If all our war weapons and Money are now...

focused in the desert do we have enough money and weapons for wars on different terrain...like ice... or the cold... the north... the jungle....
with these thoughts..
does anyone else think maybe we are being setup in the middle east..
with these thoughts..
does anyone else think maybe we are being setup in the middle east..
Post edited by Unknown User on
so im guessing you dont think it could be a setup somehow?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
im gonna try and make this not sound like a personal attack.
are you aware of whats going on in Iraq in relation to what the situation was like when we first got there
I am well aware of what the conditions in Iraq are like. I am also aware of how are military resources are stretched dangeriously thin, but what you may not be aware of is that there is no country on this planet that would even consider invading us so we are in no danger from that. So with this information in hand I know there is no secret diabolical plan to bog down our troops in the Middle East so we are helpless when said evil country decides to invade our homeland.
Knowing is half the battle.
your paragraph contains what im saying....but you arent putting it together...consider this
if you cant overtake an obviously superior object in wealth weapons and numbers. what are the alternatives..
this is your setup fool...USE YOUR BRAIN...you arent dead. and you are not aware of the conditions and i will tell you why...
also.. you remember what fox news called the march into baghdad
it was unopposed...YOU KNOW WHY?
lemme tell you
THEY UNKNOWN PEOPLES who are killing us and more is about to hit the oven and its very close! they wanted us there.
why the fuck do you think the place was an anthill once we go tther?
The country or the movie?
or both!!...(evil laugh)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well just to clarify something my ex brother in law was there. My older brother's brother in law just finished his third tour there. Several of my ex brother in laws friend where there, and my nephew is there now. So while I never set foot in Iraq, coincidentally neither have you, I know enough people who have been there, multiple times I may add, and who are currently there to at least have a general understanding of what it's like on the ground. So I am using my brain, but thanks for your concern anyways.
I do love though how you state that I don't know what I'm talking about because I'm not there but for some unexplained magical reason you, who by the way are not there either, do know. This thread just reeks of stupidity, hence why I my first post was so ridiculously stupid in nature because posting an intelligent well thought out response would have been a waste of my time.
or maybe Norway. I think those damn Vikings want their land in north america back. You can't trust those Norwegians.
This is precious! One of the most scrambled MT posters telling one of the most thoughtful MT posters to use his brain. Classic!
This is the type of scramble I'm talking about. What does it mean?
They must have some top notch weed down in Orlando.
is there some sort of novelty of being ignorant?
its not speculation that our troops were ambushed in iraq is it? or are people still not in the know of this
simple terms
the people killing us in iraq wanted us there.
You're on to something with this. If they strapped spy cameras and explosives to trained attack penguins...naval support is a thing of the past.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Honestly I have no clue. I was hoping you would know the answer to that one.
No people knew that this was going to happen. The only people that didn't know, or publically refused to acknowledge, where the ones who sent our troops there in the first place. No one was suprised by the insurgency or the amount of foreign fighters swarming into the country to fight our troops. Every military analyst stated as much in the lead up to the invasion. So you are not enlightening us to some new revelation here, it's old news.
you understand why you call them insurgents and foreign fighters right
so you want me to believe you knew the insurgents and foreign fighters were coming, but 6 years later y ou still dont know who they are
you are trying to get people on this board to believe that.. your fooling yourself..why?
Well you are talking about two different entities there. Insurgents are Iraqies who want to expell American, and foreign, troops from their land. The foreign jihadist are there to simply kill Americans, their allies, and any Iraqies who may be aiding the American forces.
I know who they are. Let me break it down for you since you seem to be having a hard time putting your mind around this. There are basically three seperate forces in Iraq fighting our troops right now. All three have one thing in common and that is that they fucking hate us. First you have Shi'ite militias, like that of Muqtada Al Sadar's Mehti Army. Next you have the Sunni or Baathist insurgents, those that where loyal to Saddam like the Saddam Fedayeen. Lastly you have the foreign fighters like Al Qaida in Iraq. Three seperate groupings which have some cooperation between them. All three have different agendas though. The Shi'ite militias are loyal to their warlord and are there to carry out his agenda. The Sunni/Baathist insurgents want to restore themselves to power and the jihadist (foreign fighters) are answering Bin Laden's call to go and kill infadels. I hope you are keeping up.
Prior to our invasion, in the weeks leading up to it, Bin Laden put out a call to all muslims to travel to Iraq to help fight the foreign infadels (that's us). So we knew that there would be foreign fighters entering Iraq to stir shit up, it was all over the media. Second, there where several military analysts, some where retired generals, who stated that the Iraqi military would be easy the problem would be the occupation because of an insurgency. Again this was all over the media. So to answer your question yes we did know, because there where plenty of people tellings us, that we would be facing a troublesome insurgency once we occupied Iraq. It was no secret. Even the Army war college recommended that we needed at least 300,000 troops on the ground to deal with uprisings and insurgencies, but the brilliant minds in the Pentagon and White House didn't listen.
To wrap this little lesson up, you can either believe me or keep believing what you do it really doesn't matter to me. What you do with this valuable information I have bestowed upon you is up to you. You can use it, absord it and become a wiser man or you can discard it and keep living in blissfull ignorance.
4.bin ladens militia.
that clears things up..thanks
Why do I bother to help those that are clearly unable to comprehend what I offer.
wait wait..did i get that wrong are they not the 4 i listed?
No. Our Integrated Defense Systems are pretty much all-weather/all-terrain. There is still trainning facilities that teach our soldiers how to fight in wooded areas, open terrain and close urban environments.
Hail, Hail!!!