Censoring all Ideas Related to Ending the Federal Reserve a deceptive reality that is. Every dollar printed has immediate debt attached to it owed to a lawless completely private third party company called the Fed.
"I posted a quick and informative video on how the Federal Reserve perpetuates rather than fights inflation and suggested that Obama urge Congress to pass Ron Paul’s legislation, H.R. 2755, which would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Today, I received an email saying this idea “lies outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which is focused on identifying solutions that we believe can, through a grassroots lobbying effort, receive serious consideration from the Obama administration and/or Congress.”
Needless to say, last night my idea was completely deleted from the site."
"I posted a quick and informative video on how the Federal Reserve perpetuates rather than fights inflation and suggested that Obama urge Congress to pass Ron Paul’s legislation, H.R. 2755, which would repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Today, I received an email saying this idea “lies outside the scope of the Ideas for Change in America project, which is focused on identifying solutions that we believe can, through a grassroots lobbying effort, receive serious consideration from the Obama administration and/or Congress.”
Needless to say, last night my idea was completely deleted from the site."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Change You Can Believe In
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I like this one.
...and they just started printing a 200 million dollar note.
35 million dollars just for a loaf of bread.
Then I see this?!
What 100 billion Zimbabwean dollar note is worth in Zimbabwe
A vendor arranges three eggs on a new 100 billion Zimbabwean dollar note. An egg now costs $35 billion."
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He wouldn't even be able to afford 3 eggs with that note! Reminds me back when I visited Turkey and the $US was about 200,000 Turkish liras. We'd be trying to calculate how much to pay for lunch 2 million.. 3 million.. ah fuck it just give him this 5 million note and let him sort it out!
Mr. Obama,
I've been very skeptical over an Obama presidency and your campaign's use of the word "Change"
Change is just a word.. A cliche.. And just to repeat it over and over again, it has no meaning.. What are you going to change, Mr. Obama? One of the biggest changes that our country needs is to abolish the Federal Reserve system that governs our country's monetary system and policies. I haven't heard you or any other TV star politician utter one word of this kind of change..
The whole Federal Reserve system is a sham that deprives U.S. citizens the right to property and liberty. Most people are entirely unaware that the Federal Reserve is a private banking institution. It acts in it's shareholders interests and is not regulated the the federal government. The U.S. government does not create money. It borrows money from this private bank in exchange for a promise (treasury bonds) that the government will pay it back with added interest.
Since the gold standard effectively came to an end in 1933, when Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private gold ownership (except for the purposes of jewelry), Federal Reserve notes have essentially been created out of thin air. These notes are instruments of debt and have no intrinsic value, unlike gold/silver standard currency coins which used to contain those very precious metals. For instance, a quarter that was minted prior to 1964, used to contain 90% silver and 10% nickel. Quarters minted from 1965 to present, contain NO silver, 90% nickel, and 10% copper. Federal Reserve notes can get you bling, but the gold/silver standard coins WERE bling! Even paper notes such as silver and gold certificates were redeemable for silver and gold in at the US Treasury in Washington DC or at other treasury branches located throughout the country.
To get back on topic, the federal reserve notes, or debt is expanded even more through a process call fractional reserve banking. Through fractional reserve banking, the principle, "money," is amplified in the banking system through the use of loans, where banks are allowed to lend out 90% of the principle deposit and are only required to keep 10% of the deposit in their reserves.
Through fractional reserve banking, the actual supply of "money" will always be less than the debt owed. This creates a perpetual debt cycle where economic booms, recessions, and depressions are orchestrated through manipulation of interests rates by the Fed and the supply of money. Because the debt is always greater than the actual supply of money, this makes people compete by subjecting themselves to undesirable employment or to even greater extremes by stealing from one another to meet their obligations in this web of debt. Because of this competition, foreclosures and bankruptcy are automatically built into this monetary system. The transfer of wealth and property occurs when your property becomes the bank's property and thus property of the shareholders within the system (which happens to represent a small and extremely concentrated fraction of the general populous).
The only way to pay off the amplified debt is by borrowing more money from the Fed, thus creating more debt. The effect of interjecting these newly borrowed notes into the money supply causes the existing supply of money to lose its value, and this is where inflation comes from.. Currently, the Federal Reserve's only solution to inflation is creating more inflation... and thus the value of the dollar continues its downward fall and the debt to the Federal Reserve continues to climb.
Please Mr. Obama, abolish the Federal Reserve system.. Go back to the gold and silver standards.. End this economic form of slavery.. Give the power back to the people... put the bling back in our money!
Now that would be "Change" We Can Believe In!
You really can't explain it much better than that... Great job. We're starting to really see this idea reach a lot of people, the more the better.
well written.
Yeah right!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I couldn't have said it better myself.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)