form along this line during embryological development.
Dogs, pigs etc have between 8 and 12 teats. The number which occurs is a reflection of how many offspring there are to feed at any one time.
Humans are meant to have two, the ones you are familiar with but often a third one develops. Ross from Friends had one. Ocasionally you will see more. I have seen three extras on one person, could feed a litter of five !! The development is usually rudimentary with no mammary gland underlying.
The occurrence of accessory nipples strongly supports the idea that we are derived from species that routinely had more than two nipples.
Sorry but I have to correct you. It was Chandler who had the 'nubbin', as he referred to it. Ross had the strange 'thing' on his butt cheek that came off whne it got suck on the weird dude's watchband.
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
way to be accepting of other people's quirks. good thing we don't all wander around with our nipples on show!!!!!
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
That's cool, it's been a long time, and I was a sporadic Friend's watcher at best, don't mind being corrected.
was that the weird dude who was always naked in his apartment ??
no, that's 'ugly naked guy', whose apartment Ross ended up moving into. The weird guy was a friend of Phoebe's who was some kind of alternative medicien practitioner. I was never an avid freinds watcher, but Austar (my cable people) currently show 5 episodes in a row on Sunday mornings. I do the ironing while watching it! I really like the show now, trust me to be a few years behind the trend!!!
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
Yeah, I ended up watching a lot in the end, found it pretty funny at times. I have Austar too, but I don't watch on Sunday, too many outside things to do. Hey, I was at the concert in your sig, wasn't it a blinder, definitely the best I caught out of the three on that tour ?? I remember ugly naked guy, but not the weird guy, oh well !!
And you type like I do, must be a counrtry Qld thing ! LOL !!
I still think the witch's teat disproves the existence of God !!
alls an accessory nipple proves is that mutations occur that doesn't prove or disprove creation or evolution.
Here ya go, nipple of foot.
And correct me if wrong, but werent the witch hunts a few centuries before Darwin took a trip to the Galapagos?
Oh that's just wrong on so many levels. :eek:
But imagine what a treat for those who may have a daring combo fetish for feet and breasts.
Has nothing to do with it, but Salem Witch trials in Massachusets were 1692, probably the last in the western world. 18 hanged, one old man "pressed to death with heavy stones" for refusing to submit to trial, hundreds imprisoned and terrorised.......................great times !!!
just cause i said superfluous nipples are weird doesn't mean i'm not accepting.
sheesh :rolleyes:
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
individuals born with an extra finger???
i only have one nipple.
if it is about evolution, then where do these "accessories" fit in?
Well I only saw that one concert so yep, it was an absolute blinder. My sister and I had 12th row seats, which we were stoked about given we'd only been in ten club for a month before the tour announcement!!!! I'm not sure that gold coast boondocks, is really quite the same as Warwick, boondocks wise, you're a hell of a lot closer to a starbucks than I am!!! That's pretty much my yard stick, sad but true!!!
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
Suamese twins are an interesting but entirely different phenomenon. Haven't seen too many people with extra fingers, but I suppose they occur occasionally.
The point of extra nipples, is that they are not really an abnormality in the way those other things are. They aare totally normal in precedent species in our evolutionary tree, and common to all mammalian development schemes. If you have only one, maybe you are the next step in evolution where we will only have one , or no babies, so no nipples are necessary. Or where people just date on the net, so again, not really much point in having them.
Nah, it's a not really that bad, but I have lived in country Qld all my life, born in St George, west of Cunnamulla, lived in Goondiwindi at one stage, Mt Isa, GYmpie, grew up mosty in Bundaberg, so Starbucks proximity is pretty new. Have you been to Vancouver ?? There is one intersection with a Starbucks on each corner, and weather to justify getting a hot chocolate at every one. Nothing like Strabucks in the snow , yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!!!!
Warwick ain't that far from here if I went through Kyogle !!
Don't gorillas and monkeys and other simians only have 2 nipples too? Does this mean that they may have evolved nipple wise too? Did you know that 98% of people who have a 3rd nipple are men? I wonder what this means for your theory ;o)
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
I'm not sure about other simians, but it makes sense that they have evolved nearly as much as us. If you raise a human in isolation without other humans to activate and fill the brain, you pretty much just get a monkey with only one set of opposable digits. I'm thinking they only tend to have one baby at a time, so two boobs is all they need, so it all fits.
I didn't know that about men having most of them. I guess that means women are more highly evolved. I'll check my brow ridge and get back to you..........
.............................yep, looks like you are right, wimmin is more evolved than mens.
I'll sign that Starbucks petition for you. I've not spent much time in Warwick, but I nearly froze to death at Cambooya once, and I'm heading to Toowoomba in acoulple of weeks to visit a muso mate, so hot choccy out that way sounds grouse. The only one I know of is in Brisbane, one in Albert ST , one in the new DJ mall on the Ann St side. Not sure if we have one here at the Goldie.
Don't the extra nipples come about because the fetus doesn't lose them all? As it evolves we lose our tail, gills, and all the extra nipples except for the two most people have, and in some circumstances extra nipples stay?
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
Heh, good luck selling that one. That concert was bloody awesome, except for the knobs behind me that kept complaining about me standing up. Wankers. . .
-C Addison
I'm from Dubbo! Not born there, but we have a property about 30ks north.
-C Addison
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
2003 Brisbane night 1
2006 Brisbane night 1
2009 Brisbane Nov 25
2014 Brisbane January 19 BDO
*DISCLAIMER* I suck at typing, sorry for the illegibility of posts
Yeah, I just remembered that there is one at Stockland at BUrleigh as well. I'll be checking that out in winter. My wifelet has just got a work experience job at a store belonging to a fried there, so I'll be joining her for lunch at Starbucks.