What's going on?

Okay i just watched the news tonight and i just realized the frequency i hear of school shootings now. We hear tragedies that happened at UNC, Auburn, VT, and the absurd amount of high schools and grade schools now. The most alarming thing, is a conversation I had with my sister (who does social work for kids that are at "risk," these are kids who have a history of violence or come from violent families) a couple days ago because her daughter's school was closed and so were all the schools in the district because a gunman was on the streets. Nothing happened and he was throne in jail. But the conversation was that she knows that some of her "clients" have either planned on or have brought a gun to school, she of course reports them and the necessary forces take necessary precautions. Granted the fact she's telling me this and i am now writing it in a forum could get her in serious trouble, but what appalled me the most was that she said "these kids say they bring a gun with no intent to shoot any specific kid, but just in case they were getting picked on or something like that," also she mentions she knows that some of her "clients" have access to guns, because their parents own one legally and they have probably thought about doing the same, but don't tell her cause they could get in trouble. So I ask, what the fuck is going on? Yes gun laws can be better, but I also understand as long as their are people out there that think a gun is the only security they have, because others have guns(which is retarded, only my opinion) its hard to see the laws improving anytime soon, also i do vote and vote for better gun laws, I mention this cause I know smart asses will say vote, so fuck you. So what then? Can we blame parents? For either being fucked up towards their kids and being asshole parents or not being there, or being there too much. CAn we blame parents for not instilling ethical values of how to treat another human being or how to deal with problems? well, at least till their 18? I guess really what I would like to do is make parents accountable for their children's actions, if it deems necessary. I know this is absurd, but what the fuck is going on? I guess really, i'm just pissed off that's its not safe to be a kid anymore. So what the fuck are we going to do?
you know i remember this shit happening less when kids were allowed to play dodgeball at school.
you know i remember this shit happening less when kids were allowed to play dodgeball at school.
San Diego, July 07, 2006
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Los Angeles, July 10, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 21, 2006
Bridge School Benefit, October 22, 2006
Lollapalooza, August 5th, 2007
eV., Los Angeles April 12, 2008
eV., San Diego April 15, 2008
Given to Fly___..
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm not sure there is any real short answer to this question.
Kids are suffering from poor parenting.
Poor parenting either being truly "bad" parenting, as in broken home, abusive, or neglectful ...
or poor parenting as in, even "good" parents are too busy to really give their children the proper nurturing these days.
Beyond the parents, the environment that kids get exposed to today is agressive, destructive, and disturbed. Television and the internet provide too many opportunities to expose kids to seriously abnormal behavior and ideas before they are old enough to understand that it is indeed abnormal.
Schools are turning in to prisons.
The more this happens, the more schools militarize.
This turns kids in to criminals, in my opinion.
Treat 'em like convicts, they will become convicts.
Like i said, there's no short answer, and i'm sure there are lots more reasons than i listed here.
Generaly speaking, i'd say it's a moral problem.
Have you read some of what our founding fathers wrote about freedom, democracy and morality?
They would probably tell us we are not fit to be free anymore.
Here are some quotes on it:
"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams
"(T)he foundation of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality; ...the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained..." George Washington, First Inaugural, April 30 1789
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity religion and morality are indispensable supports." George Washington
"Our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be entrusted on any other foundation than religious principle, not any government secure which is not supported by moral habits.... Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens." - Daniel Webster
"History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purpose." - Thomas Jefferson
There are lots more like that, but i just think it is interesting to reflect on those sentiments.
I'm not talking about reading the bible in school, or even about Christianity proper.
I'm talking about good old fashioned personal and private morality, virtue and dignity.
Our nation has wholy forgotten these things.
Too much negativity man.
Too much, too much.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
and with the Virginia Tech and Illinois shootings, I dont think any bullying was involved. I dont think you can blame parenting or society on those cases. They were just incredibly rare cases of people going off their meds and going fucking nuts .
I know gun violence is slightly on the rise, but its still a lot lower than it was a decade or so ago.