Radiological threat in NYC??

Channel 9 news is currently reporting a level orange threat in NYC, not sure whats going on. Anyone more up than me or them on whats going on in NYC right now?
Why go home
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and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I know I didnt hallucinate the news. Are they just trying to contain public hysteria? They mentioned it, talked about it for like 30 seconds, then moved on to sports.
That's all I could gather from the commentary. The visuals were cars on the streets being stopped and searched.
I'll stay on it, search some other channels....
Thanks for the heads up!! I don't want much TV.
Now they're back to the mine in Utah.
Odd to say the least.
My ex was one of those "the sky is falling on Jan. 1 2000" guys. He made us buy gas masks, camoflague (sp) clothing, trunks full of water filters and foil packets of food, etc. He taught me how to fire a handgun (I'm better with rifles, thank you) and when in a bad mood taught me a lot of survival techniques....but I digress.
It would be nice to have that damned gas mask at times like these.
Then again, maybe this whole "threat" tonight in NYC is just a fart from our Homeland Security head's butt (what's his name? Chernoff? Turnoff?). The same threat that made so many Dems in Congress cave in last week and allow Bush to legalize his illegal warrantless wiretapping program.
Just a thought.