Proof that Iran and Syria are responsible?

have they proved it was an iran/syria orchestrated assasination...i really dont feel like going on cnn rightn ow..lately their stories are half truths... kinda dumb...but Bush is making accusations or fact??
and if accusations...why? and why Israel and Not Iran/Syria..
and why Iraq and not Kuwait....?
and if accusations...why? and why Israel and Not Iran/Syria..
and why Iraq and not Kuwait....?
Post edited by Unknown User on
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
It's also interesting how Hezbollah have joined in the condemnation, and are calling for an investigation. I didn't think 'terrorists' did things like that?!
"have they proved it was an iran/syria orchestrated assasination...i really dont feel like going on cnn rightn ow..lately their stories are half truths... kinda dumb...but Bush is making accusations or fact??
and if accusations...why? and why Israel and Not Iran/Syria..
and why Iraq and not Kuwait....?"
Monday, 13 November 2006
Iran and Syria urged to help Iraq
Iran and Iraq Plan Historic Meeting
Iraq, Syria agree to restore relations
Bush: Syria and Iran trying to destabilize Lebanon
Divide and concur. Keep them divided. It's amazing how all the "groups" over there have been kept so separated.
In essence, the Bush Administration's decisions and actions regarding Iraq may, quite possibly, lead to Iran's greater influence in the region. Not quite the outcome I would expect an American to accept. I, personally, believe it is not a god thing... Ayatollah Khomeni's desire to influence or control the Shi'ia majority Iraq... handed to him by the Great Satan himself.
I believe this will be George W. Bush's legacy... Iraq. The people who follow will have to deal with this mess.
Hail, Hail!!!
I was going to write you a private message but I'm going to make this public. I owe you the biggest fucking apology ever Cosmo. I remember when the first talk of war was brought up, getting into an argument with you about how we SHOULD be going to iraq. That saddam needed to be taken care of. I was too fucking young and too fucking stupid and never should have argued on something that where the only information I had was prepackaged by the media. I am very sorry for not listening to you and even more sorry for blindly following a leader who never knew what the fuck he was doing.
Dude... no problem. Water under the bridge. No apologies needed.
And don't feel bad... a LOT of Americans were fooled by this thing. It was packaged, marketed and sold to us rather convincingly. We place our faith in government to do the right thing, because that is what they are supposed to do. Fucking Mushroom Clouds over America and Anthrax in our Malls is fucking scary... until you realize the man telling you all of this is so full of shit, it's coming out of his ears.
Anyway... I should be the one apologising to you. It is supposed to be my generation making the next generation's lives easier and better. I have a bad feeling that we are leaving you a fucked up pile of shit and a huge bill to go with it. Sorry, dude.
Hail, Hail!!!
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
**shakes head at sheer naivete of some people**
Good post.
Doesn't make me feel good, but I think its basically accurate. Bush let these reprehensible people come off looking like heroes.
the fact that you are willing to admit your mistake is huge! i still see a lot of people try to defend their initial support for war. Humility is a lost art nowadays...
that's absolutely correct. and, it will not only lead to a hard(er) line Iran, but it will lead to a hard line iraq. Hamas scored a huge "democratic" victory in their election as well. people are running on an anti american platform, and winning!
great job dubya!
To me... it's scary fucking shit. I don't trust Syria and I sure as HELL don't trust Iran.
I think it was possible to get a greater influence on the Middle East prior to our little shoot 'em up adventure in Iraq. Now... we are in a tough... tough situation. We are being FORCED to recognize Syria and Iran as players... which means we have to negotiate with them. And they have the upper hand, being in the region, not across the ocean. They have a better understanding of the culture, religion, customs and language.
This whole scheme was half-baked at best. I wish George W. had sought advice from his Dad, rather than asking and listening to Jesus on this one.
Hail, Hail!!!
Get over your whole lib/con crap. See things through your own eyes, not bill orielly.