Restore the Rule of Law

Restore the Rule of Law
Prominent Constitutional law experts believe President Bush has engaged in at least, five categories of repeated, defiant “high crimes and misdemeanors”, which separately or together would allow Congress to subject the President to impeachment under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. The sworn oath of members of Congress is to uphold the Constitution. Failure of the members of Congress to pursue impeachment of President Bush is an affront to the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the people of the United States.
In addition to a criminal war of aggression in Iraq, in violation of our constitution, statutes and treaties, there are the arrests of thousands of Americans and their imprisonment without charges, the spying on Americans without juridical warrant, systematic torture, and the unprecedented wholesale, defiant signing statements declaring that the President, in his unbridled discretion, is the law.
In 2005, a plurality of the American people polled declared that they would favor impeachment of President Bush if it was shown that he did not tell the truth about the reasons for going to War in Iraq. Congress should use its authority under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to officially determine what President Bush knew before going to war in Iraq.
For more information on how you can help build a national, grassroots initiative to investigate and disclose any crimes by the Bush Administration go to This website contains valuable information and allows for you to send a letter to your members of Congress, asking them to pursue the Rule of Law.
(Ralph Nader)
Prominent Constitutional law experts believe President Bush has engaged in at least, five categories of repeated, defiant “high crimes and misdemeanors”, which separately or together would allow Congress to subject the President to impeachment under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. The sworn oath of members of Congress is to uphold the Constitution. Failure of the members of Congress to pursue impeachment of President Bush is an affront to the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the people of the United States.
In addition to a criminal war of aggression in Iraq, in violation of our constitution, statutes and treaties, there are the arrests of thousands of Americans and their imprisonment without charges, the spying on Americans without juridical warrant, systematic torture, and the unprecedented wholesale, defiant signing statements declaring that the President, in his unbridled discretion, is the law.
In 2005, a plurality of the American people polled declared that they would favor impeachment of President Bush if it was shown that he did not tell the truth about the reasons for going to War in Iraq. Congress should use its authority under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to officially determine what President Bush knew before going to war in Iraq.
For more information on how you can help build a national, grassroots initiative to investigate and disclose any crimes by the Bush Administration go to This website contains valuable information and allows for you to send a letter to your members of Congress, asking them to pursue the Rule of Law.
(Ralph Nader)
Post edited by Unknown User on
ive figured out what that 13 means in your name
he he he...:D
I figured out your a fraud.
Interesting. You could just disagree, or disregard the article instead of acting like an a--hole.
Why did you choose that path?
Did it fill in some insecurities today?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
what is with you lately taking the high almighty path? since I've been here you have done nothing BUT act like an ahole. all of your responses are immature yet you have the audacity to say people are immature around here. the thread maker makes constant rips at people for reading .COM sites. yet here he is posting one. yea, I dont feel bad for calling him out.
Actually our entire government has, for a great many years, been in defiance of the Constitution.
I'm assuming that your comment was in reference to him obtaining that article on the internet. When in fact the article, as well as the OP, are correct..
no, I find it ironic that the OP posted a .com site. I guess he only thinks they are ok when they fit his agenda. I'm sure the article is just fine.
what does this even mean??
Oh ok... old wound for you... I see..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Point taken but that still doesn't dicredit the legitemacy of what the article states.
first i would like to say... you don't know what ironic means apparently.
that article is taken from NADER.ORG ... it isnt NADER.COM
if you want to be clueless on society and the reality in which it operates fine... stop coming into my threads and posting childish bullshit.
you didnt even read the article and you post on it... wtf is that??
i will gladly accept my ban moderators, but i really think you should examine your policies and realize there are much greater offences in this post than me writing ''ya fucking moron''
are you saying everyone here is a retard...?
kinda harsh, don't a think..?
enjoy your ban
damn you are special.
Well you just outed yourself and proved you are in fact a secret operative.
The boss ain't gonna be happy. I'll try to put in a good word for you at headquarters.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Attack the poster not the what you did.
Man this place is so friggin lame from this type of mentality.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
its how I operate
and of course there has to be a fact and opinion section.
Hooray on topic!
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
One meaning is an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated, which seems to fit. You had a bizare tirade against .com links because they're trying to sell you something, then you post a .com link.
Maybe, but the link you typed was so there's your .com. Do you really not see the irony in what you posted yesterday vis-a-vis today?
We all have an agenda
It is a true sign of compassion that you are merely trying to enlighten fucking retards out of the goodness of your heart. Thanks so much!
nope thats not irony..keep trying though.
when i said fucking retards (i shouldnt have to say this...but guess what... i wasnt talking about every single person who has ever posted on this site) just the select few who attack me and my threads with no knowledge..
also i will state again...
that is from NADER.ORG... those are not my words and that is not my link..
i made it clear.. that listing .COM sites as references to fact IS NOT A GOOD IDEA
lol... is this ENGLISH?
nothing in my original thread is wrong.. it was taken and given credit to NADER.. and i heppen to think its hold truth and fact.. not opinion, for its not a writers attempt to push skewed visions on anyone.
if the skeptics here and can't see this i dont know what to tell you... but i wont reply to any more of these comments...
its frustrating to me because you guys arent understanding concepts...its an elementary idea... im not a not getting payed for this so... i wont reply to it any more... its a waste of time and thought.
Yup, it is, even if you don't understand it.
Almost. In English it would be "You don't know what you're talking about."
so ever since you've become an admitted anti-semite you are talking the high road huh?
heres an idea. stop bashing people for reading .COM sites and then make a thread telling people to go to exactly that.....a .COM site! you are one of the most disrespectful people here. you have some growing up to do. seriously.