Obama/Kennedy VP? Caroline Kennedy (& Pearl Jam fans!) to decide

Lona LaTonaLona LaTona Posts: 27
edited August 2008 in A Moving Train
Pearl Jam Message Pit is mentioned on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's website. Thank you for getting the word out.

My RFK, Jr Moving Train post ended up there.
Shocked the socks right off me. (Fess up, which one of you guys told?)


It's the 3rd "recent post" on the right side of the page, or it's right below John Edwards' article.


Some people responded well (like you guys) and one lady sent it off to 3,000 people on her mailing list.

Be sure to watch the ABC News video of Caroline Kennedy & Barak Obama


Bobby Jr for Vice Prez!

Peace, Lona
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • sweetpotatosweetpotato Posts: 1,278
    cool, lona! i wasn't the one who tipped them off, but i'm glad someone did. i really, really like rfk, jr (almost as much as i like(d) his dad). i think he'd make an outstanding runningmate and vp.

    my only concern is that there are so many less-than-enlightened americans who hate the kennedys (for various ridiculous reasons, mostly boiling down to envy), that a kennedy on the dem ticket might be the kiss of death for a possible obama presidency. i would hope NOT, but then again i hoped people i knew and loved wouldn't vote for dubya, yet they did. some of them TWICE. >slaps forehead< you can pick your friends, but not your (dumbass) family!
    "Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."

    "Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore

    "i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
    ~ed, 8/7
  • Thanks sweetpotato!

    It's been 40 yrs since Robert F. Kennedy's assassination at the DNC - June 5th 1968. He had just won the nomination of the Democratic Party.

    I know there are many on the board who do not know RFK. He was our great hope. The President who would lead America & realize it's dream for our future, which came so close within reach.

    His sudden and brutal death was the horrifying end to the 60's. Another great man murdered senselessly.

    For his son Bobby Jr. to stay in the public eye and fight for the rights of the true Americans ....is nothing less than courageous.

    Caroline, JFK's daughter, is also one of the strongest voices of all Democrats. She's a fighter for truth and is not afraid.

    She will help make the final decision for Senator Obama's Vice President.

    Whether a Kennedy would want to be Vice President, who knows.

    The Secretary of State job will be up for grabs, as will Attorney General. Senator Obama will appoint his own Cabinet. Flushing the old one out!

    I can't think of anyone better who could re-light the fire of The American Dream which is almost completely been extinguished.
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    It's been 40 yrs since Robert F. Kennedy's assassination at the DNC - June 5th 1968. He had just won the nomination of the Democratic Party.

    1) RFK was not assassinated at the DNC. He was assassinated in the kitchen of a hotel in California, after he won that states primary

    2) RFK had not won the nomination of the Democratic party.
  • LOL, the most liberal ticket in the history of mankind. I wonder if Lenin/Trotsky was as leftist as an Obama/R. Kennedy ticket would be.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • LOL, the most liberal ticket in the history of mankind. I wonder if Lenin/Trotsky was as leftist as an Obama/R. Kennedy ticket would be.

    Actually I think Bush/Cheney is the most leftist... what is more leftist than "neo-conservativism?" Every year it feels like we have to fit into a smaller and smaller box and dissention is greeted with more and more fervor. Social freedoms are endangered and economic freedoms the same, but are disguised by narrative about free trade, open markets, lower corporate taxes which just give more power to the elite. The distinction between far-left and far-right can sometimes be blurry. Obama/Kennedy would be more of a "center-left" ticket.
    Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
  • 1) RFK was not assassinated at the DNC. He was assassinated in the kitchen of a hotel in California, after he won that states primary

    2) RFK had not won the nomination of the Democratic party.

    I stand corrected.

    My best regards to the Board. It's been a great pleasure to have spent a few weeks with alot of good people!

    Love & Peace,
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    I stand corrected.

    My best regards to the Board. It's been a great pleasure to have spent a few weeks with alot of good people!

    Love & Peace,

    Why are you leaving? Not feeling the whole "Pearl Jam" side of the board?
  • LOL, the most liberal ticket in the history of mankind. I wonder if Lenin/Trotsky was as leftist as an Obama/R. Kennedy ticket would be.


    Obama aside, what about RFK was so "leftist"?
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 49,569
    I stand corrected.

    My best regards to the Board. It's been a great pleasure to have spent a few weeks with alot of good people!

    Love & Peace,

    dont let the door hit you on the way out.
  • Actually I think Bush/Cheney is the most leftist... what is more leftist than "neo-conservativism?" Every year it feels like we have to fit into a smaller and smaller box and dissention is greeted with more and more fervor. Social freedoms are endangered and economic freedoms the same, but are disguised by narrative about free trade, open markets, lower corporate taxes which just give more power to the elite. The distinction between far-left and far-right can sometimes be blurry. Obama/Kennedy would be more of a "center-left" ticket.

    Great post :)
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • This is meant for Sweet Potato in reference to your signature line...

    I love RFK Jr., too. I'm a 36 year mother and teacher. But, I will vote for Nader b/c his stance on vital issues has never waivered. He's not for sale. Obama sold out to big coal year after year yet now claims he's for the environment. That doesn't get my vote. Wow, I guess I'm cool and alternative now!
    Springfield, MA 1994
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