Archbishop Desmond Tutu on Gaza

"The Archbishop also criticised the international community for "failing to fulfil its role in respect of the suffering of the people of Gaza".
"It is the silence of the international community in the face of what is happening there which most offends. This silence begets complicity," he said.
"I think the West, quite rightly, is feeling contrite, penitent for its awful connivance with the Holocaust," Archbishop Tutu said.
"The West is penitent, the penance is being paid by the Palestinians.""
Coming from this man, who called the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis similar to apartheid in South Africa... sadly, some people just never choose to accept the truth.
"It is the silence of the international community in the face of what is happening there which most offends. This silence begets complicity," he said.
"I think the West, quite rightly, is feeling contrite, penitent for its awful connivance with the Holocaust," Archbishop Tutu said.
"The West is penitent, the penance is being paid by the Palestinians.""
Coming from this man, who called the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis similar to apartheid in South Africa... sadly, some people just never choose to accept the truth.