Tax Rebates

it's nice uncle sam wants to send us all 300-1200 bucks while people down south are still fucking homeless from Katrina.
Once again, where is the mainstream media?
Once again, where is the mainstream media?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I care for these people as much as anyone, be they should be given just enough to get back on their feet, and take it from there.. It's been long enough, that even if our government fucked up (not if, they did), they've (the people of New Orleans) had plenty of time to make up for the fuck-up of aid from our government.
I might look like an ass, and I'm questioning my own statement, but come on.., Katrina was what, well over a year ago.. Time to start building from within.
That said, my rebate will go towards my savings which will go towards my retirement, which I expect the government to fuck up social security anyways. The more taxes they give me back the better.
that is easy to say. The answer is, they are raised poor. They need healthcare education and mentoring. People don't choose lazy and poor. our working society is a bit complicated for the poorly raise child - and worse for his children... a little effort at free education would go a very long way.
too many educated functioning adults would pose competition to you.. be careful what you hope for.. all this is designed to keep things pretty much as they are... If you don't give a shit about those people than allow our government to keep them down, but keep them alive and thinking its their own fault.
They should give back about 90% of what they steal from us. Then more of us could afford to help people like the Katrina victims.
The government has shown over and over and over and over and over that it cannot manage money yet some people still put blind faith in it and continually call for everyone to give it more $$$
Unfortunately, I'm probably not even eligible for the rebate.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
where do you live?
this is unbelievable....we have discussions about illegal immigrants coming here and ''stealing'' from us... and these are the type of people we harbor in this country... proves once again to me...greed isnt just in the government...its in the citizens.... like an ocean....youre washed up and its time to make a trip to new orleans... what a fucking joke!!!
loooooo hooooooo zaaaaa heeeer
we should have a worst person of the day thread... you would be my vote.
shock and awe!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
what a ridiculous statement.
you know there are homeless people in every state and every major city.
Then WTF?
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
Oberman is the man...
i take it you'll be donating your rebate check then. Such altruism! You may have just restored a little bit of my faith in humanity.
I'll bet you my rebate check he doesnt.
No thanks
as a matter of fact I am donating my reabate check to help support a former student of mine, the rest to the American Cancer society, so kiss my ass naysayers
I already donated over 500 bucks to Katrina releif, tsunami relief, 9/11 firefighters fund, have donated to several non-profits including amercian heart assoc, disability outreach Org. a non prfo that buys wheelchairs for students, the breast cancer walkathon, the special olympics, and St.Baldricks to support a board members daughter fight for cancer(Pj-sin). and yes she met the goal set of 10,000 in total donations! Several by pit members
I also donate artworks every year to an auction by our School district that raises money for needy students in our schools to go to college, buy clothes, and buy school supplies.
so 1. I don't appreciate some peoples' fucking sarcasm and insinuations, and 2 Jlew you can now donate your rebate check to a worthy cause as your bet has just been lost.
this isn't a thread about me, it is about the people in our country that have nothing or very little getting continually shit upon, but we (the more fortunate in most cases) still get tax rebates. Yeah I know some people need the rebate money, and its"stimulous" from purchases will help many buisnesses and create jobs by growth blah blah blah
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i heard that ford is giving people some type of buyout to 54000 employees.........
Feds shouldn't be givign out money when the treasury is already suffering..
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Payments can be deferred, but not the interest unless it is a subsidized loan, which are awareded on the basis of need. Meanwhile, the rest of us who worked through college did not qualify for subsidized loans, and had to pay down the interest so that it wouldn't accrue and compound.
After school is finished, payments are deferred for only six more months.
Income contingent payments do not affect the interest rate. So, smaller payments based on income only mean less principal being paid down.
If you're having trouble understanding loans (i.e., interest vs. principal), I am more than happy to explain it to you.
Nothing to do with student loans, but thanks for sharing.
Great commentary...but my post was about student loans and Katrina.
atta boy nicely done. I dont qualify for the rebate but I would donate it if I did.
I really dont know why you are bitching. you just mentioned how the stimulus will help and followed it with a blah blah blah
its the people who have nothing or very little that are getting a check. I think its gret that they left out the high income earners. dont u?
Lew it's all good
everyone have a great week
why do you expect (or want) the government to fix this? it cant and shouldnt. it can only help. this money is going into the hands of people that need it and will spend it.
I really cant figure out why you are bitching about it.
o man dont jump on team tin hat's team. you are smarter then this.
I don't think you look like an ass for you fact, you make a lot of sense...I agree, those still living in trailers and those not working have made a choice to do so....
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...