Why doesn't Kerry or Hillary try to cut the funding of the Iraq war?

Day in and day out, we hear Kerry or Hillary (and their ilk) whine about how the troops need to be brought home and the war was a mistake (nevermind that they voted for it)- why don't any of them try cutting the funding of the war?
"If you want peace, be prepared for war."
George Washington
George Washington
Post edited by Unknown User on
So, um, no it's not treason. You'll have to change the First Amendment before you can level that charge.
Dude... don't give anybody any ideas...
If you really listen closely, I don't think either of them have said the war is a mistake and we need to end it. I couldn't find anything quickly on Clinton's site, but Kerry issued this on Aug 3rd:
I might have missed it, but I didn't see any mention of the illegitimacy of the war or ending it. Kerry and most Democrats simply make the point that the Republican administration isn't handling the war correctly. They do it in a round-about way to get the anti-war vote.
Because, the way it'll work... the ones that'll suffer are the soldiers in the field and the Haliburton workers on site. The politicians and the administration won't feel a thing.. neither will the executives at Haliburton.
Hail, Hail!!!
I would love to see them try it - then be branded as "against the troops" and "betraying the men and women in uniform fighting for our freedom!"
He voted against Bush's bill to deficit spend the 2003 Iraq war appropriation, instead calling for a repeal of the tax cuts on the wealthy - and all that got him was a nice chorus of "voting against our troops" by the dumb ass, cheeto eating, American Idol watching american public.
But hey, whats a 10trillion dollar deficit mean nowadays anyway.
i don't know if or where you learned first ammendment law but it doesn't apply here. cutting funds would hurt america. voicing opinion does fall under the first ammendment but taking action does not.
That being said, I do not even know why it's called a war at this point. It's an occupation.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
So the federal government isn't allowed to take actions that would "hurt America"? Have you been paying attention?
when you take an oath to protect the interests of america; then take action to undermine the efforts of america; that is treason.
I don't accept the premise of your arguement.
So, did Bush commit treason when he vetoed the stem cell research funding bill a couple of weeks ago? Did he commit treason when his foreign policy made us unpopular in the global community?
Then calling for an end to the war - even an immediate pullout - is not treason. Nor would putting in a bill to cut funding.
bush didn't start the war. he hasn't the power to. it was congress who voted to go along with his idea.
i believe you have opinions which you base your feelings on; but you clearly don't know or understand the objective.
What objective?
The only objective I can see is perpetual war and a permanent military presence in an area of the world that simply doesn't want us. Reasons? Well, those just blow with the wind.