Is there a Global Jihad?

So darkcrow done got his thread shut down (Bomb Israel), but not before stating:
That was in my response to my glib, "Um the folks trying to kill Israelis are the same ones killing in Darfur...."
Is there a Global Jihad? [a militant one, I'm all for the internal one] Al Qaeda wants us to believe there is. They want to be perceived as leading the Islam vs Western Civilization War. They realized their efforts at Muslim vs Muslim were not playing well, so they took us on to try and harness the support of the entire Muslim world -- then in the end (just like Hezbollah has recently said) they can settle the score with their "friends." I'm sure they'd want the Caliphate to be Sunni as much as Shiite want that gig.
But Darkcrow rightly points out that they're all upset with one another as well, Shiite vs Sunni, Iran vs Saudi, etc etc. So there's no Global Jihad?
Well wait -- if the point of the militant jihad is global domination, submission to Islam, doesn't matter if they're "coordinated" or not, they can all just do their little piece and it all adds up to bring down Western Civilization. Hell, EVERY other civilization....
[and again, i'm all for just shifting that whole jihad into the loverly "internal struggle" definition....]
So the exact point that set darkcrow off is that the dudes making waves in Lebanon/Israel are NOT the same dudes slaughtering folks in Sudan. Thus, no global jihad.
But wait -- Iran just sent Bin Laden's brother to the Syrian/Lebanon border to do whatever (raise moral? increase recruitment? get signatures on a petition?) I’d gotta believe he’s sunni, no? And Hezbollah is?
These "militant" jihadists think on long long timelines, much longer than our election cycle permits, much longer than our quarterly profit reports mandate. We're just not setup to combat a long term ideological war. A militant war. [again, yeah for internal struggle jihad!]
So if one guy in Los Angeles shouts "Jihad!" and shoots up an airport, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a band of Muslims in Malaysia shoot up the Buddhist priests, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a bunch of punk muslims rape a few Swedish girls, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a terrorist cell blows up an embassy in Africa, no global jihad there. If wanna be rambos from all over the middle east flood into Iraq to shoot up the white guy, no global jihad there, eh?
9/11, 11/3, 7/7, attacks in Indonesia, Algeria, ongoing in Afghanistan and Lebanon and Palestine, Chechnya, France, India, Pakistan, it is all part of the same thing -- it's part of the battle of values that govern the future of the world.
And yes part of this battle is a better strategy, any strategy to fight poverty, climate change, trade issues, peace between warring factions. Our "way" might only be some 200 years old versus nearly 10 times that -- but you know what? Our "way" seems to adapt better. Our way is open to debate. Our way isn't perfect, probably won't ever be. But man, I thank the powers that be every single day that I was born in a country where I can drink a beer, eat a pizza and go see the Pearl Jam show! [love shows, whole internal struggle music emo burn, perhaps you could say a jihadic moment at times]
So I can't point you to the Global Jihad website (i'm sure some will try). I got no documentation of it, or rather it's scattered across countless documents (a good place to start would be Blair's recent speech in LA: -- and yeah, I've cribbed a bit of it) I can point to various leaders of different radical sects who tell us it's global, but they have their reasons for deceiving us and their followers perhaps. But ya know, paying attention as much as I have since 9/11, hell since the U.S.S. Cole really... I feel it in my bones.
How 'bout you? What do you think? Is there a global militant jihad?
darkcrow wrote:you do no there isnt really a "global jihad". that is a myth. all these different organisations are opposed to each other. hezbullah are radical shiities who hate sunnis, kurds and any other permentation of islam, so that means they pretty much hate al quida and hamas.
islam is one unified religion, it is pretty fractured just like christinity is. so your quote is innacurate.. sure they are muslims but that is like saying if one christian guy goes aronud killing a bunch of bhuddists then all christians are out to kill bhuddists....
That was in my response to my glib, "Um the folks trying to kill Israelis are the same ones killing in Darfur...."
Is there a Global Jihad? [a militant one, I'm all for the internal one] Al Qaeda wants us to believe there is. They want to be perceived as leading the Islam vs Western Civilization War. They realized their efforts at Muslim vs Muslim were not playing well, so they took us on to try and harness the support of the entire Muslim world -- then in the end (just like Hezbollah has recently said) they can settle the score with their "friends." I'm sure they'd want the Caliphate to be Sunni as much as Shiite want that gig.
But Darkcrow rightly points out that they're all upset with one another as well, Shiite vs Sunni, Iran vs Saudi, etc etc. So there's no Global Jihad?
Well wait -- if the point of the militant jihad is global domination, submission to Islam, doesn't matter if they're "coordinated" or not, they can all just do their little piece and it all adds up to bring down Western Civilization. Hell, EVERY other civilization....
[and again, i'm all for just shifting that whole jihad into the loverly "internal struggle" definition....]
So the exact point that set darkcrow off is that the dudes making waves in Lebanon/Israel are NOT the same dudes slaughtering folks in Sudan. Thus, no global jihad.
But wait -- Iran just sent Bin Laden's brother to the Syrian/Lebanon border to do whatever (raise moral? increase recruitment? get signatures on a petition?) I’d gotta believe he’s sunni, no? And Hezbollah is?
These "militant" jihadists think on long long timelines, much longer than our election cycle permits, much longer than our quarterly profit reports mandate. We're just not setup to combat a long term ideological war. A militant war. [again, yeah for internal struggle jihad!]
So if one guy in Los Angeles shouts "Jihad!" and shoots up an airport, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a band of Muslims in Malaysia shoot up the Buddhist priests, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a bunch of punk muslims rape a few Swedish girls, it doesn't make for a global jihad. If a terrorist cell blows up an embassy in Africa, no global jihad there. If wanna be rambos from all over the middle east flood into Iraq to shoot up the white guy, no global jihad there, eh?
9/11, 11/3, 7/7, attacks in Indonesia, Algeria, ongoing in Afghanistan and Lebanon and Palestine, Chechnya, France, India, Pakistan, it is all part of the same thing -- it's part of the battle of values that govern the future of the world.
And yes part of this battle is a better strategy, any strategy to fight poverty, climate change, trade issues, peace between warring factions. Our "way" might only be some 200 years old versus nearly 10 times that -- but you know what? Our "way" seems to adapt better. Our way is open to debate. Our way isn't perfect, probably won't ever be. But man, I thank the powers that be every single day that I was born in a country where I can drink a beer, eat a pizza and go see the Pearl Jam show! [love shows, whole internal struggle music emo burn, perhaps you could say a jihadic moment at times]
So I can't point you to the Global Jihad website (i'm sure some will try). I got no documentation of it, or rather it's scattered across countless documents (a good place to start would be Blair's recent speech in LA: -- and yeah, I've cribbed a bit of it) I can point to various leaders of different radical sects who tell us it's global, but they have their reasons for deceiving us and their followers perhaps. But ya know, paying attention as much as I have since 9/11, hell since the U.S.S. Cole really... I feel it in my bones.
How 'bout you? What do you think? Is there a global militant jihad?
[sic] happens
Post edited by Unknown User on
When has an Islamic nation invaded, occupied, and brutalized another?
Since oil was discovered in the late 1890's, when have Islamic nations been allowed to determine the course of their own affairs.
if it's run by the people you're claiming then it's not a jihad... A jihad can only be run by adherents of Islam.
I recommend you read some World History... The Moors took over Spain and would have taken France if they hadn't been stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours in the 700s... The Ottoman Empire early last century...Lets not forget more recent history, like the attempts by the Arabs to take over Israel in the 1960s and 70s...
Or the Syrian occupation of Lebanon...
I think "global Jihad"= worldwide extensions & actions of one or more radical-violent-Islamic groups ==> There is a global jihad and yes, it is not well-coordinated.
All right, so by that logic, there's no Western "Globalization" effort underway by the G5, G7 or whatever -- because THEY definitely all have a different agenda that's about looking out for #1 much like the various militant islamic groups.
So the Seattle riots and others were really all for naught? Nothing to protest, no need to bust up another Starbucks, move along, move along....
I fully admit they all have their own agenda -- right now I think we're in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" stage. Sure Hez and Hamas aren't fighting side-by-side, but....
I would say Wahhabism is way out in front of the game, but Shiites are going to town in the region recently...
old music: