Well, I was starting to side with the Dems cause I thought they may help get our troops home, but they have no balls.
Where are my third party candidates?
does anyone know which candidate has more backers? I already know the polls on the "top tier" folks, but does anyone know who, out of just Paul and Kucinich, has the most support in the polls? If it was a general election between the two, who do you all believe would win, and why? And why do you think they are running on a Dem or Repub ticket instead of an indie?
...But House Republican leader John Boehner said Congress needs to provide money for U.S. troops to continue fighting "terrorists" in Iraq, where al Qaeda-linked Islamic militants have taken root since the U.S. invasion in 2003.
Boehner, of Ohio, choked back sobs as he invoked al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.
"After 3,000 of our fellow citizens died, when are we going to stand up and take them on?" he said. "When are we going to defeat them? Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, if we don't do it now, and if we don't have the courage to defeat this enemy, we will long, long regret it."
Somebody needs to take this wimp to the woodshed and teach him a lesson.
you mean mitt 'we don't need to stop guantanamo, we need to double guantanamo!!!!' romney???
as to the original post...you will find no salvation in 99.9% of the politicians w/ a R or D next to their name, it seems
and for the dems the top 3 seem to be
edwards (who attened a bilderberg meeting or 2)
and obama
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
As an answer to the thread title question, and for everyone's general information, here are the Senate Democrats that voted against this funding:
Boxer (CA), Clinton (NY), Dodd (CT), Feingold (WI), Kennedy (MA), Kerry (MA), Leahy (VT), Obama (IL), Whitehouse (RI), Wyden (OR)
And here are the Senate Republicans:
Burr (NC), Coburn (OK), Enzi (WY)
I'm really disgusted with our elected Dems. :(
You're right Chris1401, they have no balls!!!
It's interesting when you click on state/territory...The Red states still predominantly win with their un-moving conservative mentality.
Sucks for me. I looked at the roll call, and the only Louisiana politician of either house that voted against this is Dollar Bill Jefferson - Mr. Freeze himself. That's who I have to stand beside? Still doesn't make me wish I voted for him.
does anyone know which candidate has more backers? I already know the polls on the "top tier" folks, but does anyone know who, out of just Paul and Kucinich, has the most support in the polls? If it was a general election between the two, who do you all believe would win, and why? And why do you think they are running on a Dem or Repub ticket instead of an indie?
Without question, it's Paul. His support on the Internet is arguably stronger than any candidate (including the top-tier people).
Paul is running on the Republican ticket because he is a Republican. This idea that Repubs are hawks Dems are doves came about very, very recently. Up until 911, it was always the Dems who supported war and foreign intervention. American citizens are quick to forget history and just take it for granted that one party is one way and the other party another.
In fact, the only reason why some Dems oppose Bush is beacause he is a member of the opposition party. Many of Bush's policies (I'm talking about more than just the war--think education, govt spending) represent what have traditionally been Democrat principles.
This idea that Repubs are hawks Dems are doves came about very, very recently. Up until 911, it was always the Dems who supported war and foreign intervention. American citizens are quick to forget history and just take it for granted that one party is one way and the other party another.
I mean, the whole thing, but this part especially. Interesting to note that Mr. Paul was 1 of only 2 House GOP to vote No on the War Funding Bill.
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
-The Duke
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Somebody needs to take this wimp to the woodshed and teach him a lesson.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The terists are comin'!
- Rudy Judy
- Dubya
- M.C. McCain
- Mitt "Ji HAD" Flopney
you mean mitt 'we don't need to stop guantanamo, we need to double guantanamo!!!!' romney???
as to the original post...you will find no salvation in 99.9% of the politicians w/ a R or D next to their name, it seems
and for the dems the top 3 seem to be
edwards (who attened a bilderberg meeting or 2)
and obama
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Boxer (CA), Clinton (NY), Dodd (CT), Feingold (WI), Kennedy (MA), Kerry (MA), Leahy (VT), Obama (IL), Whitehouse (RI), Wyden (OR)
And here are the Senate Republicans:
Burr (NC), Coburn (OK), Enzi (WY)
And one Independent:
Sanders (VT)
There are far too many names to list in the House, so here's a link:
Scroll down and click on either Republican or Democratic to see who voted what way.
You're right Chris1401, they have no balls!!!
It's interesting when you click on state/territory...The Red states still predominantly win with their un-moving conservative mentality.
Without question, it's Paul. His support on the Internet is arguably stronger than any candidate (including the top-tier people).
Paul is running on the Republican ticket because he is a Republican. This idea that Repubs are hawks Dems are doves came about very, very recently. Up until 911, it was always the Dems who supported war and foreign intervention. American citizens are quick to forget history and just take it for granted that one party is one way and the other party another.
In fact, the only reason why some Dems oppose Bush is beacause he is a member of the opposition party. Many of Bush's policies (I'm talking about more than just the war--think education, govt spending) represent what have traditionally been Democrat principles.
I mean, the whole thing, but this part especially. Interesting to note that Mr. Paul was 1 of only 2 House GOP to vote No on the War Funding Bill.
-The Duke