US pulls out of UN human rights body

Bah..human rights...
"In a State Department briefing on Friday, it was announced that the United States will no longer be regularly attending meetings held by the United Nations' Human Rights Council unless specifically compelled to, citing the Council's stance on relations between Israel and Palestine.
While not an official member, the United States had been an involved observer since the 47-seat Council's creation in March 2006 to replace the 53-member Commission on Human Rights.
"It will be ad hoc," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told a reporter on Friday when asked of the United States' continued participation. "I'm not going to try to tie our hands diplomatically one way or the other."
"Look," he said, "our skepticism regarding the function of the UN Council on Human Rights in terms of fulfilling its mandate and its mission is well known. It has a rather pathetic record in that regard. Instead of focusing on some of the real and deep human rights issues around the world, it has really turned into a forum that seems to be almost solely focused on bashing Israel."
"[Today] they were speaking about Burma," the reporter responded. "Isn't that something of deep national interest to the United States?"
McCormack responded: "You know, simply put, Matt, because we don't think it is a serious institution in dealing with human rights--human rights issues, we are going to take a more reserved approach in terms of engaging the Council, just because the--our ability and the ability of others to really influence this body is proven to be rather minimal over the past couple of years, and as a result we are just--we're going to choose more selectively how and when to engage the Council."
"The US decision to walk away from the Human Rights Council is counter-productive and short-sighted," said Human Rights Watch advocacy director Juliette de Rivero. "Whatever the council's problems, this decision is a victory for abusive states and a betrayal of those fighting for their rights worldwide."
Human Rights Watch says that the United States' move amounts to the abandonment of people worldwide who suffer as a result of human rights abuses, and the principles for which the Council stands.
"Washington's hands-off approach to the Human Rights Council undermined it from the start," continued de Rivero. "It's ironic that the US shares responsibility for the shortcomings it's now using to justify further distancing itself from the council."
The Council has garnered past criticism from UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in addition to the State Department over Israel. "...I am worried by [the Council's] disproportionate focus on violations by Israel," Annan said in his address to mark International Human Rights Day on December 8, 2006. "Not that Israel should be given a free pass. Absolutely not. But the Council should give the same attention to grave violations committed by other states as well."
"We believe that the Human Rights Council has thus far not proved itself to be a credible body in the mission that it has been charged with," said the State Department's McCormack on March 6, 2007. "There has been a nearly singular focus on issues related to Israel, for example, to the exclusion of examining issues of real concern to the international system, whether that's in Cuba or Burma or in North Korea.
"So we are going to remain as observers to the Human Rights Council and we hope that over time, that this body will expand its focus and become a more credible institution representative of the important mission with which it is charged. But nonetheless, the United States will remain actively engaged not only in the UN system but also outside of the UN system in promoting human rights."
The Council voted in June of 2006 to make suspected human rights abuses by Israel a permanent point of discussion for each meeting. Human Rights Watch had urged the Council to give equal time to suspected abuses on the Palestinian side of the ongoing conflict as well.
In addition to voting against the Council's original inception, Human Rights Watch noted, the United States is further divorced from the philosophy of the Council by utilizing questionable interrogation tactics on "War on Terror" detainees and being uncooperative with those within the Council that sought to investigate the treatment of those housed at Guantánamo Bay.
"Instead of ceding the field to those who want to shield abusers from scrutiny," added de Rivero, "the US should have redoubled its efforts to make the council work as it should.""
"In a State Department briefing on Friday, it was announced that the United States will no longer be regularly attending meetings held by the United Nations' Human Rights Council unless specifically compelled to, citing the Council's stance on relations between Israel and Palestine.
While not an official member, the United States had been an involved observer since the 47-seat Council's creation in March 2006 to replace the 53-member Commission on Human Rights.
"It will be ad hoc," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack told a reporter on Friday when asked of the United States' continued participation. "I'm not going to try to tie our hands diplomatically one way or the other."
"Look," he said, "our skepticism regarding the function of the UN Council on Human Rights in terms of fulfilling its mandate and its mission is well known. It has a rather pathetic record in that regard. Instead of focusing on some of the real and deep human rights issues around the world, it has really turned into a forum that seems to be almost solely focused on bashing Israel."
"[Today] they were speaking about Burma," the reporter responded. "Isn't that something of deep national interest to the United States?"
McCormack responded: "You know, simply put, Matt, because we don't think it is a serious institution in dealing with human rights--human rights issues, we are going to take a more reserved approach in terms of engaging the Council, just because the--our ability and the ability of others to really influence this body is proven to be rather minimal over the past couple of years, and as a result we are just--we're going to choose more selectively how and when to engage the Council."
"The US decision to walk away from the Human Rights Council is counter-productive and short-sighted," said Human Rights Watch advocacy director Juliette de Rivero. "Whatever the council's problems, this decision is a victory for abusive states and a betrayal of those fighting for their rights worldwide."
Human Rights Watch says that the United States' move amounts to the abandonment of people worldwide who suffer as a result of human rights abuses, and the principles for which the Council stands.
"Washington's hands-off approach to the Human Rights Council undermined it from the start," continued de Rivero. "It's ironic that the US shares responsibility for the shortcomings it's now using to justify further distancing itself from the council."
The Council has garnered past criticism from UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in addition to the State Department over Israel. "...I am worried by [the Council's] disproportionate focus on violations by Israel," Annan said in his address to mark International Human Rights Day on December 8, 2006. "Not that Israel should be given a free pass. Absolutely not. But the Council should give the same attention to grave violations committed by other states as well."
"We believe that the Human Rights Council has thus far not proved itself to be a credible body in the mission that it has been charged with," said the State Department's McCormack on March 6, 2007. "There has been a nearly singular focus on issues related to Israel, for example, to the exclusion of examining issues of real concern to the international system, whether that's in Cuba or Burma or in North Korea.
"So we are going to remain as observers to the Human Rights Council and we hope that over time, that this body will expand its focus and become a more credible institution representative of the important mission with which it is charged. But nonetheless, the United States will remain actively engaged not only in the UN system but also outside of the UN system in promoting human rights."
The Council voted in June of 2006 to make suspected human rights abuses by Israel a permanent point of discussion for each meeting. Human Rights Watch had urged the Council to give equal time to suspected abuses on the Palestinian side of the ongoing conflict as well.
In addition to voting against the Council's original inception, Human Rights Watch noted, the United States is further divorced from the philosophy of the Council by utilizing questionable interrogation tactics on "War on Terror" detainees and being uncooperative with those within the Council that sought to investigate the treatment of those housed at Guantánamo Bay.
"Instead of ceding the field to those who want to shield abusers from scrutiny," added de Rivero, "the US should have redoubled its efforts to make the council work as it should.""
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Israel pushed the US into going on two wars now. I think the UN is right. Anti terrorist measure have now in fact become terrorism.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Nice to know what's going on in Israel isn't "real". :rolleyes:
Whatever you might say about the UN being underpowered or obsolete... For the US to pull out of a human rights council because they don't like what they regard as human rights violations is pretty petty. And really won't look very good on an international level.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Why dont you try looking into why Israel is being bashed? You're supporting Israel; provide some evidence of why it shouldnt be bashed.
This blind support of Israel reminds of the blind build up to the invasion of Iraq.
And you expect people to take you seriously?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
You not taking me seriously isn't all that offensive.
so what...go whine about it in private please.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Nope, I am happy to do it here.
Nice cherry pick, by the way.
I quoted your whole post in it's entirety if you didn't notice.
careful, your true colors are shining through.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Anyone who actually reads my posts knows how I think about the issues. I've wasted a lot of time on here. Slag away, big guy. I've got nothing to prove.
Jesus....stop it you're boring this place to death already...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and those that aren't dead will be after i detonate these explosives i have strapped to my body.
calm down the both of you. dont make me turn the hose on you.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
No need. The U.S can just keep on abusing it's power of automatic veto to ensure that the U.N continues to be ineffective.
Anything being done about China? They're ON the human rights council. Does Kofi ever speak out against the horrible abuses inflicted by governments in Africa? No he just bashes the US and other countries when they don't help.
Gimme a fucking break.
'The United Nations General Assembly established the Human Rights Council on 15 March 2006 by a vote which was opposed only by United States, Marshall Islands and Palau (bound to the United States through Compacts of Free Association), and Israel. The United States explained its vote was due to there being not enough safeguards to keep human rights abusing nations off the council.'
Kofi could end all wars with the wave of his hand if only the United States would stop vetoing his power!
you do know kofi annan isnt the secretary general of the UN anymore, right?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
8th session of the Human Rights Council: Reports
8th session of the Human Rights Council: Reports
Symbol number Title of document Languages
A/HRC/8/1 Annotations to the agenda E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/2 Report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti, Louis Joinet
A/HRC/8/3 Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions, Philip Alston E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/3/Corr.1 Corrigendum E
A/HRC/8/3/Add.1 Communications to and from governments E/F/S
A/HRC/8/3/Add.2 Mission to Philippines E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/3/Add.3 Follow-up country recommendations E
A/HRC/8/3/Add.4 Preliminary note on mission to Brazil E only
A/HRC/8/3/Add.5 Preliminary note on mission to Central Africain Republic E F
A/HRC/8/3/Add.6 Preliminary note on mission to Afghanistan E
A/HRC/8/4 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Leandro Despouy S
A/HRC/8/4/Add.1 Communications to and from Governments E/F/S
A/HRC/8/4/Add.2 Mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo E F R S A
A/HRC/8/5 Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, John Ruggie E
A/HRC/8/5/Add.1 Summary of four dialogues with stakeholders E R S C
A/HRC/8/5/Add.2 Patterns of the impact of corporations on human rights E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/6 Annual report of the Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights on internally displaced persons, Walter Kälin F R S
A/HRC/8/6/Add.1 Mission to Central African Republic E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/6/Add.2 Mission to Azerbaijan E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/6/Add.3 Mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/6/Add.4 Mission to Sri Lanka E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/7 Report of the Working Group on an optional protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on its fifth session E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/7/Corr.1 Corrigendum E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/8 Report of the Working Group on the Right to Development: note by the Secretariat E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/9 Report of the Secretary-General on the right to development E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/10 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Vernor Muñoz S
A/HRC/8/10/Add.1 Communications to and from Governments E/F/S
A/HRC/8/10/Add.2 Mission to Morocco E F R A
A/HRC/8/10/Add.3 Mission to Malaysia
A/HRC/8/10/Add.4 Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina E R S C A
A/HRC/8/11 Report of the Secretary-General on the question of the death penalty E S A
A/HRC/8/12 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar on the implementation of Council resolutions S-5/1 and 6/33 E
A/HRC/8/13 Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism E
A/HRC/8/14 Report of the Secretary-General on fundamental standards of humanity E
A/HRC/8/15 Note by the Secretariat on the efforts made by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for the universal ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/16 Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises (John Ruggie) - Implications of "complicity" and "sphere of influence" E F R S C A
A/HRC/8/17 Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights violations emanating from Israeli military attacks and incursions in the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly the recent ones in the occupied Gaza Strip E
A/HRC/8/18 Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on religious and cultural rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem
A/HRC/8/19 Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review on Bahrain E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/20 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Ecuador A E R S
A/HRC/8/21 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Tunisia E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/22 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Morocco E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/23 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Indonesia E S C A
A/HRC/8/24 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Finland E S C
A/HRC/8/25 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on the United Kingdom E S
A/HRC/8/26 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on India E S
A/HRC/8/27 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Brazil E S C
A/HRC/8/28 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Philippines E S C
A/HRC/8/29 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Algeria E F S C A
A/HRC/8/30 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Poland E C
A/HRC/8/31 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Netherlands E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/32 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on South Africa E S
A/HRC/8/33 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on the Czech Republic E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/34 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Argentina E R S C A
A/HRC/8/35 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Gabon E F S R C A
A/HRC/8/36 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Ghana E A
A/HRC/8/37 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Peru E S
A/HRC/8/38 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Guatemala E S
A/HRC/8/39 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Benin E
A/HRC/8/40 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Republic of Korea E
A/HRC/8/41 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Switzerland E F R
A/HRC/8/42 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Pakistan E
A/HRC/8/43 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Zambia E
A/HRC/8/44 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Japan E
A/HRC/8/45 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Ukraine E
A/HRC/8/46 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Sri Lanka
A/HRC/8/47 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on France E
A/HRC/8/48 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Tonga
A/HRC/8/49 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Romania E
A/HRC/8/50 Report of the WG on the Universal Periodic Review on Mali
A/HRC/8/51 Note by the Secretariat E F S A C
Well the entire process will certainly be more constructive without some possessed gorilla bouncing it's weight around the room thumping it's chest.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Not all wars, no. But the Israeli occupation would have ended about 30 years ago without the U.S's continued blocking of a two-state solution.
What are the odds on America's select participation mostly being to stifle progress on that?
I'll give odds of 1/100 that they have. It's a no lose gamble!