high school dropout correnting people's spelling

I was watching Storytellers (again) and I find it rather hypocritical(not really sure if this word fits the idea I have) of Ed to be making fun of people for not spelling correctly. Coming from a guy who never even finished high school I find that message rather contradictory.
Now I don't care why he dropped out, the fact is he did drop out, and to belittle people on national TV for spelling something wrong, well I find it bullshit. If he was on the honor roll I could care less, I just find it a crock of shit he is being so condescending on TV towards the person who could not spell. I know you don't need a high school diploma to be successful, brilliant, and all the rest of the adjectives. I know Ed has risen up over his past yada yada yada... but for a guy who tries to be soo real I found it kind of a prick move myself.
Coming from a guy who regularly makes up words and tenses for his songs you'd think he would stay away from that. I think he tries to justify his lack of education by saying he researched this or that. We congratufuckulations you researched it so you must be the authority now.
I love Ed, his music, his showmanship, but I found this to be a bad move by him.
Now lets keep the thread on task here, Was Ed out of line for calling out that dude for not spelling something correctly.
I am not all worked up about this, it is a minoredit) thing on the big picture. Just wondering how you thought when he called that person out in front of millions. Yes, I also know I spelled correcting incorrectly, I hit submit before I caught it, a few others as well.
keep this away from what it is to be a drop out and towards the idea of him being a jerk for calling uneeded attention to it
Now I don't care why he dropped out, the fact is he did drop out, and to belittle people on national TV for spelling something wrong, well I find it bullshit. If he was on the honor roll I could care less, I just find it a crock of shit he is being so condescending on TV towards the person who could not spell. I know you don't need a high school diploma to be successful, brilliant, and all the rest of the adjectives. I know Ed has risen up over his past yada yada yada... but for a guy who tries to be soo real I found it kind of a prick move myself.
Coming from a guy who regularly makes up words and tenses for his songs you'd think he would stay away from that. I think he tries to justify his lack of education by saying he researched this or that. We congratufuckulations you researched it so you must be the authority now.
I love Ed, his music, his showmanship, but I found this to be a bad move by him.
Now lets keep the thread on task here, Was Ed out of line for calling out that dude for not spelling something correctly.
I am not all worked up about this, it is a minoredit) thing on the big picture. Just wondering how you thought when he called that person out in front of millions. Yes, I also know I spelled correcting incorrectly, I hit submit before I caught it, a few others as well.
keep this away from what it is to be a drop out and towards the idea of him being a jerk for calling uneeded attention to it
Post edited by Unknown User on
what does monor mean :(
"high school dropout correnting people's spelling"
Sorry... I'm just a prick sometimes.
Hail, Hail!!!
This is a silly thread.
Relax bro...no biggie. Kinda funny.
Spelling is really aquired knowledge. And if I spelled dermatofibrosarcomaprotuberance wrong, would anyone here know? How about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?
Some words aren't learned in school at all, and spelling them would require some exposure to them.
I used a word here a while ago that a few people didn't think was an actual word. My brother who was a straight A studen in high-school also thought I made the word up, but no, it's a real word.
Oh I agree...I was just being a smart-ass....I learned the vast majority of my words through reading and outside of grade school.
I learned more from reading on my own time growing up then I ever did in grade school, which to me was boring and easy.
I know, I was just reiterating the point.
again, was it funny or Ed being a jerk for calling him out?
I think he meant for it to be funny, but was it in absolute terms?
I really believe he meant no ill will.
-Bill Hicks
Why was it unneeded? If I'm reading something aloud and it has a misspelling I'm gonna acknowledge it. For christsakes it was "climb"!! I learned to spell that when I was what, 6. What sort of opinion are you looking for here? Schooling is not a sign of intelligence.
¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ KoL ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
1/14/95, Charlotte 2000, 2003:4/15, 4/16, 7/1, 7/5, 7/6, 7/8, 7/9, 2006: 5/27, 5/28, 5/30;6/17/08, 6/28/08
*** www.myspace.com/pirljamgirl***
I assume many pearl jam fans would remember some friendly ribbing from Eddie forever!
I thought it was great. Apparently Ed didn't need to finish high school to know how to spell.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
I think you're screwed. That's why TIVO is a beautiful thing. You can come over to my house and watch it.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
yep. whenever i go into my living room and pop the tape in.
i thought it was uncalled for but we all do dumbarse things once in awhile. and ultimately i don't care either way.
but next time you're at a gig and ed forgets the words call him loudly on it. i'm sure he'd appreciate it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
If it were a tricky word like bologna, then maybe that would be different and it would've been uncalled for.
I roxorz and pwnz mit my G9 edumacation adn Isle pop a revolusion all over this bitch.
I can hardly remember any one particular thing I learned in high school but I think it's pretty neat how things you hardly remember even paying attention to can be pulled to the front of your mind in mere milliseconds. Maybe that sounds odd or perhaps I should have been a neurologist? Just interesting...
It's kind of like peripheral vision to me, I think? If that makes sense.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I don't think he mentioned it in a mean-spirited way.
I think it is rather unkind of you to harp on the fact that Ed didn't finish high school. He does seem like he reads a lot and many people who finished high school don't.
Why did it bother you so much? Do you make a lot of careless spelling errors? Did you take it personally? Was it YOUR note?