I hate my co-workers

thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
edited October 2007 in A Moving Train
I live near Cleveland and work in an office thats favorite thing to do is comment on current events. Today everyone was huddled around the TV in the break room talking about the school shooting that happened in Cleveland yesterday. I made the comment along the lines of "mabye if the news stopped devoting 48 hours of live coverage to a situation that doesn't pertain to any of us, then these kids wouldn't get the ideas they get and the attention they want" I basically just said that the news loves this kind of stuff, and dummies in offices like mine want to see it on the news everyday, but if they never knew it happened in the first place, their lives would never be affected by it, our lives would just be as they were.

Well, this turned 180 down a path that I never saw coming. It turned into "well the reason these kids do it is because they are black and have no up bringing" Now, this isn't the first time they have said something about this. Over the summer a pregnant women was killed here in Ohio by her boyfriend, who was a black policeman in Canton,Ohio. They were actually sort of happy she was killed because she was a white girl married to a black man. Someone actually said "well she had it coming"

I honestly hate these people's views. They are nice people, but they are so stupid it's not even funny (literally). I mean they grind on me for watching sports because the players are 1) over paid (which I agree, but don't really care) and 2)they are black, hispanic or anything else. I mean people like this still exsist in this world and we wonder why our world is so fucked up. They love watching the nightly news to hear about all the killings in the inner city and everything else just so they can sit back in their rocker and feel good about themselves. They complain about the world being fucked up, but they don't do anything to help the situation.

I hate these people. They defend the news by saying it has to be told, but they don't understand it's just entertainment. How can MSNBC go from talking about a kid shooting people in a school to bringing in specialists to talk about Paris Hilton? I mean these people are so dumb.

I don't know I just needed to vent...thanks
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • They were probably from the south.
  • 810wmb810wmb Posts: 849
    MrSmith wrote:
    They were probably from the south.


    i support yr hate thunderdan
    i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    Ughh!!! that would be hard to work with.
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    Lizard wrote:
    Ughh!!! that would be hard to work with.

    yeah no crap. I need to get out of here and move out of the small town, but I have a feeling there is this crap everywhere, it's just being able to uncover it.
  • do you work at some kind of racism store?
    Always sad when you see the true colors of your co-workers. What sort of workplace is it?
  • MrSmith wrote:
    do you work at some kind of racism store?

    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Always sad when you see the true colors of your co-workers. What sort of workplace is it?

    it's a new car dealership. My family owns it but I don't want to go and complain to my dad for 2 reasons 1) I fear that he might think the same and it would ruin my relationship with my dad (though as long as I've known him he has never been a racist) 2) I don't want him scolding the employees because it will look like I went crying to my dad. Plus if they were to be scolded there would be only one source from which it would have come from (me). I try to ignore it, but it's more of a reflection on how people in this small town think rather than the individuals.

    I mean one guy here was pissed that his son's high school has a black quarterback playing on their team. I mean seriosuly..
  • thunderDAN wrote:
    I mean one guy here was pissed that his son's high school has a black quarterback playing on their team. I mean seriosuly..

    Next time he sells a car to a black person, ask him why it's ok to sell them a car if he thinks that lowly of them.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    Next time he sells a car to a black person, ask him why it's ok to sell them a car if he thinks that lowly of them.

    thats the thing that kills me. He just sold a black man a car for about 60k and worshiped him while he was here (because he was getting good money from it). When he left people said "man wonder who he killed to get that money" and "I bet he plays for the Browns or something". It's like they can't just give people credit for being decent citizens. I mean I don't know who that man was, but it's not right for me to assume that he delt drugs to get the money just because he is black.

    Plus, when we have black customers, they don't refer to them by Mr. and Mrs. so-and-so, its you know the "black" people. I mean it sucks
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    wow, you're in a pretty shitty position...

    I say when co-workers make these sort of comments, call them out on it...ask them questions about their statements...ask them to elaborate on statements...
    and keep asking questions to the point where they feel stupid for what they are saying...or just tell them to keep their hatred to themselves, that you don't want to hear it...

    if anything, they may at least stop making these comments in front of you...
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