First off, the gay thing isn't even funny. Pearl Jam has never been known for having alot of gay fans.
I love asking anyone who trashes Pearl Jam who they like. It's way too easy to trash the lives of people who don't like Pearl Jam because its a given they are going to like utter crap.
Reading 2006 - WOOOOW!!!!!
Paris 2006 - Fucking amazing
Wembley 2007
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Me thinks they do protest too much:D:D
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"
" I mean that's fine if that's who you are... "
" Absolutely..."
" I mean I have many gay friends... "
" My father's gay"
" Look, you wanna have sex right now? Do want to have sex with me right now? Let's go! C'mon, let's go baby! C'mon! "
" Now she thinks we're gay, not that there's anything wrong with it..."
" No, no, of course not! People's personal sexual preferences are nobody's business but their own! "
" Now everyone's going to think we're gay! "
" Not that there's anything wrong with that... "
" No, not at all... "
"[So, we flash forward to George dropping off Allison. She is mulling over the article that George has given her.]
ALLISON: Yeah? So?
GEORGE: Yeah so??
ALLISON: Well this is nice. They mention your name.
GEORGE: Don't you see what it says here? Don't you understand what that's implying?
ALLISON: No, what?
GEORGE: I'm gay! I'm a gay man! I'm very, very gay.
ALLISON: You're *gay*?
GEORGE: Extraordinarily gay. Steeped in gayness."
I love asking anyone who trashes Pearl Jam who they like. It's way too easy to trash the lives of people who don't like Pearl Jam because its a given they are going to like utter crap.
That's because the alleged humor (jokes) are awful.
It's funny because they are blubbering idiots.