Eco-Gore...seving up endanged fish at his daughters wedding rehersal

Got this on
Only a week after Live Earth, eco-warrior Al Gore didn't do much for his green credentials when he shocked fellow environmentalists by serving up an endangered fish at his daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner.
The former US vicepresident provided 75 guests with Chilean sea bass - one of the world's most threatened fish species.
Gore, 59, who created the climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, sampled a sixcourse tasting menu at Beverly Hills' Crustacean restaurant which included the sea bass - also known as Patagonian toothfish.
Gore is such a shit head
Update- your posts are fucking hilarious! He is still a shit head endangered fish or not. Breeding them for fighting....good stuff
update 2:
you be the judge of if it iis endngered or not
Only a week after Live Earth, eco-warrior Al Gore didn't do much for his green credentials when he shocked fellow environmentalists by serving up an endangered fish at his daughter's wedding rehearsal dinner.
The former US vicepresident provided 75 guests with Chilean sea bass - one of the world's most threatened fish species.
Gore, 59, who created the climate change documentary An Inconvenient Truth, sampled a sixcourse tasting menu at Beverly Hills' Crustacean restaurant which included the sea bass - also known as Patagonian toothfish.
Gore is such a shit head
Update- your posts are fucking hilarious! He is still a shit head endangered fish or not. Breeding them for fighting....good stuff
update 2:
you be the judge of if it iis endngered or not
Post edited by Unknown User on
i chuckled.
~Michael Bolton
Chilean Sea Bass:
It is decreasing, like so many other fishstocks, but it is a long, long, LONG, way from being "one of the worlds most threatened fish species".
—Dorothy Parker
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Good lord
That's a stretch. Him flying a private jet is one thing, but a fish??????
Untill their will grows tired
They were probably even from a school of bass that was just ready to spawn that would have helped save the population.
Yeah and even worse...Gore told the guests not to bother eating all the bass on their plates so it would just be a waste on purpose.
it's so true...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I want my freedom to turn this place into a lifeless dump, dammit!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
c'mon, is there anything better than some really good sarcasm....:p:D:D
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
that bastard! :mad:
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
yes, it's funny because it isn't true.
—Dorothy Parker
quick read... pretty interesting stuff if your a fan of animals, seal life, or just like some fish on your plate
i worked in a fish market for a few years in college, and i LOVE seafood. i was never a big fan of the chilean sea bass, i always thought it was over hyped and plain (prolly why it is so popular).
i had heard people say it was "threatened", but it is always readily available... apparently there is an entire "black market" involving chilean sea bass because it is becoming very regulated bc overfishing is a threat to it in some regions... the FRENCH NAVY actually patrols certain waters of it's territories to combat the pirate operations
looks like a bad choice by someone on that dish...
side note... it seems as though all wild ocean species are currently threatened by pollution and fishing pressure. poisoning our own damn food supply, smooth move :rolleyes:
All he had to do was have fucking Tuna, what a non-perceptive politician
"But conservationists warn that the Patagonian toothfish, known commercially as the Chilean sea bass, remains in serious trouble."
Al Gore's fish dinner turns out green
By Catherine Elsworth
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 19/07/2007
Al Gore, the world's most high profile green campaigner, was at the centre of an embarrassing row yesterday after the serving of a rare fish at his daughter's Beverly Hills wedding.
Just one week after Live Earth, his global musical spectacular to raise awareness of environmental issues, the former vice-president attended a rehearsal dinner for his daughter's marriage that featured Chilean sea bass. Sarah Gore, 28, a medical student, was married to the Los Angeles businessman Bill Lee at the Beverly Hills Hotel on July 14.
The night before the wedding, People magazine reported, the Gores were at a dinner for 75 at the nearby Crustacean restaurant where a six-course tasting menu included Chilean sea bass - also known as Patagonian toothfish.
The reaction was swift: writing in in the Australian Daily Telegraph, Rebecca Keeble of Humane Society International, a conservation pressure group, complained of the danger to the species from "from illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing activities".
She noted that "more than 50 per cent of toothfish traded is illegally caught, and includes juveniles vital to the ongoing toothfish population". She called on the US government to help crack down on illegal fishing by sanctioning Spain for allowing its nationals to fish illegally for the species in conservation areas.
And in the meantime, she acidly suggested, "Al Gore could choose something else to eat". Her attack on the former vice-president, and his implied hypocrisy, were rapidly picked up by bloggers around the world.
But the fish enjoyed by the Gores were not endangered or illegally caught.
Rather, the restaurant later confirmed, they had come from one of the world's few well-managed, sustainable populations of toothfish, and caught and documented in compliance with Marine Stewardship Council regulations. The Gores' spokesman, Kalee Kreider, admitted that the fish has been on the menu, but said: "The Gores absolutely agree with this humane society and the rest of the environmental community about illegally caught Chilean sea bass.
"The problem is huge. This is unfortunate, we have been in touch with the society today. The really important thing is that people become more aware of this issue."
—Dorothy Parker
i love it ... it's an indication of someone who just isn't interested in the bigger picture ... everytime i see posts like this ... it makes me laugh and cry at the same time ...
You try living your life in the public eye, holding you to every single thing you've ever said in your life.
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
If he bought it legally, then its only an assumption that he knew it was 'threatened', what a load of crap, freerepublic is running with this one.
He will be the end of us all!
go Bush!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I do, I am a teacher, and everyday my actions are scrutinzed and observed by 100's of people. What I say is checked and analyzed by students, parents, administartors, community members and peers. If I screw up I am out of a job. I understand not near to the extent of Al Gore, but it is the path he chose, and understood completely. If you are going to parade yourself as some savior of all life on planet Earth if you just listen to my wisdom guy, you sure as hell better be ready for criticism. Al Gore for thinking he is such a smart guy sure needs to check himself, and practice what he preaches