Cynthia McKinney blames rival Democrat for rigging voting machines!

Gotta love it. Is there ever a Democrat these days that will concede defeat without accusing someone from stealing election from them?
"If you want peace, be prepared for war."
George Washington
George Washington
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George Washington
NO SHIT!!!!!!! I told some others, everyone of these nut jobs want investigations at every turn. How bout investigating their own party.
Hey, how bout the thugs she hangs with? I mean, hell, she smacks the shit out of cops, and her thugs rough up news people. Gotta love the new movement. HAHAHAHAHA
She is right up there with Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise.
I find it hard to believe this woman was even in office to begin with.
That dame's a joke.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Let's consider some evidence first:
Diebold Machines Flip Votes Against Cynthia McKinney
Under relentless assault from the corporate media both nationally and in Atlanta, Rep. Cynthia McKinney beat her primary opponent 47%-45%, but failed to win the 50% needed to avoid an Aug. 8 runoff.
According to Atlanta Progressive News, Diebold machines flipped McKinney votes into votes for her opponent right in front of voters' eyes.
"You've got electronic voting machines. Many people called in and shared their concern. They pushed the button for Cynthia McKinney and Hank Johnson came up. It wasn't one time, it wasn't two times, it was many, many times," Karen Fitzpatrick, who has been monitoring elections for US Rep. McKinney's re-election campaign, told Atlanta Progressive News in an exclusive interview.
Let me repeat: The McKinney Campaign says they have documented complaints of voters here in Georgia whose votes FLIPPED BEFORE THEIR VERY EYES on Diebold machines.
"It started early this morning. There were well over 25 to 30 calls that came in [to the campaign office]. Many of them went to the poll manager [after this happened]. In some cases, the poll managers said there's nothing we can do. In some cases the voter left frustrated as if their vote had been compromised, as if it had been stolen," Fitzpatrick said.
And many voters hadn't even selected the "cast ballot" button yet, when they were told it was already too late, Fitzpatrick said.
"I believe that was their instructions. There's no question in my mind they were following instructions," from the Elections Division under Cathy Cox, she said.
"The zero results report didn't come up zero on many precincts today. Whenever it doesn't come out a zero, that means votes didn't get counted," Fitzpatrick said.
McKinney's campaign showed APN a stack of affidavits from who they say are traumatized voters. APN hopes to interview some of these voters very soon and bring you the details.
McKinney's campaign was boosted by a visit from Cindy Sheehan, who is on the 15th day of her fast against the Iraq War. "She stands for everything I stand for," Sheehan said. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink also campaigned for McKinney. “She’s one of the few people who’s been supportive over the years of the Peace Movement,” Benjamin said. “There’s a growing chasm between Congress and the grassroots movement.”
Georgia's Diebold machines were purchased by Secretary of State Cathy Cox (D), who has ignored years of complaints about the machines by Georgia activists. Many activists believe Sen. Max Cleland's 2002 "defeat" was actually stolen by rigged Diebold machines. In a small measure of justice, Cox lost her gubernatorial primary to Mark Taylor by a margin (52%-44%) too big to steal.
if the repubs weren't inherently so evil, so would their elected officials.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"