I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I don't know about this. If you lived in a situation where growing up all you saw around you was examples of how you can probably go no where in life, your education sucks and the best job you could hope to get (since there is no way you could afford anything more than highschool,) is a minimum wage job where you could probably do it on drugs anyways; why wouldn't you get high?
Speaking of which, the best book I have ever read on the subject (and one of the best books I have ever read, totally changed my outlook on the drug use):
This is the main falacy regarding criminal behavior. Even children from homeless environments or less than acceptable home lives get to go to school. Even empoverished school districts are run by the state. All schools have to meet state requirements. So if these kids are in school, studying and paying attention they would learn the tools to survive. They would be able to get a decent job even if they couldn't go to college. But with the number of scholarships out there for poor kids, those who do want to go have no problem. Not to mention that most school districts have vocational training during the high school years. Post secondary training is also available now. Education is not the problem, it is there waiting for them, the problem is that they choose not to utilize it. Skipping school, being in gangs, hanging out at the mall, being cool are more important to them. Then again you can factor in the astounding rate of teenage pregnancy into this mix and open this argument even further. This is another area where the education is there. The kids are taught health/sex ed in elementary school all the way through graduation. No one in todays world can claim they don't know how pregnancy happens. Condoms are freely available in school clinics, planned parenthood, rec centers. These kids have the babies because it is cultural. I have nothing so I'll have a baby to make me feel important. So until the attitudes changes, the problems will remain the same. No amount of rehab will fix what is internal.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
The US was leading in prisoners per capita very recently. Think Russia finally got enough money to incarcerate more of its citizens but I could be wrong.
But wtf...where is the logic behind prisons? Put all the criminals together in one place for prolonged periods of time and then release them on society. Who came up with this idea.
oh, so you don't see any logic beind putting for example paedophiles into prison. I've seen a program on tv, where they showed a paedophile being "closely monitored" by the centre he was put in. It's not a prison, it's just a centre where you live and walk the streets freely. And you know what? by the independent undercover investigation team they saw that this centre did not and could not possibly monitor every step that paedophile took. That old pervert was actually chatting to 2 or 3 little girls. How would you sleep at night knowing there is paedophile on the loose?
i say put them all in jail, i personally feel safe when i walk the streets knowing that bunch of those criminal crazies are behind bars.
If we release them all, i'd be afraid to go outside, and why should i be afraid to go outside?
we need to relax on some of the laws out there that are clogging up the system like for some drug offenses....
also, i believe the three strikes law (CA) is a joke.. while there may have been good intentions with this law, the reality is that people who commit what most of us would consider minor crimes (albeit three times) are being locked up for life.... 3 strikes needs to be gone away with.
I am not to familiar with them, so how exactly to the California 3-strikes laws work? In Canada I think the for the average criminal going before a judge is on his 5th time there or something. I think if you put, at least violent criminals in for longer, just by simple math more time in prison means less opportunity to comit crimes and in turn less chances to waste the time of the courts.
What I'm saying is that rehab as it is now does not work. A person in rehab will do whatever they need to do to "play the part" so that they can get released. If they aren't given the pressure to uphold that rehabilitation when on their own, they wont do it. Why should they? Unless there is accountability for responsibility, there will be no change in the individual. They go back to the same environment, friends, lifestyle.
When you consider the information you presented, where do you think the problem stems? Obviously it is in the home at an early age. Seasoned criminals start their activity as youths. The "system" is failing these kids by not making them responsible. Juvenile detention does nothing but further the mindset that is already anti-authoritarian, anti-social. Instead of locking these kids up or putting them in "rehab" (another form of lockup) they need to make these kids pro-active. Put them to work for their choices. Teach them a lesson rather than encourage the dysfunction.
For example, if a teenager is caught in a drug situation, fine the parents (because ultimately they are responsible for the type of child they raise), then hold the kid accountable for going to school and after school volunteering at a hospital or orphanage specifically dealing with crack babies (or equivalent). Show them what such choices lead to. If they are vandals, make them clean up the city. If they are in gangs, put them to work in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Show them what certain choices do to society as a whole. Hold them accountable for their choices.
We have a highly publicized and often criticized Judge here in my city that does just this. He has been known to make people do very creative things for their choices. For example, recently two kids were throwing rocks of a freeway bridge. He made them dig grave sites at a local cemetery, by hand. Another case where a youth was involved in a gang shooting. His ruling was that this child was to work for a month in a morgue assisting the coroner.
What lessons do you think these children learned? Don't you think that they were given better tools to help direct their steps than merely throwing them in a lockup for awhile and then releasing them? Time will obviously tell if his techniques work. But for now, it has kids thinking. I would even venture to say that it quite possibly deterred one or two from poor choices.
Hand outs don't work. You cannot give a person lock up time, let them out and hand them a job at McDonalds and expect them to live a better life. It has to start internally. They have to want to do it. That means making them accountable.
Hitler liked the idea of Eugenics.
There are still many proponents today, such as J. Michael Bailey the author of the controversial book on transgender The Man Who Would Be Queen
shoudn't be a gov't program..no...think hitler tried that...with the blond hair blue eyes thing...ya bad idea.
Just saying that's what i do...choose not to procreate at this point because its just a bad idea imo/;
oh, so you don't see any logic beind putting for example paedophiles into prison. I've seen a program on tv, where they showed a paedophile being "closely monitored" by the centre he was put in. It's not a prison, it's just a centre where you live and walk the streets freely. And you know what? by the independent undercover investigation team they saw that this centre did not and could not possibly monitor every step that paedophile took. That old pervert was actually chatting to 2 or 3 little girls. How would you sleep at night knowing there is paedophile on the loose?
i say put them all in jail, i personally feel safe when i walk the streets knowing that bunch of those criminal crazies are behind bars.
If we release them all, i'd be afraid to go outside, and why should i be afraid to go outside?
I am not to familiar with them, so how exactly to the California 3-strikes laws work? In Canada I think the for the average criminal going before a judge is on his 5th time there or something. I think if you put, at least violent criminals in for longer, just by simple math more time in prison means less opportunity to comit crimes and in turn less chances to waste the time of the courts.
i wouldn't be so sure. In a few decades when the shit really hits the fan there is no telling what people might do.
rehab worked for me.
me too...took a couple of times though
why do a good thing only once?