Still Believe your Governments? - 'Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False...'

Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun
Veracity of liquid explosives method also put under dubious doubt
Paul Joseph Watson | August 13 2006
Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged
liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London
provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet
deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted
by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.
Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as
having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's
planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to
carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."
According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba
terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated
and funded by the Pakistani ISI.
The Pakistani ISI is a CIA front and controls terror cells at the
discretion of the highest levels of the US military-industrial
complex. This means that the potential mastermind of the liquid bomb
plot, Rashid Rauf (pictured), was operating under the oversight and
direction of Pakistani and by proxy American intelligence agencies.
To understand why the Pakistan link strongly indicates that Thursday
morning's terror alert was a manufactured ruse, it is necessary to
understand the the nexus that connects Pakistani intelligence, the
CIA and terrorist organizations.
In October 2001, under the headline 'Pakistani Intelligence Had Links
to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say,' the New York Times reported, "The
intelligence service of Pakistan, a crucial American ally in the war
on terrorism, has had an indirect but longstanding relationship with
Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American officials."
The ISI has received CIA funds to create and control militant
organizations, including the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in
Funds transferred from Pakistan bankrolled the alleged 9/11 hijackers
before the attack. Ahmad Umar Sheikh wired $100,000 from Karachi to
alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta at the behest of ISI chief
Mahmoud Ahmad. If this isn't a direct link from the ISI to Al-Qaeda
then nothing is.
Porter Goss, later appointed as director of the CIA, was having
breakfast with the money man behind the terrorists as the planes
crashed on the morning of 9/11. Ahmad had also met with top defense
and intelligence officials in Washington in the days before the
attack, including then CIA director George Tenet, Pentagon officials,
and White House personnel.
The fact that the Pakistani financier of the alleged hijackers was
meeting with the top brass of the US government in the week before
the attack was never investigated by the 9/11 Commission.
In addition, alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was
repeatedly protected by the ISI, according to Josef Bodansky, the
director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare.
Defense Intelligence Agency documents dated from 2001 clearly
indicate that the CIA is aware that Pakistan's ISI supports and
bankrolls Al-Qaeda groups but they have deliberately chosen to ignore
the connection.
This rich history of ISI creation and protection of terrorist cells,
allied with the fact that the ISI is a known CIA front, and added to
the revelation that the mastermind of the liquid bomb plot Rashid
Rauf is under ISI control, it is therefore obvious to conclude that
the entire charade was cooked and orchestrated by elements of the
Bush/Blair cabal and sold as promotional propaganda for the increased
surveillance and behavioral control of UK and US citizens.
At the very least, the terror cell had been fully infiltrated for
months - this has already been admitted - and the snap "foiling" of
the attack was coordinated and stage-managed for purposes of
political grandstanding on the part of Bush, Blair and the Neo-
Fascist apparatus that seeks to use the ailing justification of the
war on terror for a future military incursion into Iran.
Another dimension to the indication that we are being fed another
hoax, are reports detailing the alleged plot's links to the 7/7
London bombings.
As this website has exhaustively documented for over a year, the 7/7
bombings and the patsies that were used to take the fall for them,
were controlled and engineered by the British intelligence apparatus.
The alleged ringleader of the attack which targeted three tube trains
and one bus, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was an MI5 informant, according
to former London Metropolitan Police detective and terror expert
Charles Shoebridge. Therefore, in the case of the liquid bomb plot
suspects, any link to the London bombers is a link to MI5.
It is clear that the scope of the attack has been greatly exaggerated
by the British government to maximize fear and subservience
engendered by images of alarmed and frightened airliner passengers.
Doomsday proclamations of ten planes exploding into balls of flames
in mid-air do not correlate with the capacity of the liquid
explosives the alleged terrorists were to use.
The only other example where terrorists used liquid explosives was
the December 1994 Philippines Airline Boeing 747 incident, a dry run
for a bigger plot conducted by Ramzi Youssef.
In this case, Youssef planted the explosives explosives under one of
the seats in the airliner and timed them to detonate after he
disembarked for a connecting flight. The subsequent explosion killed
only the Japanese businessman who was sitting directly above the
bomb. Besides five people with minor injuries, the other 200-plus
passengers were unharmed and the plane landed safely.
Only liquid explosives in large and noticeable amounts can have any
literal chance of "blowing up" a plane in mid-air. Confiscating
pregnant white women's lip gloss is completely insane and proves in
itself that the new airport measures are purely designed to act as a
PR coup for the police state.
In addition, photographs of passengers being ordered to pour liquids
into one single container completely belies the claim that the
alleged terrorists planned to mix the liquids to create the deadly
explosives. If mixing liquids was a key component of the bomb making
process then why are airport security ordering people to mix liquids?
World Affairs Brief editor Joel Skousen highlights prescient
questions about the inconsistencies of the properties of the alleged
liquid explosives in relation to the much vaunted scale of the foiled
"The supposed explosive device this time was a Peroxide-based
explosive, which is mildly explosive and can be prepared from
acetone, hydrogen Peroxide, and an acid catalyst. This type is
claimed by governments to be "widely in use by terrorist groups,"
though we have no known terrorist events where it has been used,
except by one Palestinian terrorist, and then as a detonator only-not
as the main charge. This explosive material is usually known by its
abbreviation TATP (Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide)," writes Skousen.
"Both Peroxide and Acetone are clear liquids, but acetone (laquer
thinner) is easily identifiable by smell and its high rate of
evaporation. Experts indicate it is very unstable and highly unlikely
to be a stand-alone explosive to take down an airliner. The
quantities would have to be large enough to be easily noticed. Thus,
even though this is a theoretical threat, banning all cosmetics and
lotions is stupid and banning all liquids is unnecessary. Only clear
liquids need checking. There is cheap test equipment for TATP, and
simple ways for TSA employees to quickly check for acetone and
Returning to how the latest plot is a mirror image of Operation
Bojinka - the Ramzi Youssef link is also telling because Youssef has
been protected and coddled by the US government at every juncture.
In September of 1992 Youssef entered the US with Ahmad Ajaj. Ajaj's
luggage contained documents on how to make bombs and was stuffed with
fake passports and ID's. Ajaj was arrested - amazingly Youssef was
Youssef later masterminded the WTC '93 bombing with the gracious help
of FBI agents. Having penetrated the group before the bombing, the
FBI's mole, Emad Salem, was told to arm the terror cell with dummy
explosives so a sting operation could ensnare the perpetrators. Salem
was mystified when the orders changed, the sting was called off and
the FBI allowed the bombing to go forward. This was all admitted in
an October 1993 New York Times front page story.
Again, any Operation Bojinka or Ramzi Youssef link in the case of the
liquid bomb plot is a link back to western intelligence agencies.
Within three days of its exposure, Tony Blair and MI5 are already
milking the alleged plot for political purposes in re-introducing the
argument for 90-day detention without charge legislation. Blair
suffered his only defeat to date in the Commons last November when
the bill was shot down by Labour rebels - a humiliating rejection of
the so-called 'liberal' government's feverish bloodlust for
authoritarian control.
Reports of criminal insider trading on airline stocks before the
announcement of the alleged foiled plot, specifically British Airways
stocks, have also started to filter in and will be the subject of a
follow-up investigation.
Stil follow blindly the government line?
Still believe they were right going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
If so, why?
Veracity of liquid explosives method also put under dubious doubt
Paul Joseph Watson | August 13 2006
Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged
liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London
provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet
deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted
by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.
Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as
having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's
planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to
carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."
According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba
terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated
and funded by the Pakistani ISI.
The Pakistani ISI is a CIA front and controls terror cells at the
discretion of the highest levels of the US military-industrial
complex. This means that the potential mastermind of the liquid bomb
plot, Rashid Rauf (pictured), was operating under the oversight and
direction of Pakistani and by proxy American intelligence agencies.
To understand why the Pakistan link strongly indicates that Thursday
morning's terror alert was a manufactured ruse, it is necessary to
understand the the nexus that connects Pakistani intelligence, the
CIA and terrorist organizations.
In October 2001, under the headline 'Pakistani Intelligence Had Links
to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say,' the New York Times reported, "The
intelligence service of Pakistan, a crucial American ally in the war
on terrorism, has had an indirect but longstanding relationship with
Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American officials."
The ISI has received CIA funds to create and control militant
organizations, including the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in
Funds transferred from Pakistan bankrolled the alleged 9/11 hijackers
before the attack. Ahmad Umar Sheikh wired $100,000 from Karachi to
alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta at the behest of ISI chief
Mahmoud Ahmad. If this isn't a direct link from the ISI to Al-Qaeda
then nothing is.
Porter Goss, later appointed as director of the CIA, was having
breakfast with the money man behind the terrorists as the planes
crashed on the morning of 9/11. Ahmad had also met with top defense
and intelligence officials in Washington in the days before the
attack, including then CIA director George Tenet, Pentagon officials,
and White House personnel.
The fact that the Pakistani financier of the alleged hijackers was
meeting with the top brass of the US government in the week before
the attack was never investigated by the 9/11 Commission.
In addition, alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was
repeatedly protected by the ISI, according to Josef Bodansky, the
director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and
Unconventional Warfare.
Defense Intelligence Agency documents dated from 2001 clearly
indicate that the CIA is aware that Pakistan's ISI supports and
bankrolls Al-Qaeda groups but they have deliberately chosen to ignore
the connection.
This rich history of ISI creation and protection of terrorist cells,
allied with the fact that the ISI is a known CIA front, and added to
the revelation that the mastermind of the liquid bomb plot Rashid
Rauf is under ISI control, it is therefore obvious to conclude that
the entire charade was cooked and orchestrated by elements of the
Bush/Blair cabal and sold as promotional propaganda for the increased
surveillance and behavioral control of UK and US citizens.
At the very least, the terror cell had been fully infiltrated for
months - this has already been admitted - and the snap "foiling" of
the attack was coordinated and stage-managed for purposes of
political grandstanding on the part of Bush, Blair and the Neo-
Fascist apparatus that seeks to use the ailing justification of the
war on terror for a future military incursion into Iran.
Another dimension to the indication that we are being fed another
hoax, are reports detailing the alleged plot's links to the 7/7
London bombings.
As this website has exhaustively documented for over a year, the 7/7
bombings and the patsies that were used to take the fall for them,
were controlled and engineered by the British intelligence apparatus.
The alleged ringleader of the attack which targeted three tube trains
and one bus, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was an MI5 informant, according
to former London Metropolitan Police detective and terror expert
Charles Shoebridge. Therefore, in the case of the liquid bomb plot
suspects, any link to the London bombers is a link to MI5.
It is clear that the scope of the attack has been greatly exaggerated
by the British government to maximize fear and subservience
engendered by images of alarmed and frightened airliner passengers.
Doomsday proclamations of ten planes exploding into balls of flames
in mid-air do not correlate with the capacity of the liquid
explosives the alleged terrorists were to use.
The only other example where terrorists used liquid explosives was
the December 1994 Philippines Airline Boeing 747 incident, a dry run
for a bigger plot conducted by Ramzi Youssef.
In this case, Youssef planted the explosives explosives under one of
the seats in the airliner and timed them to detonate after he
disembarked for a connecting flight. The subsequent explosion killed
only the Japanese businessman who was sitting directly above the
bomb. Besides five people with minor injuries, the other 200-plus
passengers were unharmed and the plane landed safely.
Only liquid explosives in large and noticeable amounts can have any
literal chance of "blowing up" a plane in mid-air. Confiscating
pregnant white women's lip gloss is completely insane and proves in
itself that the new airport measures are purely designed to act as a
PR coup for the police state.
In addition, photographs of passengers being ordered to pour liquids
into one single container completely belies the claim that the
alleged terrorists planned to mix the liquids to create the deadly
explosives. If mixing liquids was a key component of the bomb making
process then why are airport security ordering people to mix liquids?
World Affairs Brief editor Joel Skousen highlights prescient
questions about the inconsistencies of the properties of the alleged
liquid explosives in relation to the much vaunted scale of the foiled
"The supposed explosive device this time was a Peroxide-based
explosive, which is mildly explosive and can be prepared from
acetone, hydrogen Peroxide, and an acid catalyst. This type is
claimed by governments to be "widely in use by terrorist groups,"
though we have no known terrorist events where it has been used,
except by one Palestinian terrorist, and then as a detonator only-not
as the main charge. This explosive material is usually known by its
abbreviation TATP (Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide)," writes Skousen.
"Both Peroxide and Acetone are clear liquids, but acetone (laquer
thinner) is easily identifiable by smell and its high rate of
evaporation. Experts indicate it is very unstable and highly unlikely
to be a stand-alone explosive to take down an airliner. The
quantities would have to be large enough to be easily noticed. Thus,
even though this is a theoretical threat, banning all cosmetics and
lotions is stupid and banning all liquids is unnecessary. Only clear
liquids need checking. There is cheap test equipment for TATP, and
simple ways for TSA employees to quickly check for acetone and
Returning to how the latest plot is a mirror image of Operation
Bojinka - the Ramzi Youssef link is also telling because Youssef has
been protected and coddled by the US government at every juncture.
In September of 1992 Youssef entered the US with Ahmad Ajaj. Ajaj's
luggage contained documents on how to make bombs and was stuffed with
fake passports and ID's. Ajaj was arrested - amazingly Youssef was
Youssef later masterminded the WTC '93 bombing with the gracious help
of FBI agents. Having penetrated the group before the bombing, the
FBI's mole, Emad Salem, was told to arm the terror cell with dummy
explosives so a sting operation could ensnare the perpetrators. Salem
was mystified when the orders changed, the sting was called off and
the FBI allowed the bombing to go forward. This was all admitted in
an October 1993 New York Times front page story.
Again, any Operation Bojinka or Ramzi Youssef link in the case of the
liquid bomb plot is a link back to western intelligence agencies.
Within three days of its exposure, Tony Blair and MI5 are already
milking the alleged plot for political purposes in re-introducing the
argument for 90-day detention without charge legislation. Blair
suffered his only defeat to date in the Commons last November when
the bill was shot down by Labour rebels - a humiliating rejection of
the so-called 'liberal' government's feverish bloodlust for
authoritarian control.
Reports of criminal insider trading on airline stocks before the
announcement of the alleged foiled plot, specifically British Airways
stocks, have also started to filter in and will be the subject of a
follow-up investigation.
Stil follow blindly the government line?
Still believe they were right going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
If so, why?
The world's greatest empires progress through this sequence:From bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to liberty;liberty to abundance;abundance to selfishness; selfishness to complacency;complacency to apathy;apathy to dependence;dependency back again into bondage
Post edited by Unknown User on
especially over the nonsense you just posted............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....