Cheney's just itching to peel a strip off Iran

Cheney...setting higher standards of political fucktardery.
In the harshest speech against Iran given by a top George W. Bush administration official to date, Vice President Dick Cheney Sunday warned the Islamic Republic of "serious consequences" if it did not freeze its nuclear programme and accused it of "direct involvement in the killings of Americans".
"Given the nature of Iran's rulers, the declarations of the Iranian president, and the trouble the regime is causing throughout the region -- including the direct involvement in the killing of Americans -- our country and the entire international community cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its most aggressive ambitions," Cheney warned in a major policy address to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP).
"The Iranian regime needs to know that if it stays on its present course, the international community is prepared to impose serious consequences," he added. "The Untied States joins other nations in sending a clear message: We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon."
In his nearly 30-minute speech, an uncompromising defence of the Bush administration's record in the Middle East, Cheney also claimed that, with Washington's "surge" strategy working well against al Qaeda in Iraq, the "greatest strategic threat that Iraq's Shiites face today in consolidating their rightful role in Iraq's new democracy is the subversive activities of the Iranian regime."
And he accused "Syria and its agents" of using "bribery and intimidation prevent the democratic majority in Lebanon from electing a truly independent president."
In the harshest speech against Iran given by a top George W. Bush administration official to date, Vice President Dick Cheney Sunday warned the Islamic Republic of "serious consequences" if it did not freeze its nuclear programme and accused it of "direct involvement in the killings of Americans".
"Given the nature of Iran's rulers, the declarations of the Iranian president, and the trouble the regime is causing throughout the region -- including the direct involvement in the killing of Americans -- our country and the entire international community cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its most aggressive ambitions," Cheney warned in a major policy address to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP).
"The Iranian regime needs to know that if it stays on its present course, the international community is prepared to impose serious consequences," he added. "The Untied States joins other nations in sending a clear message: We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon."
In his nearly 30-minute speech, an uncompromising defence of the Bush administration's record in the Middle East, Cheney also claimed that, with Washington's "surge" strategy working well against al Qaeda in Iraq, the "greatest strategic threat that Iraq's Shiites face today in consolidating their rightful role in Iraq's new democracy is the subversive activities of the Iranian regime."
And he accused "Syria and its agents" of using "bribery and intimidation prevent the democratic majority in Lebanon from electing a truly independent president."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's all sounding eerily familiar. Iraq/Iran...just exchange the Q for an N, and nuclear weapons instead of WMD, and it's the same thing all over again.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah! Only we can kill people and cause trouble in that region....
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I especially like those people who believed the whole WMDs thing and were fooled, and yet still believe this nuclear weapon thing.
What's that saying? "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"?
I think President Bush said it best:
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I think they're pushing to light up Iran before they leave office.
Fool me once....twice....actually it's like this:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
damn... I'm too slow again
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
yeah, i personally think that they are looking for another fight right now, and it looks like they might try to put it up before they leave office and leave the problem after that to whoever goes in office afterwards. maybe it's their way of making sure another republican gets elected?
An October suprise.
would mean a democratic sweep in november
but maybe that is the desired outcome... total control of all branches of government by 1 party. just thinking out of the box here
No I think the lemmings would fall for the whole "Republicans make us safer" line and vote in someone like Guiliani.
Talking of 'terror supporting states' with nuclear weapons, Israel continues to be supported by the U.S administration to the tune of $2.46 Billion in 2007.
"The Zionists, I want to tell you, are NOT Jews.
That's the biggest deception we've ever faced.
Zionists are Zionists. Period.
They are not Jews.
They are not Christians.
They are not Muslims.
They are a POWER group - a POWER party."
You that build all the guns
You that build the death planes
You that build the big bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks
You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
Like Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
You've thrown the worst fear
That can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children
Into the world
For threatening my baby
Unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood
That runs in your veins
How much do I know
To talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young
You might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know
Though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never
Forgive what you do
Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul
And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead
You got to spend it all
Interesting clip. Astonishing how the Christian and Jewish Zionists have such a raging hard-on for bashing Iran and creating war on false pretenses.
Sick people.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"We thank God that he has made (our) enemies stupid," Ahmedinejad said today.
"They do not understand that the world has changed. They believe that we are still in the Middle Ages, where several people decide and others accept. But this era is over."
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
looks like a serious case of fabricating a reason to strike.