Another Bushism

The president was asked today by a reporter in the rose garden if he was considering sending special forces to the area of Pakistan to try and get Bin Laden. Bush said something like this:
"Pakistan is a sovereign nation. And in order for us to send troops there, we need to be invited by Pakistan to do so."
I thought that was rather amusing.
"Pakistan is a sovereign nation. And in order for us to send troops there, we need to be invited by Pakistan to do so."
I thought that was rather amusing.
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lol....that is amusing....
it's funny, but at the same time I wonder how this guy made it so far... i mean i know why.... but why couldnt something of stopped him a long time when he got busted with coke!
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Exactly what I have been thinking....I imagine him as a CEO of a large company...or better I imagine myself as a CEO of a large company and what would happen to me if I told them I was spending vast amounts of cash on faulty information (which I knew was later faulty...yet continued to spend the vast amounts of stakeholders cash).....I would be so canned....yet for Bush as President its all okay....makes no sense that some, regardless of their politcal allegiance, cannot see how incompetant he has been....completly dumbfounds me.....more how he can get away with "mistakes" with not even a slap on the wrist....pathetic accountability.....
he wasnt hired. he was elected by the american people.
x 2
why is it amusing?
I assume you are referring to Iraq. Wasn't there countless UN resolutions that were violated before we went in? In hindsight, we shouldn't have gone into Iraq. but isnt hindsight always 20/20.
I think Pakistan is more of a problem then Iraq ever was. but at least they have a president that will help us on some things, albeit no where near enough
twice, thats right, thanks for the clarification
The present problems of Iraq were voiced and predicted before the invasion.....that is by those who hate freedom and America albeit.....its total BS to say these problems were not predicted by some.....
totally! and to think that there are still a lot of americans who back him. i don't get it. how naive or stupid can people be?? it's like he's the captain of the titanic and the ship is sinking, and he's telling everyone on board, "don't worry, we're safe". and everyone takes his word for it, even though they're up to their waist in water.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
I dont think all the problems were or could have been predicted.
Sectarian violence was spoke about lots before the war at least in my can tell the thought process put into Iraq was pathetic at best if one personally thought that it would take Saddam out and the rest would be roses and sunshine you would at best an idiot.....
there were record breaking numbers of protests around the world leading up to the invasion/bombing of iraq.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
was does it mean to hate freedom? i always get confused when i hear this.
Being sarcastic as it seems for some people who tend to think in way that speaks out against anything American (for example the Iraq war or the causes/personal beliefs in 9/11, etc) you hate freedom and America...just saying these same people were warning of the current problems before the invasion but of course not many were listening....
so is freedom living under a government regime that caters to the minority, not just the majority?
do you think the worst has come already, due to this invasion of iraq?
The Titanic analogy doesn't work. The stock market is in good shape, unemployment is low, gas prices are coming down rapidly, housing prices are stable, inflation is under control. So people go to work, come home to a good meal, send the kids to college, putter around their garden. They aren't waist deep and about to drown. For the typical family in the typical town in middle America life ain't so bad.
BTW, this wasn't meant to be a defense of Bush (I didn't vote for him, and I do enjoy laughing at Bushisms), but I wanted to point out that the malaise pervasive on this board isn't shared by the general population.
I 100% agree it was one of the worst thought out processes in history, but no need to call me an idiot
well, i was referring mostly to how the current administration endangers the lives of all americans now and in the future for how it conducts itself around the world. that's where the titanic analogy comes from. not to mention the fact that you're trillions of dollars in debt, even though they had a surplus going in.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
surplus was only there because of the stock market bubble. bubble burst, no surplus. sure spending money on the wars didnt help. but its not the cause. remember its not the white house that spends money, its congress.
in your opinion, the administration is endangering american lives. I feel they are protecting mine.
hmm...sounds like the 90's...
except we are waging war here and there...
My husband and I talk about this all the time. Most people would have been fired if they did their jobs this poorly!!!
Well, that's not staying the course!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
heh. something tells me when george leaves office he won't be getting paid millions of dollars to make speeches, like clinton does. instead, he'll have to spend millions of dollars to protect his ass, because after 10 years, he doesn't get secret service protection anymore(clinton is the last president to get life time protection). haha. nighty night, george. sweet dreams.
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Hey sorry....I 100% did not mean to refer to you as an idiot, it was not to reference was just a crude generalization...I apologize for that but I meant no insult...
Money he will have - The book deals available to Bush after his term is up will be enourmous. Yes, the hatred for this president is probably un-paralleled, but it's kind of like a train wreck sometimes - and I think what has happened the last 6 years has been so dramatic and unprecedented that
a true auto-biography on Dubya would be a big seller
Untill their will grows tired
pm sent. misunderstanding on my part.