W's approval numbers & the terror alert system

Does anyone have any recent approval numbers for W? I am wondering if his numbers tend to go up when we are all on increased terror alert.
Just a theory
If we are all scared into submission, then W looks good right? I mean, it has worked for him so far.
Seriously, watching his news confrence today, I couldn't get the image of W and Blair in chicken costumes, running frantically (and blissfully) screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!".
Just a theory

If we are all scared into submission, then W looks good right? I mean, it has worked for him so far.
Seriously, watching his news confrence today, I couldn't get the image of W and Blair in chicken costumes, running frantically (and blissfully) screaming "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!".
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Just wait until '08 when Bush openly declares himself dictator.
My GOD have mercy on us all!!!
Ya know, I think there's some truth to this. W's looking bad right now, people are sick of the war, so I believe he's thinking...."Let's do something to distract people! How about something terror-wise, so people will start thinking we're doing a good job again! Yeah, let's say that we caught terrorists before boarding the planes, and we'll be heroes again! You and me, Dick! whaddaya say? Approval ratings will go up again!"
Hey, you never know. Politicians will do anything for votes.
Most recent polls have him with an approval rating in the mid to high 30's. I guess you could also say his disapproval ratings are in the mid-60's. I'm okay with either phrasing.
From the Washington Times:
"According to the latest polls by The Washington Post/ABC News, the Wall Street Journal/NBC News and USA Today/Gallup, President Bush's job-approval rating averaged 39 percent; his approval rating for Iraq averaged 35 percent; for foreign policy, it was 36 percent; for the economy, the approval rating averaged 40 percent; and for terrorism, it was 47 percent."
I've heard Democratic and Republican talking heads on cable news say that Bush has literally no hope of ever getting higher than the low 40s for the rest of his term.
I don't find humor in planes crashing either. To be honest, I live about 10 miles from the pentagon, and worked in DC for the better part of the last 5 years. I live with this every day.
I believe that our gov't officals are banking on our fear precluding us from rational thought.
The sad thing is that it they certainly do maintain an audiance that would rather have blind faith, because then folks really don't have to be bothered with examing the situation as a whole.
Short of another attack, and W hanging out on a pile of rubble 3 days later, embracing the oldest guy he could find and talking a big game about retaliation, I think thats a strong theory.