Just goes to show the bullshittiness of outlawing pay-for-pussy (in the non-slave-prostitute sense of it all).
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
If more women were in power, shit like this wouldn't happen. We don't buy whores.
Too many men just think with their dicks. Power really ruins people.
I think your first sentence and your last sentence may be contradictory. I happen to completely agree with your last sentence which is why I have doubts about your first. Although I suppose at this point I wouldn't argue it. I'd certainly welcome a change in the gender imbalance to see what would happen. We don't tend to see women caught up in these smarmy stories with any frequency. In my state both of our US Senators and our Governor are women, and while I have policy disgreements with them, they certainly haven't done anything (that I know of) in their personal lives to embarass themselves or their state.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'm just gonna come out with this.
You know i don't like turning things in to a conspiracy,
but one has to wonder who Spitzer pissed off.
More to the point, it would probably be appropriate to ask who he did NOT piss off, because apparently he built a career out of taking Wall St. corruption to task.
Here's a hint for you:
You don't make it to the Whitehouse by fighting corruption.
That he wanted to be the first Jewish president was not a problem,
that he thought he could somehow be the first president to put his own reputation for "fighting crime" in front of the reputation and backroom agenda of the establishment ... THAT was a BIG problem.
I have no idea who Spitzer pissed off.
I like to research stuff, but i'm not going down that bunnyhole.
I'm just saying, it sure makes you wonder.
Politicians sleep around, and boink bettys left and right, seldom if ever are they dragged out in the spotlight for it. Just think about it. This guy didn't bang some random hooker, this was a RING. How do you think he found out about it? You think it's just poor ole Spitzer that was let in on this "Emperors VIP" deal? What, are all the rest of these "VIP" clients non-entities? Non of them are in politics? YEAH RIGHT! I bet MOST of them are.
I'm calling this; Spitzer pissed some of the wrong people in some of the wrong places off.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
MSG 2 08, Buffalo 10, Hamilton 11
Think they take post-dated checks?
Too many men just think with their dicks. Power really ruins people.
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
I think your first sentence and your last sentence may be contradictory. I happen to completely agree with your last sentence which is why I have doubts about your first. Although I suppose at this point I wouldn't argue it. I'd certainly welcome a change in the gender imbalance to see what would happen. We don't tend to see women caught up in these smarmy stories with any frequency. In my state both of our US Senators and our Governor are women, and while I have policy disgreements with them, they certainly haven't done anything (that I know of) in their personal lives to embarass themselves or their state.
I'm just gonna come out with this.
You know i don't like turning things in to a conspiracy,
but one has to wonder who Spitzer pissed off.
More to the point, it would probably be appropriate to ask who he did NOT piss off, because apparently he built a career out of taking Wall St. corruption to task.
Here's a hint for you:
You don't make it to the Whitehouse by fighting corruption.
That he wanted to be the first Jewish president was not a problem,
that he thought he could somehow be the first president to put his own reputation for "fighting crime" in front of the reputation and backroom agenda of the establishment ... THAT was a BIG problem.
I have no idea who Spitzer pissed off.
I like to research stuff, but i'm not going down that bunnyhole.
I'm just saying, it sure makes you wonder.
Politicians sleep around, and boink bettys left and right, seldom if ever are they dragged out in the spotlight for it. Just think about it. This guy didn't bang some random hooker, this was a RING. How do you think he found out about it? You think it's just poor ole Spitzer that was let in on this "Emperors VIP" deal? What, are all the rest of these "VIP" clients non-entities? Non of them are in politics? YEAH RIGHT! I bet MOST of them are.
I'm calling this; Spitzer pissed some of the wrong people in some of the wrong places off.
If I opened it now would you not understand?