D.A.R.E. to imagine a better future

We all know Bush & Dick have screwed us royal (How did we miss these great porn names?
LA Police Chief Daryl Gates, the founder of D.A.R.E. has done us just as bad.
People have questioned RFK Jr's drug bust in the 80's, as the one obstacle the Repubs would throw in Obama's face.
I ask this of the religious wrong:
Where does the Bible say "Thou Shalt Not Take Drugs".
Let me check. Nope can't find it anywhere.
It's time for this country to forgive us our sins.
Since we couldn't quite comprehend the 10 Commandments, Jesus broke it down to 2. (St Mark 12, 30-31)
1 -"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first commandmment."
2 -"And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commendment greater than these."
LOVE, the 2 greatest commandments. Imagine that. I would love a world that embraces that philosophy.
Now here's a fun fact...
LA Police Chief Daryl Gates, founder of the D.A.R.E. program (..or Drugs Are Really Expensive) ... "gained great notoriety for his controversial rhetoric on many occasions. Some of the most notable examples of this were:
"his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that infrequent or casual drug users "ought to be taken out and shot" because "we're in a war" and even casual drug use is "treason..." (Wikipedia)
That's some heavy stuff, Chief Gates.
Thou Shalt Kill Infrequent or Casual Drug Users.
No wonder this country is messed up. Every child in America has had this man's rhetoric drilled into their minds.
It's time to elect truthful leaders who are not insane.
RFK, Jr. should be VP. At the very least, I hope Senator/future President Obama sees fit to put him in his cabinet. Attorney General would be a good start.
Love & Peace, Lona
LA Police Chief Daryl Gates, the founder of D.A.R.E. has done us just as bad.
People have questioned RFK Jr's drug bust in the 80's, as the one obstacle the Repubs would throw in Obama's face.
I ask this of the religious wrong:
Where does the Bible say "Thou Shalt Not Take Drugs".
Let me check. Nope can't find it anywhere.
It's time for this country to forgive us our sins.
Since we couldn't quite comprehend the 10 Commandments, Jesus broke it down to 2. (St Mark 12, 30-31)
1 -"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first commandmment."
2 -"And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commendment greater than these."
LOVE, the 2 greatest commandments. Imagine that. I would love a world that embraces that philosophy.
Now here's a fun fact...
LA Police Chief Daryl Gates, founder of the D.A.R.E. program (..or Drugs Are Really Expensive) ... "gained great notoriety for his controversial rhetoric on many occasions. Some of the most notable examples of this were:
"his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that infrequent or casual drug users "ought to be taken out and shot" because "we're in a war" and even casual drug use is "treason..." (Wikipedia)
That's some heavy stuff, Chief Gates.
Thou Shalt Kill Infrequent or Casual Drug Users.
No wonder this country is messed up. Every child in America has had this man's rhetoric drilled into their minds.
It's time to elect truthful leaders who are not insane.
RFK, Jr. should be VP. At the very least, I hope Senator/future President Obama sees fit to put him in his cabinet. Attorney General would be a good start.
Love & Peace, Lona
Post edited by Unknown User on
so it's not that big of a deal if Obama causes harm to Palestinians just cause he is being 'truthful' about it?
Also, he's associated with some pretty fringe environmental and water-rights groups. And if you're trying to not be elitist, a Kennedy is the last possible person you would want on a presidential ticket. The man enjoys falconing, for gods' sake.
No, you really wanna screw with people... let Bobby head the EPA
—Dorothy Parker
the head of the EPA should not be a corporate puppet ... at the very least you have someone who actually would look to protect the enivornment ...
Have you ever had to listen to him speak? I never understand what he's saying because he sounds so squeaky and nervous or something. Makes me nervous listening to him.
But that's just me being shallow
No, you're right. Alot of people feel that way. But if you can get past that, you'd find a brilliant mind. Did you catch "The Next President's First Task - Letterman Interview" video that I posted?
I appreciate your reply...most people think I'm getting pretty squeaky too.
Hillary's going to be VP for sure. Obama needs her supporters. Bad.
The Democrats have to win, they're the hope for the future.
McCain. The 5th from the bottom in his class in military college. He's never had a job where he wasn't paid by the gov.
We're in deep if he gets in.