Robert F. Kennedy, Jr for Obama's Vice President

Hi guys,
Sorry I haven't posted since 7/06, but I feel this topic is extremely urgent....
Senator Obama is about to choose a running mate soon. Last I heard it was possibly a Gov. Tim Cain. Personally, I have never heard of him.
It suddenly occured to me that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, JR.) would be the perfect running mate. He is an activist, and environmentalist, Time magazine voted him as one of “Heroes for the Planet” ...a Pearl Jam fans' dream candidate!
Please check out his website.
Last night, I wrote to Senator Obama recommending he choose Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for his running mate for Vice President.
Today, I wrote Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and FW'd the same letter I wrote Senator Obama....and asking him if it was okay to throw his name in.
Today, I called Obama Campaign Headquarters and actually talked to a real live person! The HQ phone number is 1-866-675-2008...Press "6" to talk to some very nice people.
The lady I spoke with was very surprised at my choice, and also very excited. RFK, Jr's cousin Caroline Kennedy, is working on the Obama Campaign.
She quickly got my recommendation off to her supervisor, who wrote back almost immediately.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, who ran for President in 1968 and Nephew of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Ted Kennedy.
RFK, Jr also hosts a radio show on Air America "Ring of Fire" Sundays.
Then, PLEASE call Obama Headquarters and overwhelm them with phone calls!
This is the first time I have ever got involved in politics....but I feel this strongly about our future.
Watch Emileo Estevez's movie "Bobby" to find out more about his father.
Sorry I haven't posted since 7/06, but I feel this topic is extremely urgent....
Senator Obama is about to choose a running mate soon. Last I heard it was possibly a Gov. Tim Cain. Personally, I have never heard of him.
It suddenly occured to me that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK, JR.) would be the perfect running mate. He is an activist, and environmentalist, Time magazine voted him as one of “Heroes for the Planet” ...a Pearl Jam fans' dream candidate!
Please check out his website.
Last night, I wrote to Senator Obama recommending he choose Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for his running mate for Vice President.
Today, I wrote Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and FW'd the same letter I wrote Senator Obama....and asking him if it was okay to throw his name in.
Today, I called Obama Campaign Headquarters and actually talked to a real live person! The HQ phone number is 1-866-675-2008...Press "6" to talk to some very nice people.
The lady I spoke with was very surprised at my choice, and also very excited. RFK, Jr's cousin Caroline Kennedy, is working on the Obama Campaign.
She quickly got my recommendation off to her supervisor, who wrote back almost immediately.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, who ran for President in 1968 and Nephew of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Ted Kennedy.
RFK, Jr also hosts a radio show on Air America "Ring of Fire" Sundays.
Then, PLEASE call Obama Headquarters and overwhelm them with phone calls!
This is the first time I have ever got involved in politics....but I feel this strongly about our future.
Watch Emileo Estevez's movie "Bobby" to find out more about his father.
Post edited by Unknown User on
1. He's not a politician. And while that is pretty much a compliment, it is probably not in Obama's best interest to go for someone that is also viewed as inexperienced.
2. He's an environmentalist. People want clean air and water, but they don't really want to change their lifestyles for it. And he may be willing to say that we should. He'll be accused of being "anti-business" because he wrote how it's bad to dump toxic waste in a kiddie pool or something. And as soon as it is found out that he owns a car, has central air or has ever flown on an airplane, the hypocrisy charges start flying.
I like your guy, but he will not help Obama win.
I agree with him on some of the environmental stuff, but he also has aligned himself with a lot of the "eco-terrorist" crowd. And, based on the time that I met him, his voice alone would make him unelectable. Croaking frogs have sounded better.
—Dorothy Parker
as far as the environment goes - we don't need environementalists as VP ... that position is useless (see Al Gore) ... i'm much rather see RFK as governor of a state ...
Uncle Leo - at least you gave him a read. "People don't want to change their lifestyles" is exactly what Al Gore is proposing we try to do.
Polaris - "people aren't really interested in change" yet that is exactly what Obama's platform is.
godpt3 - you met him... "his voice in unelectable" He has a rare condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which causes the vocal chords to quiver.
It didn't stop him from speaking at Live Earth last summer.
the only change people really want is the face of the president ... ask people to conserve energy and resources for the sake of the planet and all bets are off ...
that is the sad truth ... RFK will do more for the planet in his role now than as a VP of the corporation known as the US government ...
we have his private cell phone # in the office rolodex
—Dorothy Parker
godpt3 - Thank you. I'll consider your generous offer.
I've heard tell of a recent meeting between the two, regarding the swing vote states. Thousands of new voter registrations have been deleted/purged. Voters who've been foreclosed, are also at risk.
RFK, Jr. is investigating this atrocity and brought it to the Senator's attention.
Republicans are working hard to destroy every freedom this country holds dear.