Mitt Romney on Medical Marijuana...

Yea kid...I'd toss your suffering ass in jail, probably quicker than I'd dismiss you in public.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
What a fucking creepy, crawly, slimy son of a bitch!!
I wish I could squish him under my shoe like the bug he is.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
he is firmly against making a illegal narcotic, legal. the answer is yes, he will get arrested for having weed. its an illegal drug.
i dont know, i kinda feel like we should expect him to be able to offer rational grounds for his stance, plsu evidence to support those grounds?
I agree. I want the shit legal. If we pump morphine and countless other types of drugs, there is no reason why we cant use weed for medical purposes. I have never understood why.
but he, surprisingly, isnt the only one against it. im sure he would have offered evidence to back up his position had he been asked in a formal way.
what if the kid said crack?
I didn't expect him to be rude. He would have been perfectly alright if he'd stated his party policy on the issue and continued to engage in conversation with the guy. That's not what he did. The guy in the wheelchair stated his preference for legalizing marijuanah, but that his biggest interest was in medical marijuanah and he did ask what Rommey or whatever his name is thought about the fact that the guy was in pain and that conventional medications weren't working, and that he'd had advice from several doctors that mj would help him.
Anyway, law being what it is and all, and in my opinion wrong, but that's beside the point, how hard would it have been for Rommey to give the bloke the time of day. He had legitimate questions and obviously he's a voter. If Rommey thinks that people with illness and disability and their families aren't watching and planning how they will vote he's a fool.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
then romney should be able to come up with a lot of reasons against crack. he can't with pot, which is why the dude got snubbed.
i'm aware he's not the only one. i'd like to see them all hounded about it.
me too. I wonder where the other candidates stand on this. or even better, which ones are for it. I bet its a short list.
i'm sure every major candidate agrees with romney. here's hoping this dude gets them all.
I've never liked Romney, especially when I lived in SLC during the 02' olympics. That guy was always a prick.
Although I'm down with keeping the Mary Jane illegal. Only because I don't want the Gov. to tax the shit out of it. Pot has been the same price for 20 years. What else has been the same price for the last 20 years?
What about Hilary's stance? Did she inhale or was she off reading a lawbook and wondering which beauty queen Buba was charming the tafetta out of that night?
I work in cancer research and I can't begin to tell you how many of our patients would benefit from medical marijuana. Seeing them suffer through horrible chemo regimens, losing weight, constant nausea and vomiting, pain killers not working and causing more problems then benefit, anti-emetics not working, the list goes on and on...
It truly makes me sick! Between the pharmaceutical companies having politician's balls in a vice and religious ideologies tainting law makers I hold this political issue to a pretty high level when selecting a candidate.
Fuck you Romney!
but honestly people, what do you want this politician to do, stand there and listen to this guy ask him same question over and over again with slight variations each time.
i'm not on a politician's side, but he is not going to waste his time arguing about policy he's set.
so I guess you feel that way about most or all of the candidates. I have yet to find one who supports medical buds.
Who's Buba?
I'm sure Hillary is against legalization. She's a hair to the left of centrist. I think until the baby boomers are the senior citizens we won't see any chance of weed being legalized for recreational purposes. And if not fuck them for being hippocrates!
- 8/28/98
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and that would be?
where are the ron paul people....I can see him supporting it.
yeah, i don't see anyone supporting it either, unfortunately.
maybe i could run on that platform.
"sweet adeline - 2008: puff, puff, give"
it could have multiple meanings.
does he include medical morphine in that prohibition?
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
You realize that Ron Paul has acknowledged that the War On Drugs is a failed policy and that he believes marijuana should not be illegal?
Of course, it is not at the front of his policy platform, but he has acknowledged it.
Something about libertarian ideals and individual freedoms.
He explicitly supported the States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act, and he advocates medical use as well!
Here is a letter a guy got from RP in response to a question about medical marijuana: ron paul's response:
Dear Mr. Meyers:
Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding marijuana. As a medical doctor, I have a particular interest in this issue. Please be assured, I will oppose any and all attempts to use federal power to prevent the people of any state from adopting laws legalizing the use of medical marijuana. I also oppose the use of federal funds to finance the "drug war," and particularly the outrageous attacks on those who use marijuana for medical reasons.
I think it is important to emphasize that the federal government has no constitutional authority to intervene in or regulate the medical or drug industries. Moreover, the federal government is prohibited by the Constitution (via the ninth and tenth amendments) from meddling in doctor/patient relationships. With that understanding, I can certainly agree that medical marijuana researchers and drug companies alike should receive "equal and fair treatment" from the federal government. Additionally, I would agree that there should be no federal ban on medical studies. This is why I am an original cosponsor of the States' Rights to Medical Marijuana Act, which restores the ability to make decisions about medical marijuana to the states. I have also cosponsored and voted for the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and State Appropriations Act that would defund federal prosecutions that violate the medical marijuana laws that states have enacted.
In recent years, our federal government has abandoned individual liberty and states' rights in the name of a federal "war on drugs." However, constitutionally, there are only three federal crimes. These are treason against the United States, piracy on the high seas, and counterfeiting. The federal government's role in law enforcement must be limited to these constitutionally federal crimes and should certainly not extend to the doctor's office.
I will continue my attempts to educate my colleagues that ours is a federal government of limited powers, restricted by the United States Constitution and the too-often-forgotten Bill of Rights. Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns on this most important issue with me.
Ron Paul
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Cuz man, haven't you seen Reefer Madness?! It makes you crazy and horny and soulless and gives you an incredible desire to dance to jazz music at all hours of the night.
I love that episode of South Park.
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