It's time for a new party



  • jamestr1jamestr1 Posts: 185
    Brink wrote:
    They don't serve the people. They serve themselves and whoever shovels money into their pockets. Get real.

    Amen, er, damn straight!

    I'm for removing the funding from politics. Give them all the same amount, the same TV time, the same touring schedule, and access to the people. Then see what happens. Let us hear them all debate.

    Also, we need run off voting. So if one candidate doesn't receive 50%, we toss out the candidate with the lowest votes and go to the second choice of those that voted for him.

    Oh, and I'm for any candidate who get's PJ to play at the inaguration.
  • Brink wrote:
    They don't serve the people. They serve themselves and whoever shovels money into their pockets. Get real.

    But the people now get more money and services from their government than ever. Many of the people are turning into moochers and their politicians are quite representative of them.
  • But the people now get more money and services from their government than ever. Many of the people are turning into moochers and their politicians are quite representative of them.
    Good point, but corporate america is just as guilty of both mooching and manipulating. Who has more swing.. a welfare recipient or a lobbyist with the coal consortium?

    Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
  • Brink wrote:
    Good point, but corporate america is just as guilty of both mooching and manipulating.

    Very much so!!!
    Who has more swing.. a welfare recipient or a lobbyist with the coal consortium?

    Are we reducing politics to a measure of "swing"?
  • fifefife Posts: 3,327
    in case anyone is wondering what the libertatriam believe is pretty much old school Rep. they believe that the governemnt should stay out of people businness and should only handle a small amount of topics. so they would stated that teh government should not sponsor abortion but they would leave abortion to the public demand.
  • bump to see how much has changed in American views since this thread since an election is coming
  • Last-12-ExitLast-12-Exit Charleston, SC Posts: 8,661
    edited April 2015
    DPrival78 said:

    i agree that we need new choices, but under the current system, money talks.. and no corporate lobbyists are going to contribute funds to any 3rd party candidates - or at least not nearly enough to compete with the dems/repubs that they already have in their pockets.

    without any drastic campaign finance reform, nothing is going to change.

    and also, with the way our elections go (non-auditable, highly munipulatable, computer voting), 'we the people' are no longer choosing our so-called representatives.

    our first move is to realize and accept that we do not live in a democracy any more. the next move would be to decide what to do about it.

    Nice way to dig up a 10 year old thread. But this I agree with wholeheartedly. Cap campaign spending to $1,000,000 for the entire election cycle for ALL candidates. If you blow it in the primaries, then you're fucked for the general election.

    Allow all parties access to the nationally televised debates. The Dems, the Reps, the Indies, the Teas, the Green, the Libbys, the grass rooters, the guy off the street that wants to pay the fee. Let's hear what they have to say.

    Lastly, and it's a biggie: One, 6 year term only for presidents.
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524

    bump to see how much has changed in American views since this thread since an election is coming 18 or so months.

    I'm SO not looking forward to all of the posturing to come within / via the media.

    Bombardment of dirt flung!

    (one of the nice things about no longer having a landline is also no longer getting all of those political endorsement calls...or do they do that on cells now too?)
  • jeffbrjeffbr Seattle Posts: 7,177
    Blast from the past. A 10 year old thread - and nothing has really changed. 2 major parties putting up shitty candidates whose votes are up for auction to the highest bidders. I see another election where I wish there was a "None of the above" choice. Something has to be done to cut through all of the party politics and bullshit that has made it impossible for anyone with morals or guiding principles to become a candidate for national office. If you don't toe the line for your party (as screwed up as your party's platform might be), you don't get nominated. Pander to the extremes of each party to gain the nomination, then switch it up and pander to the middle for the election.
    "I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,555
    The one thing that has changed is many posters on this thread are gone ...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    edited April 2015
    Quotes are fucked up...

    The forum is having a stroke I think.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623
    Libertarian party is created by the successor to the evil Cheney, the Kochs. No thanks. I've been green for two years because of their stance on Monsanto and pot and support indie and even peace/freedom as well. Had enough of the dem party becoming rethuglican lite with corporate puppet centrists like Obama and hard core DINOs like Hillary. Rand voted for the Monsanto PA so he doesn't get my vote regardless of what party he's in anyways.
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