This is what they are teaching writers sell out and make comments like the article seen here.
i especially love the line ''the car you drive best represents your personality''
do these writers get paid by car dealerships or companies to write this stuff? does anyone know...
This is what they are teaching writers sell out and make comments like the article seen here.
i especially love the line ''the car you drive best represents your personality''
do these writers get paid by car dealerships or companies to write this stuff? does anyone know...
Post edited by Unknown User on
you have to click on the link and read the article.
the link is the highlighted part of this thread and it takes you to a news story.. and i made this thread to talk about that article.
thanks for your inquiry
nice retort, except the article has nothing to do with college. as a matter of fact, i didn't feel like reading the boring article, so i did a search of the page. turns out the word "college" doesn't appear in the article at all. you loose.
wrong again grammar boy.... im tight..... you loose in skills homey
You're not your job.
You're not how much money you have in the bank.
You're not the car you drive.
You're not the contents of your wallet.
You're not your fucking khakis.
i read it. there was no mention of college. it had to do with ceo's.
so again, what does this have to do with college?
oh, i'd say you've got something loose alright.
Cos it's time to settle the score
The poor can't take no more
Babylon rotten to the core
The shitstem run by a whore
We nah go bow come we settle the score
maybe students should realize that it's their tuition fees, admin costs, etc and that YOU have more influence in the direction your acadamia veers...
you pay the wages and support the are the core; and you make great strides. for today is what will mold the future...
just a thought...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
then perhaps he could have said that, instead of posting cryptic links, spouting self-aggrandizing bullshit half sentences, and then running out of here to hide rather than trying to debate or explain the merits of his views. but i suppose it's asking too much to expect that from macguyver. after all, we all know just how he likes to operate: try to pull something out of nothing (aka his ass).
imagine a message board you like going to because it makes you think about thinks you normally wouldnt think about.. what a concept.
think about thinks? im more than happy to think, i still see no connection between the thread subject and the article. perhaps im dense. why dont you step down off those lofty heights where your brain functions at a level superior to all the rest of us and share with us poor ignorant peasants your incredible wisdom and intellect? teach me, oh enlightened one, how to make connections that do not exist.
I'm missing the connect between this article and college.
the university psychology teacher says..of all things that can be obtained..a car tells you most about someones personality..
this leads me to believe that the guy who said that actually believes this...or is this an add for oil...or vehicles??
you mean to tell me my personality can be summed up because i drive a Jeep??
your personality can be summed up by driving around in a ford fiesta???
Dahmer drove an oldsmobile...should we be going after these people
cheers to the pearl jam community...
i still think that perhaps there is a link, you just have to view with an open heart...
ceo's do have a lot more to do with college than you would like perhaps to admit...the future lies in your hands...
shake a hand; shake a hand.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
While I don't think that you can summarize a person by the care they drive, I do believe that it does say something about them. Just like the clothes you buy/wear. They don't define who you are but they do tell people a bit about who you are.
but when you are a CEO, your vehicular options are not limited to a pontiac sunfire
....anyway, i'm still trying to figure out what the article has to do with college.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
He makes the connection in his opening remarks -- college and how writers are taught to write crappy articles like the one he linked. Read it again and apologize for rushing to be an ass.
Good point. It would've made more sense to me if I would've read the article first. I was at work though when I saw this post so I'll use that as my excuse. O_O;;