My license plate: In God We Trust

WickedJeremyWickedJeremy Posts: 229
edited December 2007 in A Moving Train
I just thought I'd throw this out to see what people have to say.

I live in Indiana and our somewhat new license plates are blue with the American flag beside big words reading "In God We Trust". Since when has this country or any other one trusted in God. America trusts in its war machine and political maneuvering and backstabbing to get its way. I'll never understand how a human can believe that God would actually use a worldly nation of man-made government to achieve His goals when the Bible tells us to love our enemies and learn war no more. Especially when the Bible itself says that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one (1 John 5:19). When the Devil tempted Jesus, one of the things he offered him was all the kingdoms of the earth. This shows that man's governments are under the control of Satan and not God. The Bible says that Satan is misleading the entire inhabitants of the earth. The Bible shows that Satan uses religions that mimic Christianity (basically all of organized religion) to mislead people away from the actual truth. It also says that these religions would go hand in hand to work with his governments. Who gave permission to Hitler to carry out his goals? The pope. Who blesses soldiers on both sides? Religious leaders. Who holds great sway over governmental decisions? Religion, the great harlot riding the back of the wild beast (government).

Anyway, don't turn this into a Bible bashing session. See my point here. I am criticizing government here. If they use terms such as God, then they are referring to the God of the Bible who has outright disowned human government in the Bible. It is called hypocrisy.

Since the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, then I know the god they are referring to when they say, "In God We Trust".

Anyway, it won't go on my car.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • miskinmiskin Posts: 278
    welcome to 21st century America

    come on over to Europe before its too late, i'll save you space ;-)
  • miskin wrote:
    welcome to 21st century America

    come on over to Europe before its too late, i'll save you space ;-)

    Haha, sounds like a plan. But I don't think this is something I can run from. Europe is home to the second head to this dual-world power. Patriotism is everywhere like a cancer.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    miskin wrote:
    welcome to 21st century America

    come on over to Europe before its too late, i'll save you space ;-)

    They ought to change the name "Europe" to "Eutopia"...
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • miskinmiskin Posts: 278
    Haha, sounds like a plan. But I don't think this is something I can run from. Europe is home to the second head to this dual-world power. Patriotism is everywhere like a cancer.

    Patriotism is MUCH less here. in England anyway. no-one really cares...
    ive visited America quite a few times, and the people and place are love. However the blind patriotism is disturbing.

    British people only generally get patriotic when Britain disagrees with France over something. Then its all out anti-france!

    anyways il make room for you... just dont bring too many friends ;-)
  • miskin wrote:
    just dont bring too many friends ;-)

    Haha...I hear ya! Given that this country is so determined to be a god and have rule, I find this interesting:

    Revelation talks about the seven headed beast. It clearly shows that the beasts it refers to are human governments. Everyone freaks about the symbols in Revelation with the beasts and stuff, but it says right in there that the beasts mean kingdoms. The seven heads refer to succeeding world powers that have a dominance over God's people. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and Anglo-America (the seventh head).

    Revelation talks about that head receiving a death blow and almost dying (WWI). But the deathstroke got healed and everyone looked at it with admiration and compelled the entire earth to follow it. This is happening now. It also says that it makes an image to itself. A second form of rule that encompasses all and ultimately seeks the interests of the seventh head and acts as a king itself. The United Nations. It says this image is very blasphemous in that it claims to be God's hand on earth. The UN has itself said that without it, all mankind would destroy itself and the only way to salvation is under it's authority, just like Revelation said it would nearly 2000 years ago.

    Interestingly, it also says that the beast (or government) would turn on the harlot (religion) and buck her off its back and completely devour her. You can see government doing this now. It is like the beast is trying to buck her off. Separation of church and government. Religion has less influence now than it used to.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,112
    Interestingly, it also says that the beast (or government) would turn on the harlot (religion) and buck her off its back and completely devour her. You can see government doing this now. It is like the beast is trying to buck her off. Separation of church and government. Religion has less influence now than it used to.

    So, you are pissed because the US has "In God We Trust" on its money and license plates, and that Christianity plays too large a role in government, and then in your next post talk about how the government separating from religion is a sign of the coming end of the world. These two comments don't make sense, unless you want the end of the world to come soon.

    I understand what you are saying in that currently religion is being used for political purposes and not for the sake of a good set of moral rules. But moving to Europe where religion is dissappearing seems odd with your belief in the Bible (at least I assume with the way you are quoting it).
  • As per the bible God has killed more people, and officially is on the books for causing more evil, and destruction than Satan ever did/could/has.

    There's a head scratcher slice of reality for ya.

    talk about double chocolate mindfuck supreme with sprinkles...

    But oh yeah....the church used to in fact BE the government (for a long... long...time)

    No huge surprises in this little lesson.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • So, you are pissed because the US has "In God We Trust" on its money and license plates, and that Christianity plays too large a role in government, and then in your next post talk about how the government separating from religion is a sign of the coming end of the world. These two comments don't make sense, unless you want the end of the world to come soon.

    I understand what you are saying in that currently religion is being used for political purposes and not for the sake of a good set of moral rules. But moving to Europe where religion is dissappearing seems odd with your belief in the Bible (at least I assume with the way you are quoting it).

    Well, I wouldn't say pissed off. It's the way it is, can't do anything about it. I'm just pointing it out. I'm not sure how the two comments don't make sense. Religion playing ANY kind of role in government is wrong. I see them both as evil. Just because they are separating, doesn't make one good or the other bad. One is a beast and the other is a blood-guilty harlot prostituting herself to the kings.

    Moving to Europe is just a joke. This is a world-wide issue. It is the same there. Every nation has a god it thinks it is fighting for when the real God has condemned all of them. These harlot religions have given God, Jesus and the Bible such a bad name, it is no wonder most people are apathetic towards it. I want no part of religion. But all of their actions, all of the actions by the churches and their teachings are fairly plainly condemned by the very book they are claiming to be founded on. It's rediculous. BUt you won't fall for it if you read it yourself. I mean, really, how many of these devout Christians have even read it once cover to cover? If we do, we see the reliigons are a lie, a twisted misinterpretation of the Bible that lead the world to doubt it.

    But anyway, I'm not sure I've answered your question. I can't see a contradiction, so I may not be understanding you just right.
  • Sonja_SSonja_S Vienna Posts: 444
    Is this a kind of motto for your state now or just something that goes on the license plate? Whatever it is, I find it disturbing. I think if they tried to put something like that on our plates, there would be such a public outrage that they'd forget about it again in a second.

    We have the blue European Union stripe with an 'A' for Austria, one or two letters for the city or county we live in (one letter for the capitals of the provinces, two for the counties), then the crest of the province, then either 4 numbers and 2 letters or 5 numbers and 1 letter. There wouldn't even be any space for any mottos because our plates aren't as big as those in North America.
    You can tell a man from what he has to say - Neil & Tim Finn
    They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    I think its interesting that most divine figures in human history all have an underlying message of peace, and how almost every single time that message gets distorted by religion.
  • Wouldn't it be more correct if it said "In Satan We Trust"?
    Ooh! Zinger!
    When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
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