if you live in (or near)chicago, and care about the issue...

here's the message in the email (if you guys didn't get it of course) :
Dear ONE Member:
October 15th is just three weeks before the November election and is the day when millions of people from over 30 countries will come together to literally ‘Stand-Up’ against poverty.
Six years ago, the United States came together with 188 nations and agreed to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals which range from halving extreme global poverty, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS, and providing universal primary education by 2015. On October 15th, millions of people around the world will literally Stand-Up to remind their political leaders of their promises to achieve these goals.
ONE is hosting special events in Chicago and six other cities to do just that.
Come out and join me in sending a powerful message to America’s leaders and be a part of setting a world record.
When: Sunday October 15, 7 PM
Where: Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Event Details: At a historic downtown venue in Chicago, ONE supporters will have the opportunity learn about extreme poverty and global AIDS, and will join with fellow advocates in standing up against poverty.
Father Aengus Finucane, Honorary President of Concern Worldwide
Shayne Moore, ONE Supporter
Princess Zulu, AIDS Advocate from Zambia, World Vision
If enough people come out and attend these events, and others like it, we’ll be a part of new entry in the Guinness Book of World Records, "the most people ever standing up," and put the spotlight on the fight against extreme poverty.
Highlights around the country include Stand-Up concerts in Columbus, OH, interfaith services in Louisville, KY, and at an AIDS Walk in Los Angeles, CA. Global highlights include a huge human chain in South Korea, 5,000 dancers leading a Stand-Up in Indonesia, and 1,000 cyclists carrying the "Stand-Up Against Poverty" message across 100km in Sri Lanka.
If you have any questions or for more information, please send me an email at anne@data.org.
Look forward to seeing you there,
Anne Batchelder, ONE.org
Field Coordinator
here the link in case it didn't work up there: http://action.one.org/dia/organizations/one/event/distributedEvent.jsp?event_KEY=1174
hey if you aren't doing anything that night...its a good way to spend a few hours!!
Dear ONE Member:
October 15th is just three weeks before the November election and is the day when millions of people from over 30 countries will come together to literally ‘Stand-Up’ against poverty.
Six years ago, the United States came together with 188 nations and agreed to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals which range from halving extreme global poverty, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS, and providing universal primary education by 2015. On October 15th, millions of people around the world will literally Stand-Up to remind their political leaders of their promises to achieve these goals.
ONE is hosting special events in Chicago and six other cities to do just that.
Come out and join me in sending a powerful message to America’s leaders and be a part of setting a world record.
When: Sunday October 15, 7 PM
Where: Chicago Cultural Center
78 E. Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60602
Event Details: At a historic downtown venue in Chicago, ONE supporters will have the opportunity learn about extreme poverty and global AIDS, and will join with fellow advocates in standing up against poverty.
Father Aengus Finucane, Honorary President of Concern Worldwide
Shayne Moore, ONE Supporter
Princess Zulu, AIDS Advocate from Zambia, World Vision
If enough people come out and attend these events, and others like it, we’ll be a part of new entry in the Guinness Book of World Records, "the most people ever standing up," and put the spotlight on the fight against extreme poverty.
Highlights around the country include Stand-Up concerts in Columbus, OH, interfaith services in Louisville, KY, and at an AIDS Walk in Los Angeles, CA. Global highlights include a huge human chain in South Korea, 5,000 dancers leading a Stand-Up in Indonesia, and 1,000 cyclists carrying the "Stand-Up Against Poverty" message across 100km in Sri Lanka.
If you have any questions or for more information, please send me an email at anne@data.org.
Look forward to seeing you there,
Anne Batchelder, ONE.org
Field Coordinator
here the link in case it didn't work up there: http://action.one.org/dia/organizations/one/event/distributedEvent.jsp?event_KEY=1174
hey if you aren't doing anything that night...its a good way to spend a few hours!!
" Be excellent to each other. " - Bill S. Preston, Esquire