if you're talking about private militias; we already have them. more than you can ever dream of.
but there's a twist here. the justices must take an oath. part of that oath is to protect the constitution. if they rule against the second amendment; they have violated their oath.
search militias and see what you find.
I know we have private militias, the problem is they are supposed to be State controlled and regulated. Could the D.C. ruling because of its unique status affect these organizations if the Supreme Court has to define "State" militias? If not, do we see an increase in such organizations or could we see more dependence on Blackwater type organizations?
Bush took an oath (to protect, uphold and defend the Constitution) and you see how well that's been handled. The U.S. Attorney took an oath (to protect, uphold and defend the Constitution) they must have all have their fingers crossed. So don't give me that violated of oath crap when it comes to guns and not torture or habeas corpus violations.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
The most ridiculous quote in that article is this one:
"Whatever right the second amendment guarantees, it does not require the district to stand by while its citizens die."
Yeah, but they certainly have no problem "standing by and watching " americans die in phony, trumped-up, corporate-driven wars; and at the hands of the corporate toxic poisoning of our resources and food suplly; or at the hands of greedy, profit-driven Insurance companies (HMOs), Pharmaceutical and the medical/"health" industry, right?
What a bunch of crap!!!! They are all so full of shit!
The most ridiculous quote in that article is this one:
"Whatever right the second amendment guarantees, it does not require the district to stand by while its citizens die."
Yeah, but they certainly have no problem "standing by and watching " americans die in phony, trumped-up, corporate-driven wars; and at the hands of the corporate toxic poisoning of our resources and food suplly; or at the hands of greedy, profit-driven Insurance companies (HMOs), Pharmaceutical and the medical/"health" industry, right?
What a bunch of crap!!!! They are all so full of shit!
You do realize that the District government and Congress are two separate animals. Your anger is misdirected because your confusing the place with the actions. The District has no senatorial or house of representative voting privileges on the floor of Congress because DC is not a State or a Commonwealth. The citizens of DC are not represented in Congress, thus, this gun law, which is a Constitutional issue must take into effect the status of DC whether intentionally or unintentionally.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
I know we have private militias, the problem is they are supposed to be State controlled and regulated. Could the D.C. ruling because of its unique status affect these organizations if the Supreme Court has to define "State" militias? If not, do we see an increase in such organizations or could we see more dependence on Blackwater type organizations?
Bush took an oath (to protect, uphold and defend the Constitution) and you see how well that's been handled. The U.S. Attorney took an oath (to protect, uphold and defend the Constitution) they must have all have their fingers crossed. So don't give me that violated of oath crap when it comes to guns and not torture or habeas corpus violations.
"Whatever right the second amendment guarantees, it does not require the district to stand by while its citizens die."
Yeah, but they certainly have no problem "standing by and watching " americans die in phony, trumped-up, corporate-driven wars; and at the hands of the corporate toxic poisoning of our resources and food suplly; or at the hands of greedy, profit-driven Insurance companies (HMOs), Pharmaceutical and the medical/"health" industry, right?
What a bunch of crap!!!! They are all so full of shit!
You do realize that the District government and Congress are two separate animals. Your anger is misdirected because your confusing the place with the actions. The District has no senatorial or house of representative voting privileges on the floor of Congress because DC is not a State or a Commonwealth. The citizens of DC are not represented in Congress, thus, this gun law, which is a Constitutional issue must take into effect the status of DC whether intentionally or unintentionally.