Please Help!!! Take the time to read

To all my fellow Pearl Jam fans,
For years now I have loved Pearl Jam. My husband goes absolutely insane over them. Unfortunately, in previous years we have become crazy about something else too. In 2003, my late husband Patrick and I took our three year old daughter to her first concert. She loved it. Looking back at the pictures now I can see the small cyst that later that year in September was diagnosed as cancer. As if this wasn't bad enough, one month later my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. Our life became one big hospital visit with both of them undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Mackenzie was able to struggle through in and in December of 2004 she was pronounced to be in remission with little chance of recurrence. Her father was not so lucky, He lost his battle after eight months. Mackenzie and I have gone through the last few years relying heavily on friends and family and were lucky enough to find a man that loved us both. He actually encouraged me to post on this site because he believes so much in Pearl Jam fans. Imagine my surprise though when I woke her up for school in August and saw and enormous lump on her thigh. I knew right away what it was and as it turned out I was right. Her cancer had returned worse than before and much larger. I always promised that if she lost her hair again I would set aside my own vanity and shave mine as well. I am going to get my chance this March 3rd when I will be participating in an event called St. Baldricks. It is a national organization that's motto is "Be Brave and Shave" How it works is people like myself sign up to become "shavee's". Then we get people to sponsor us to shave our heads. All the money goes to help find a cure for childhood cancer. This is a very important event. Mackenzie is receiving treatment at a hospital that is part of the Children's Oncology Group along with St. Judes and others. These are considered research hospitals and the funds raised will help immensely. You are able to find out more about this event at You can donate on line, by phone, or send directly to me. The web site is very easy to navigate. When you get on you are able to search by shavee. My name is Shana Abrams and my shavee number is 15339253. Or you can look at the children honored. My daughters name is Mackenzie Woelbling. The event we are participating in is being held at Helen Fitzgeralds in Missouri on March 3rd 2007. Please at least take the time to look. The site is filled with so many facts and you will be able to see exactly where your money is going. Seeing as there is a contest between participants to see who can raise money I ask that when you donate please list my name as the shavee. That way I will get credit for raising funds. also, if you wish you are able to contact me at and I can send you a packet of information as well as my daughters pictures. To many children are dying from cancers we don't have cures for. You are able to help.
For years now I have loved Pearl Jam. My husband goes absolutely insane over them. Unfortunately, in previous years we have become crazy about something else too. In 2003, my late husband Patrick and I took our three year old daughter to her first concert. She loved it. Looking back at the pictures now I can see the small cyst that later that year in September was diagnosed as cancer. As if this wasn't bad enough, one month later my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. Our life became one big hospital visit with both of them undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Mackenzie was able to struggle through in and in December of 2004 she was pronounced to be in remission with little chance of recurrence. Her father was not so lucky, He lost his battle after eight months. Mackenzie and I have gone through the last few years relying heavily on friends and family and were lucky enough to find a man that loved us both. He actually encouraged me to post on this site because he believes so much in Pearl Jam fans. Imagine my surprise though when I woke her up for school in August and saw and enormous lump on her thigh. I knew right away what it was and as it turned out I was right. Her cancer had returned worse than before and much larger. I always promised that if she lost her hair again I would set aside my own vanity and shave mine as well. I am going to get my chance this March 3rd when I will be participating in an event called St. Baldricks. It is a national organization that's motto is "Be Brave and Shave" How it works is people like myself sign up to become "shavee's". Then we get people to sponsor us to shave our heads. All the money goes to help find a cure for childhood cancer. This is a very important event. Mackenzie is receiving treatment at a hospital that is part of the Children's Oncology Group along with St. Judes and others. These are considered research hospitals and the funds raised will help immensely. You are able to find out more about this event at You can donate on line, by phone, or send directly to me. The web site is very easy to navigate. When you get on you are able to search by shavee. My name is Shana Abrams and my shavee number is 15339253. Or you can look at the children honored. My daughters name is Mackenzie Woelbling. The event we are participating in is being held at Helen Fitzgeralds in Missouri on March 3rd 2007. Please at least take the time to look. The site is filled with so many facts and you will be able to see exactly where your money is going. Seeing as there is a contest between participants to see who can raise money I ask that when you donate please list my name as the shavee. That way I will get credit for raising funds. also, if you wish you are able to contact me at and I can send you a packet of information as well as my daughters pictures. To many children are dying from cancers we don't have cures for. You are able to help.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh the tears are just flowing now. I hate to hear about a child in any pain or danger. They haven't even had the chance to enjoy their childhood, the time when life is so good. And I can't begin to imagine how you must feel with all you've been through. You were right to come here. There are sooo many loving and supportive people I've come to know and love here. Thank you so much for sharing your story and giving us all the chance to help out.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I truly can't imagine what it must be like watching your child go through this. You're a strong, brave woman ... you're her mom for a reason
PS ... you might want to consider posting this on The Porch, that's the section of the board that gets the most traffic.
can you participate if your hair is that short? i thought they only wanted longer hair. i've always wanted to participate, but didn't think i had the length to satisfy their needs.
~Michael Bolton
This is more like a marathon or something, where people sponsor you just for shaving your head. Obviously, if your hair is long enough you could donate to both charities at the same time
Hi Shana. Thank you for posting this. I am a guitar player in the st louis band Glorious Blue. We played at helens immediately following the St. Baldrick's event held there in 2005. Were you there? This is a great cause, as you are well aware. When we showed up that night we had no idea what was going on that evening, as we were not to be there until 8:00 to set up for the 9:00 show. We had noticed many many people who had just had their heads shaven. I remember hauling my amp onto the stage to find hair everywhere. We were not sure what was going on or what had just happened so I began to ask around. It only takes about 15 minutes to set up and soundcheck so i had nearly an hour to observe what was going on. I met many wonderful people, mainly the family members of young cancer patients, many of them had children who were too sick to attend. we heard many stories of individuals who had struggled with thier cancers for some time. some had gone into remission and some had not been so lucky. there were hundreds of pictures there so i could put faces with the names and stories that i had just heard. it was very touching.
one very vivid memory i have of that evening was when we first took the stage. i was standing there tuning my guitar before our first song when two little bald girls came up to me. they were ages 9 and 11 i believe. unfortunately i have forgotten their names. i was unsure if they had cancer or if their heads had just been shaved, but I walked off of the stage to talk to them. They gave me and the other 4 band members a green rubber bracelet that they had been selling for $5 to raise money. I offered to pay for them and they said no. I read the bracelet that said "cure search, REACH THE DAY". i was very touched and teared up because i did not know how to react to them. they were very sweet and i felt very bad for them because i was unsure what their future would hold. i gave them each a hug and went back on the stage thinking "how the hell am i going to play after that?" i am not a religious person, but i said a little prayer to myself for them and proceeded to play. we dedicated "one" by U2 to the 2 little girls and everyone involved with St. Baldrick's. I will say that Justin, our singer and myself wear our green bracelets every time we play at Helen's as a reminder of those we were able to meet that night. As a matter of fact I am wearing mine right now. We always said that we wanted to play this event again but we are booked there on 3/10 so we will miss this event by one week. I am planning on passing this on to the rest of the guys so that we can make a donation in your name. We are not playing that night so I am going to try to make it there. Best of luck to you and MacKenzie. You are both in my prayers. Here is hoping to a successful evening on March 3 at Helen's. Take Care, Rod
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Come on everyone, cough up a buck or two for a good cause
cancer info
Thanks for posting, I had not been aware of this before.
We were at Helens that year! It's so funny when you hear about people that are in the same place at the same time. Mackenzie was honored that year and they had a huge picture up of her. however no one shaved in her name, that year at least. I'm the first. Where does your band usually play? My husband is in the band Byproduct (obviously, from his signature) Just do all that you can to get the word out. thanks for your support.
Way to go!!! It's just hair and it grows back. Besides, they don't have a choice about when they lose theirs. My sister is a little pissed because she has a wedding coming up that I'm in. I told her that this cause is to important to me.
This is an excellent event and if you need any help looking for donations give me your address and I can send you the packet that I sent out. It has pictures of Mackenzie and me as well as the fact sheets on the event and donation forms.
Thanks for telling me where to repost this husband is on here all the time but this is the first time I've ever used a message board. to say that I'm not very computer savvy would be a understatement.
There's a bunch of us PJ-Sin planning a world wide tattoo & piercing day.
Do you think we could do that for your cause instead of the head shaving?
I'm going to suggest it to the others, let us know if you think it would be ok.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Anything you want to do would be great. Thanks for all the support everyone!!!
-Enoch Powell
It's the thought that counts but they also need money. This girl is for real, this cause is for real and you have the opportunity to make one persons life a little bit better, and at the same time enrich your own. You don't have to be rich to donate. 5 bucks, 10 bucks or 100 bucks. It doesn't matter. It's good kharma. Your sending your positive energy into the universe and that's all that counts. Cmon, donate. This is not a scam. Right Hippiemom?
By "the Man upstairs," I also meant that I'd send an email to my pops b/c he's got the $$$.
-Enoch Powell
Come on guys, even five bucks will help. Quit bitchin' about the tour and help out.:)
Now there's a great idea! If all of you lucky enough to be getting tickets to the new tour donate/pay even $1 dollar/euro/pound to st baldricks imagine how much money that would be? See guys? It's really easy!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Thanks for rallying the troops (so to speak) This really is a great event...and alot of fun. this is the one organization that all the nurses stand behind. there are so many organizations out there that choosing who to donate to can be confusing but I knew it was a good one when I saw the nurses themselves shaving. They are right there to work the event even though they all work 14 hour days. If anyone is around St. Louis at the time it really is awesome. All the kids are running around. They honor the ones who have passed away(which unfortunatly are almost all of them), and underneath it all it's just one huge St. Pats party. Obviously the drunker people get the faster the money starts flowing.
Also Pj-Sin and I are always down to get more tattoos!!! They made me take out all my piercings when I had Mackenzie. Just a question. Why is it that when you do have tattoos people automatically assume you have no idea how to take care of a child. I think I do a damn good job yet still there are people who see me or my husband and talk to us like we're idiots!
Are you still in St. Louis? This is one party Helens does right. They add aon about three huge tents to hold all the people and the radio stations and such come out. They bring out Irish Dancers and have a huge silent auction for the adults as well as clowns, crafts, and face painting for the kids.
I just went online to look at your page. Thanks again for shaving in honor of Mackenzie. Did you happen to notice that they have her age listed as 37? I can't figure out how to change it. Her birthday is right and all so who knows. Good job on the fundraising. I see you already have some support. PJ-Sin and I will donate also.
I'm happy to do it
I'll be donating to you too
Your story really touches me, and you and Mackenzie are in my thoughts and prayers. My daughter is the same age and suffers from Down syndrome. I know that doesn't seem to compare, I just want you to know that I care and have been through serious challenges w/ my child myself (she' had heart surgery at 6 mo. old). I am donating to your cause (it sounds like a wonderful event) and will bring your cause up to the charitable committee at my work, which I'm also a committee member of. You're a great mother and a strong and admirable woman, and Mackenzie is beautiful and very special. Hippiemom, I think you're awesome too.