Michigan Governors Race

Any Michiganders in the house? I don't live there anymore but I'm watching the race between Granholm and DeVos very closely. Recent polls indicate the race is neck and neck but it would be devastating to Michigan if Dick DeVos gets elected. He is like the George Bush of state politics...against stem sell research, abortion (even in cases of incest), gay rights, workers rights. Anything fair and human, he’s against. He is a right wing nut and we have to do all we can to spread the word that DeVos is not right for Michigan.
Thanks for letting me rant on this serious race. Let me know if you have an opinion one way or another.
Thanks for letting me rant on this serious race. Let me know if you have an opinion one way or another.
Keep the big door open and everyone will come around.
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<a href="http://mudpuppy.wordpress.com">themudpuppy.com</a>
Sure, but Granholm hasn't made it easy on herself either. She's notorious for promising everything to everyone. And no legislature in a state with a tanked economy is going to be able to deliver on that.
This one's going to get ugly though. Neither candidate can really do anything to address the real economic problems unless they just buy about $10b worth of GM cars
DeVos is a billionaire, right? Maybe he DOES need to by a ton of cars to help the industry instead of spending $12 million on political ads. That might be more effective.
It probably woud be. But I don't think even Dick DeVos's entire fortune could save GM.
Granholm worked for Engler, and it shows!!! She has been a lousy governor. I can't believe she calls herself a democrat.
On the other hand, De Vos is worse than even Engler was.
It would be like having L.Brooks Patterson in the office.
I am voting for Granholm, but very unhappy with her performance.
Its a matter of the less of two evils.
actually GM is rebounding quite nicely. Their stock is up 50% in the past month- they seem to be moving beyond their troubles from the beginning of the year.... and their product line is dramatically improved. Ford is in rougher shape right now, but hopefully they can mimic the success that GM had in reducing the hourly unionized work force through large, one time buy outs.
However, I will vote for DeVos just because he is NOT jennifer granholm. The mere existance of Jennifer Granholm makes 100% against changing the US born requirement for president. She has done nothing to curb the job loss in michigan, she has responded to budget issues by raising taxes, the once wonderful public education in michigan has gone to shit.
Engler did some crazy shit in office, but at least he put forth an effort to try new ideas. Jen-Jen has shown no creativity.
According to the Associated Press: "I would like to see the ideas of intelligent design — that many scientists are now suggesting is a very viable alternative theory — that that theory and others that would be considered credible would expose our students to more ideas, not less," DeVos told The Associated Press this week during an interview on education.
Sure, he is free to believe whatever he wants about the history of humanity, but to go and lobby to teach those beliefs in the public school system? Something just isn't right about this guy.
I think there is some validity to that part of it. Its saying to teach them side by side... which is not as far as a lot of other politicians have gone--- denouncing evolution.
I think exposing kids to alternate theories- even as far-fetched- as intelligent design is a good thing to do.
For those keeping track, his ad's are amoung the least "mud-slinging" variety i have seen in years for ANY race.
WAAYYYY back in another century Dorethea Dix fought hard for the mentally ill, and kids, not to be housed with criminals, she won that fight, only for Engler to wipe it out.
He also stopped family planning at the health dept., which used to give poor women pap smears and birth control, anything from condems to the pill, for free or at low cost.
He also changed how the state pays for public education to the point that some cities had to shut down their public schools, all of them!!!
Real creative!!!
Unfortunately, the jails were needed- and still are. Now I live 3 miles from the Northville old mental hospital, and there is nothing creepier than an abandoned mental hospital- especially one with tunnels, and acres of very very valuable land in the middle of suburban sprawl....
Im not a fan of giving free things to the poor for free... He revamped the welfare system, which, if memory serves, was fairly well regarded for its creativity for awhile....
The state changes in public education were needed. the so called "robin hood" mentality had really started to take hold, where the poor districts would take tax money from the rich districts..... Which really would make parents mad if they chose to spend the money to live in a good district. I remember my parents- who struggled for years to keep us living in an upscale suburb so my sister and i could get a good education- being just pissed when that robin hood shit started.
Im not a huge engler fan... but Jen- Jen really bothers me- especially her attacking, misleading, China ad.
My friends' father was removed from a mental hospital that shut down and there was no plan where to put these patients, many who had physical ailments as well as mental ones. They first moved him to a nursing home, but they couldn't keep him, something to do with prognosis, so he was moved again, all within 2 weeks. His body couldn't take it and he died.
Many mentally ill ended up on the street, homeless, which led to crime for some, and then prison, so yeah, then the prisons were needed.
As for education, I think it should be equal. What you seem to be saying is that you think kids whose parents have money should get a better public education than poor kids. I disagree for many reasons. Right now, kids can go to any district that has open enrolment.
Yes, Granholm has not been a good governor, but I think I am looking at having to choose the best of two evils, DeVos is the worse in my mind.
I am a social worker, and was working with homeless teens during Engler's terms. He screwed thinsg up bad for kids!!!
Do you really think it is wise to bring these theories into the classroom at this stage in the game when the US education system in't keeping pace with other countries? Bill Gates has said if we don't fix our education system, we could be in big trouble when competing in the world marketplace.
Politicians should be figuring out ways to get our kids to college instead of trying to get intelligent design taught in high school.