Please help -

insomniainsomnia Posts: 1
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
The small community of Tallevast, Florida needs our help. For the past three years, they have been fighting Lockheed Martin. In 2000, the company discovered that a faulty sump at a former beryllium plant had leaked toxins, contaminating the community's water and soil. While Lockheed has agreed to clean up the mess, they refuse to move the residents out of the area.

While preparing to sell property that used to have a berrylium factory in 2000, a broken sump was discovered that had leaked cancer-causing chemicals and industrial solvents into the soil and groundwater.

As required by law, Lockheed informed the government. They did not, however, feel compelled to tell the residents living there. The people of Tallevast did not learn that they were living atop a plume of toxic chemicals and continued drinking the water until 2003 - three years after the problem was discovered.

Because Lockheed owned the property when the contamination was found, they are legally responsible for cleaning up the mess. However, despite agreeing to do the cleanup, the company has refused to relocate the small community of eighty houses, claiming that the contamination poses no risk to the resident's health. Meanwhile, the people living there are seeing increased incidences of various cancers, breathing problems, neurological problems, miscarriages, and unusual nose bleeds. Over the last three years most deaths in the community have been related to throat, stomach, and digestive cancers, while four residents have had to have colostomies - a procedure which connects part of the patient's colon to an external bag designed to collect human waste.

Residents of Tallevast have taken action by filing two lawsuits. But the
residents of Tallevast need to be moved. Not only has it taken a toll on their health and emotional wellbeing, but the contamination has significantly decreased their property value leaving them stranded. Since these people cannot afford to move themselves out of harms way, there needs to be an intervention. According to the Bradenton Herald, Manatee County has agreed to facilitate a buyout of the Tallevast property owners if Lockheed Martin Corp. is willing to help relocate residents. Lockheed has refused.

If you would like to write to Lockheed Martin and the government to urge them to move the people from the area, please visit our site at and click on the Take Action link.
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