Democrat and Republican Party people read this.

are you voting for these people because you believe they are the ones that have the only real chance of winning?
Im questioning this because I hear this a lot, '' I don't want to throw my vote away.''
is this the thinking behind voting for candidates who accept millions on top of millions of dollars from corporations?
do you guys think the money is coming from private citizen donations?
If you are happy with the way things are going in this country I can see why someone would vote for these 2 parties... but if you arent... are you aware that all branches of our government are made up of Democrats and republicans... not one or the other.... its both.. now that being clarified, how can you be tricked again.. its only been 4 years since the last election.. and it was 4 years before that...
how long must corporations rule in this country?
how long until people turn off their tvs... and start to think..
these guys in the democrat and republican parties are talking change.... so why arent they abandoning their parties and hoisting a new party who prides itself on principles, values and the ability to do right AND WIN.
how many good presidents are being swept out the door.. why you guys THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY to a party who has long since vanished with your country.
No Country for old Parties.
Im questioning this because I hear this a lot, '' I don't want to throw my vote away.''
is this the thinking behind voting for candidates who accept millions on top of millions of dollars from corporations?
do you guys think the money is coming from private citizen donations?
If you are happy with the way things are going in this country I can see why someone would vote for these 2 parties... but if you arent... are you aware that all branches of our government are made up of Democrats and republicans... not one or the other.... its both.. now that being clarified, how can you be tricked again.. its only been 4 years since the last election.. and it was 4 years before that...
how long must corporations rule in this country?
how long until people turn off their tvs... and start to think..
these guys in the democrat and republican parties are talking change.... so why arent they abandoning their parties and hoisting a new party who prides itself on principles, values and the ability to do right AND WIN.
how many good presidents are being swept out the door.. why you guys THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY to a party who has long since vanished with your country.
No Country for old Parties.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
you dont know what youre talking about and its due to the years and years of brainwashing thats been going on. im sorry to inform you about this.. corruption spawns from open ends and corrupt people only... if you arent corrupt.. YOU CANT BE CORRUPTED
you should look at the list of candidates running for president... think about the most important issues facing the country today... read what the candidate thinks about it.. what he plans to do.. or what he/she has already done in the past... than you cast your vote... its very easy to do..
however.. people running would have you believe this is the process
think about who is the most electable candidate (watch tv)
decide if you are conservative or more liberal
vote for the democrat or republican because they have the real chance of winning..
completely blind to the fact that the reason all three of these tv candidates (ONE OF THEM ISNT EVEN GONNA BE A CANDIDATE SOON) have the ''green'' issues that they have is largely ddue to past elections and third party ideas.
so why not rather than silencing candidates that are running... why not have the media cover all the candidates on an equal playing field...
Besides that, I don't care for Ron Paul and can't take him seriously as a candidate. I agree with some of what he stands for, and I think proportional representation, a multi-party system, and a run-off election would be fantastic... but I don't find him very inspiring. Plus, I doubt I could get passed his abortion views. McCain is more pro-choice. Seriously.
Nader... I respect and love the man, but I have a bad taste in my mouth that isn't going away soon. And now that I step back and reassess, I don't think he would be a great president anyway.
Barack doesn't take $ from special/corporate interests, and he offers enough of a change from typical Washington politics that it pretty much renders null the whole reason I would consider voting for a 3rd party candidate in the first place.
Plus, he actually has a chance to win. Paul or Nader, at best, could only hope for *maybe* 3% of the popular vote in November. I say pick the best candidate who can actually win, or you might end up with the worst.
I'm biased, but I think to a large degree Obama has been preaching this. He has a D by his name because his personal views mostly line up with those of the Democratic platform, but he's spoken at length about how this isn't a country of red states and blue states, but the United States. He's campaigned heavily on the idea of working with both sides of the aisle, etc. For a two-party candidate, he's about as 3rd party as I think you can get...
Thank you.
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
then we stop voting for them too...see how that works. Accountability. This would work too because they would be much less likely to become corrupt if we started acting like it mattered to us and it started costing them their jobs.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I dont see how. Other than his words, his record is pretty much the same old crap. What stands out to you?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde