Dictator Bush

"GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH (R-TX), PRESIDENT-ELECT: I told all four that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." - CNN (12/18/00)
Post edited by Unknown User on
and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates Bush... so take it for what its worth.
Come on people, this was called humor...something that continually eludes this board.
Note, the "IF" statement. It would be alot easier if this was a dictatorship, meaning it isn't. The joke is, as long as he is the dictator, meaning it is only cool to be in a dictatorship when you are the dictator. That is funny, ha ha.
Maybe someday all of you will get to live in a dictatorship, after the fall of this modern day Roman Empire, and then you can compare realistically.
So what's wrong with being a dictator? I would love to see Bush be President for life...He could send Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to Iran Just like Lincoln expelled members of Congress to the enemy! Think what he could get done without the Dems? Our seas, lakes, rivers, streams and ponds would run black and red with the world's oil and blood!!! Bush could blow up all kinds of stuff too and without any opposition, there would be no bloggers to accuse him of actually engaging in said blowing up! He could also go after the wives of any political opponent and put them in serious danger!!! My god, I'm having an orgasm just THINKING about it!!!!
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
"In 2001, Bush issued an executive order rolling back the Presidential Records Act. The order shifts the burden of accessing presidential archives to the public; scholars could be forced to sue for memos and records of former presidencies. So even history may never know what Bush really intended when he pulled the wool over the people's eyes." - Boston Globe (12/21/04)
"By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish policies and procedures implementing section 2204 of title 44 of the United States Code with respect to constitutionally based privileges, including those that apply to Presidential records reflecting military, diplomatic, or national security secrets, Presidential communications, legal advice, legal work, or the deliberative processes of the President and the President's advisors, and to do so in a manner consistent with the Supreme Court's decisions in Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, 433 U.S. 425 (1977), and other cases..." - White House (11/01/01), FAS (11/01/01)
Hmmmmmm ....... don't sound like a joke to me.
If that was humour, well, how funny. I'm Italian and Berlusconi was making "humour" all the time... he was a clown. Thankfully he's gone.
I have no idea what that quote is saying.
I don't disagree that Bush has taken steps to gain more control over our government and our country. That is clear. But all I'm saying is that specific comment that he made about dictatorship was also clearly a joke. He wouldn't say something that stupid in public if he wanted it taken literally. But then again he did say he is "the president of war" so... maybe I'm wrong. Whatever. In the end I think we have the same opinion of him...