U.S. may add Venezuela to list of terrorist states

Does this mean they're doing everything right? hehe j/k (kinda)
"WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has launched a preliminary legal inquiry that could land Venezuela on the U.S. list of nations that support terrorism, following reports of close Venezuelan links with Colombian rebels, a senior government official has confirmed.
The investigation is the first step in a process that could see Venezuela join North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran as countries designated by the State Department as supporters of terrorism.
U.S. laws give some leeway on what economic activity is subject to such sanctions, but experts say adding Venezuela to the list would force U.S. and even foreign firms to sever or curtail links with one of the world's largest oil producers.
The legal review comes after Colombia captured four computers belonging to a guerrilla leader in a March 1 raid into Ecuador. The documents suggest the Venezuelan government was in the process of providing $300 million to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC."
"WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has launched a preliminary legal inquiry that could land Venezuela on the U.S. list of nations that support terrorism, following reports of close Venezuelan links with Colombian rebels, a senior government official has confirmed.
The investigation is the first step in a process that could see Venezuela join North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Syria and Iran as countries designated by the State Department as supporters of terrorism.
U.S. laws give some leeway on what economic activity is subject to such sanctions, but experts say adding Venezuela to the list would force U.S. and even foreign firms to sever or curtail links with one of the world's largest oil producers.
The legal review comes after Colombia captured four computers belonging to a guerrilla leader in a March 1 raid into Ecuador. The documents suggest the Venezuelan government was in the process of providing $300 million to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
(i'm using Bush rationale here of course)
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I made a thread about this, no one commented.
How can we accuse a country of being a terrorist for their dealings with the same people we were actively courting for funds ourselves?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
eddie solo 08 dc,09 balt, 11 phillie
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
If that's the case Columbia should be on a terrorist list. Hell we should have afforded Columbia leaders the same treatment we afforded Noriega.
If that's the case Israel should be on a terrorist list for its role in the Iran-Contra affair. Hell we might not be having these problems in the Middle East if not for those activities.
If that's the case Ollie North should be in Gitmo.
If that's the case the U.S. should be on a terrorist list.
Here is where the OAS should step in an tell the U.S. to back out of its internal affairs. The State Department has lost most of its creditability along with the Justice Department.
More importantly
Can someone remind Bush that gas is pushing $4.00 a gallon. Columbia's problems should not be his priority.
Can someone remind Bush that the $200 billion dollar bank bailout doesn't quite match the tax rebate the people are getting while their homes go on the auction and foreclosure block. So unless Bush tells us he got the money from the Columbia drug cartel and not one penny is not coming out of our pockets then he needs another course in debit and credits.
Get your priorities straight or go on vacation. Stop burden the American people with your going away gifts.
Is Chavez a nut tinfoil hater too?
Hugo Chavez outright calls 911 an inside job by imperialist powers to further global strategy of agression.
Then don't forget Aaron Russo, recounting what Nick Rockefeller told him in private, starting at 2:20, then at 3:00 ... "and we're gonna go after chavez of venezuela.
RIP Aaron.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
PS: it's COLOMBIA!, not COLUMBIA!!!!, columbia it's a fuc*ing city in South Carolina!!!! come on people, you should know this!
Chill out, no offense meant. Done out of habit.