What's happening in the UK

I just received this in an email. I think it sums up pretty well what's happening in the UK now and the sentiments of the majority. And before people start shouting the standard boring "racist" comment, I'm not. What I don't like is this country being overrun by people milking our system and the arsehole politicians who are allowing it.
Illegal Immigrants Poem
I cross ocean, poor and broke.
Take bus, see employment folk.
Nice man treat me good in there.
Say I need to see welfare.
Welfare say, 'You come no more, we send cash right to your door.'
Welfare cheques - they make you wealthy!
NHS - it keep you healthy!
By and by, I got plenty money.
Thanks to you, British dummy!
Write to friends in motherland.
Tell them 'come fast as you can.'
They come in boats and Ford trucks.
I buy big house with welfare bucks!
They come here, we live together.
More welfare cheques, it gets better!
Fourteen families, they moving in,
but neighbour's patience wearing thin.
Finally the guy moves away.
Now I buy his house, then I say,
'Find more aliens for house to rent.'
And in the yard I put a tent.
Everything is very good,
and soon we own the neighbourhood.
Some have hobby, it's called breeding.
Welfare pay for baby feeding.
Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
We get free! We got no bills!
Britain crazy! They pay all year, To keep welfare running here.
We think UK darn good place.
Too darn good for the British race!
If they no like us, they can scram.
Got lots of room in ****** (add country of choice)!
Illegal Immigrants Poem
I cross ocean, poor and broke.
Take bus, see employment folk.
Nice man treat me good in there.
Say I need to see welfare.
Welfare say, 'You come no more, we send cash right to your door.'
Welfare cheques - they make you wealthy!
NHS - it keep you healthy!
By and by, I got plenty money.
Thanks to you, British dummy!
Write to friends in motherland.
Tell them 'come fast as you can.'
They come in boats and Ford trucks.
I buy big house with welfare bucks!
They come here, we live together.
More welfare cheques, it gets better!
Fourteen families, they moving in,
but neighbour's patience wearing thin.
Finally the guy moves away.
Now I buy his house, then I say,
'Find more aliens for house to rent.'
And in the yard I put a tent.
Everything is very good,
and soon we own the neighbourhood.
Some have hobby, it's called breeding.
Welfare pay for baby feeding.
Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
We get free! We got no bills!
Britain crazy! They pay all year, To keep welfare running here.
We think UK darn good place.
Too darn good for the British race!
If they no like us, they can scram.
Got lots of room in ****** (add country of choice)!
Post edited by Unknown User on
My thoughts exactly.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
however, white Brits tend to forget what they ate for breakfast and consider themselves perfect hosts. they never welcomed the original immigrants. they fucked over blacks and Asians and they had to fight for their rights and now complain that we don't integrate into "British" culture.
I know and work with a LOT of polish/east europeans (the 'new' immigrants) and they are hard working, honest and decent people. Yes, most of them work manual jobs (jobs that no english person would do!), but amongst those that do are midwives, lawyers, managers, etc. Even if they speak English very well, they are not accepted and given the opportunities. A couple of people I have spoken to extensively were telling me of the reaction they were getting from big corporations where they applied for jobs at their level. One said that once he 'anglicised' his name, he got interviews. That just goes to show how this country is still not welcoming immigrants.
Before accusing immigrants of scamming benefits, look into your own back yard full of 'proper' english people doing that 100 times better. Of course there are some bad apples in whatever culture/nationality, but to make that a blanket statement is really out of order. One thing to bear in mind, any immigrant from the east european countries need to have worked for a continuous 12 months before being able to claim any income related benefits. An english person need not have worked a single day of his/her life to have the same benefits. And nuffingman - whatever you say, that 'poem' is racist and foul. Posting it as representing your views doesn't make you any better. Educate yourself. See what is REALLY happening in the UK.
Maybe not, but that poem blatantly is. It's mindless bigoted propagation of groundless myths and propaganda that the media and the government spew out without providing any real evidence to support it. And the public lap this bullshit up unquestioningly and start spouting off about "this country being overrun by people milking our system".
Here in Ireland a couple of years ago, the government held a referendum on citizenship rights, and the their campaign was based on this whole notion of people coming into the country to scam the system, take advantage of our citizenship laws, our social welfare system, etc, etc... The media took it and ran with it and when the referendum rolled around, the government won huge.
Afterwards, study after study showed that there was no evidence supporting the claims of welfare abuse that the government had built it's whole fearmongering bullshit campaign on. In fact, there was overwhelming evidence to suggest that the vast majority of immigrants who could have did not even make welfare or citizenship claims.And yet now, many children born in Ireland are legally being denied their right to be Irish citizens. And all because the government and the media spun this web of disinformation that the public - just like the person who started this thread - gulped down without a second thought.
It makes me sick
96: Cork, Dublin
00: Dublin
06: London, Dublin
07: London, Copenhagen, Nijmegen
09: Manchester, London
10: Dublin, Belfast, London & Berlin
11: San José
12: Isle of Wight, Copenhagen, Ed in Manchester & London x2