Depleted Uranium Alert - invisible war

part 1
part 2
part 2
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
It has killed so many people over there, far more than saddam ever killed with his use of biological wepons.
It's quite sick that people even try to justify it's use.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Yesterday on Alex Jones radio show:
Alex speaks depleted uranium expert, Dr. Doug Rokke about Israel's use of
D.U. weapons in the current conflict in Lebanon.
Dr. Rokke, states that Israel purchased GBU-28 which is commonly known as a "bunker buster" and contains depleted uranium.
According to U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis a recent news article, the U.S. has shipped 100, 5,000 pound GBU-28s to Israel for use in Lebanon.
According to Rokke and many websites, including, the GBU-28 is infact a 5,000 pound depleted uranium bomb.
I'm not able to view this video now, but should show the devestation of the initial hit from a GBU-28. gives a nice presentation on how the GBU-28 works with U-238, depleted uranium.
It also explains quite extensively how nuclear radiation works
Radiation Chart png
Video explaining Nuclear Configurations and Radioactive Decay
U-238 is a radioactive metal that produces alpha and beta particles. In its solid form, it is not particularly dangerous because its half-life is 4.5 billion years, meaning that the atomic decay is very slow. Depleted uranium is used, for example, in boats and airplanes as ballast. The three properties that make depleted uranium useful in penetrating weapons are its:
Density - Depleted uranium is 1.7 times heavier than lead, and 2.4 times heavier than steel.
The reality is, the infamous "dirty bomb" is basically the same thing. The only difference being that the RDD is actually designed to spread the isotopes.
Does Israel use Depleted Uranium? Durban
These states would have us believe that they are anti-Zionist, not antisemitic, but again and again this lie is disproved. What are the despicable caricatures of Jews that fill the Arab press and are being circulated at this Conference: what are the vicious libels so freely invented and disseminated by our enemies - about the use of poison gas, or depleted uranium bullets, or injecting babies with the Aids virus - if not the reincarnation of age-old antisemitic canards? r%20ge
want to speak about the military situation around the compound of Arafat. There is a lot of disinformation that is given by the Palestinians - not a very new phenomenon. Remember their saying that Israeli Mossad is responsible for the demolition of the Twin Towers in New York, that Israeli soldiers are giving poisoned candies to the Palestinian children, etc. They also say that Israel is using uranium.
"Phalanx" guns, which are in service in both the US and Israeli navies, and are designed to intercept very short-range sea-to-sea missiles. The heart of the system is a radar-directed "gatling" gun with six 20 mm barrels. When a sea-to-sea missile approaches a ship, at a height of only a few meters, and generally at sub-sonic speed, the radar locks onto the missile and immediately activates the cannon that fires a "lead screen" of shells made from depleted uranium, which hit the missile and explode it.
Land Based Phalanx Takes Aim At Rockets, Artillery and Mortars.
Translated by Shiraz from Israel
"Its some kind of a "magazine" called "world military R&D", which presents all kind of world wide military R&D mini-articals. that link is for 11/2005 issue, and the specific research you're talking about is related to the US army.
Here it is:
Basically it tells us that the *US* army improved the old "Phalanx" system (an interception system for rockets, missiles, artillery & Mortars who was once used only in ships), by adding it an IR (Infra-Red) sophisticated camera, advanced video system to catch up any movments, several radar systems, some kind of weapon system and a special arming (doesn't say exactly what it is). This mobiled improved system was designed for the war in Iraq as a defensive tool for US soliders."
All Israeli government websites
Aren't they shipping 100 GBU-28s? They are bigger bombs, 5,000 lbs U-238 "bunker busters". It's the US's radioactive waste from uranium enrichment. See uranium ore has about 5% U-235 which is needed for nuclear fuel, the rest is U-238 which they make into bombs to drop on the arabs.
Hardness - If you look at a Web site like, you can see that the Brinell hardness of U-238 is 2,400, which is just shy of tungsten at 2,570. Iron is 490. Depleted uranium alloyed with a small amount of titanium is even harder.
Incendiary properties - Depleted uranium burns. It is something like magnesium in this regard. If you heat uranium up in an oxygen environment (normal air), it will ignite and burn with an extremely intense flame. Once inside the target, burning uranium is another part of the bomb's destructive power.
These three properties make depleted uranium an obvious choice when creating advanced bunker-busting bombs. With depleted uranium, it is possible to create extremely heavy, strong and narrow bombs that have tremendous penetrating force.
The problem with depleted uranium is the fact that it is radioactive. The United States uses tons on depleted uranium on the battlefield. At the end of the conflict, this leaves tons of radioactive material in the environment. For example, Time magazine: Balkan Dust Storm reports:
NATO aircraft rained more than 30,000 DU shells on Kosovo during the 11-week air campaign… About 10 tons of the debris were scattered across Kosovo.
Perhaps 300 tons of DU weapons were used in the first Gulf war. When it burns, DU forms a uranium-oxide smoke that is easily inhaled and that settles on the ground miles from the point of use. Once inhaled or ingested, depleted-uranium smoke can do a great deal of damage to the human body because of its radioactivity. See How Nuclear Radiation Works for details.
I will add that the popular Sabot round uses a U-238 (depleted uranium) penetrator.
4.5 billion years from now half of it will still be floating around fucking up all kinds of various life forms on earth. DU is not a naturally ocurring substance in is man made....especially in very fine powdered form.
So I guess in 9 billion years earth should be good if it stops being used today.
No biggie...hey great #$% product! *pats on back*
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)