Why spitzer was politically assassinated

"He had the goods on Bush administration collusion with
predatory lenders and was preparing a case that would
have tied the administration directly to wide spread
fraud and criminality in the lending business."
predatory lenders and was preparing a case that would
have tied the administration directly to wide spread
fraud and criminality in the lending business."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
As much as I don't like George Bush jr. This has A LOT more to do with bad lending practices and stupid idiotic debt shifting than who is in the white house.
Lending vast sums of money to people who have histories of bad credit is a really stupid idea. If we want to tie this into politics we can go back a few years to the people whining about it being tough for people with bad credit to get a loan...... it's kind of supposed to be tough for people who make stupid monitary decision to get big loans.... that's the idea. Wall Street got in bed with lending agents and played hot potato selling debt to different companies to try and make a quick buck... now they are caught with thier pants down holding the hot potato on their nuts. It's the result of a large group of people trying to get rich quick, then get out before they get screwed. Well.. they are screwed now.
The thing is that people with bad credit are fish in a barrell. They have no idea how to not screw themselves and they really don't care... so they treat a loan as free money. I can get 500 grand to buy a house.... awesome. They spend every penny.... never mind that there is literally no chance in hell that that flexible interest rate interest only loan is going to get paid off or even that only maybe 1% of income earners could take it on...
This is not a conspiracy per say, it's the result of stupid politics and stupid lending combined with people biting off more than they could ever chew because they are unrealistic and they know that no matter what, the government is just going to take care of them... so it really dosen't matter if they make a stupid decision.
i smell a book deal... maybe a movie... deniro plays spitzer...
I bet it was the same guys who force-fed Marion Berry all that crack against his will.
for the least they could possibly do
It would be very courageous of him. He or someone he loves dearly could get into a mysterious accident.
I wonder if all his phone lines are tapped 5x over yet?
It would be safe to say he is being watched as an enemy of the state...enemy combatant perhaps?
Has anyone has anonymously mailed him an orange gtimo jumpsuit yet?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
um, well that and he was fucking a hooker.
Yeah and he's not the only one...
as long as you play along...the minute you don't....oh well.. in go the hooks, out of the water you're are pulled and promptly gutted.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I see you have no logical answer to Pacomc79's response. you seem like the type of guy who will buy anything that comes along on youtube. kinda scary.
I'm not arbitrarily dismissing what you are saying by any means, I just don't see the point of not finding a way to bring facts to light at this point if he's got some proof of wrongdoing. This would be Front Page news all over the world. It's kind of like Duke Basketball recruiting or Notre Dame football recruiting always overblown. Everybody hates George Bush... this kind of story is an easy sell and if it had a lot of merit.... it would easily be front page news for weeks. If I had proof like this on that kind of matter call me Josh Wolf. There's no way I wouldn't find a microphone or press agent and I'd have stashed evidence all over with a multitude of different people.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen. It's just not very plausable.
At this point, I'm more interested in all the other high up moralists including bush and others that are or could be tied into the DC Madams and all the ones we don't know about.
It's pretty reasonable to suspect they are all dirty that'd just be par for the political course I just don't think that Spitzers fall has much to do with the mortgage crisis.
He was blasted in the media for days. Talk about over playing a story.
So what you are saying is you think his article (and the stark reality of it) was more or less transparent to the higher ups?
I think the US political climate right now is play along or die...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
the story was underplayed if anything. spitzer was the poster boy for fighting white collar crime. he fought hard to bust prostitution rings. this could be the most hypocritically man ever to hold public office.
There's no grand conspiracy. Just a douchebag abusing his power.
The climate has been like that for 8 years now. I just don't think Spitzer is special. The reason he's getting smashed is because he was on his moral high horse prosecuting prostitutes and Johns alike then... turns out... he was also a client.
I don't think Spitzers troubles have anything to do with the loan industry other than that he may have been exposed initially because he was such a pompous ass to so many on Wall Street... so I'm sure people were all the happier to show his transactions or tell whatever stories the FBI needed to bring him down. If you want to tie it to Bush, this is definately a result of new bank rules from 9-11 about tracking terror transactions.... those kinds of rules work, but it also gets the government involved where many would argue it shouldn't be.
The Loan industry troubles I think are bad politics plus bad business. I think to blame one or two politicians for this is short sighted, I think it's fairly wide spread and not intentional just the end result of all the vote buying they've been doing.
Subprime loans have never been a good idea because essentially it's lending to people who have no intention of ever paying back the money and they already expect the government to take care of them anyway... The way it's been sold to the people being loaned the money is like winning the lottery. Yeah sure you make 40 grand a year but take this loan for 350K and only pay the interest, then you can sink 20 grand in that 300K house and flip it... you'll never be around for the bad part of the ARM you'll be rich..... well here we are. Market collapse. A lot of people were depending on an unrealistic real estate bubble that was bound to burst...
Underplayed??!! His sex scandal essentially dominated the media headlines for almost a week. Like there's nothing more important going on.... :rolleyes:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
sounds as if you don't know who spirtzer is...and was. this is one of the biggest stories of the year.
tell me, what should have dominated the headlines during that week when the story broke?
Yes of course nothing more important is going on in the world...
Viva la USA...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
are you going to answer the question? I have no idea why you don't think the downfall of spitzer should have dominated the American news outlets...
is this a typical response from you?
I did answer the question. If you think Spitzer was the most important thing in the world and far underplayed in exposure...well then...that's rather interesting to say the least.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
no you didnt answer it. I asked what should have dominated the news the week he was exposed?
you gave no answer, you said omg...
and secondly, spitzer was the governer of NY. he was one of the most recognizable figures in the crime fighting world for years.
but somehow you don't think his downfall should be headline news....in America?
Oooo...sex scandal...stop the presses.. stop the world
encore encore...
My advice is start filtering your drinking water or switch to bottled at the very least.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
conspiracy #2 in one thread from Roland...
so the answer is no, you wont answer the question. got it. are you still in high school? I was hoping more adult posted around here.
are you crazy or what...no but seriously.
You actually need an answer to an excruciatingly obvious question, then make insinuating claims on top of that?
where did your common sense wander off to?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
if its so excruciatingly obvious why don't you provide one example? instead you giving immature little tidbits like
viva la USA...
whatever answer you give, I guarantee it won't be more important then one of the most recognizable public figures in america going down..
The war, what's really going on with economy, all shit going on in Africa and China, the truth on the federal reserve scenario, you know real stories instead of one sleazy politician banging some overpriced slut.
but anyhow,...
You can't see it apparently...
have your water tested...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
why the petty high school insults?
the war??? the war hasnt been reported on much because there isnt overwhelming bad news like there used to be. good news doesnt make the headlines.
the economy is headline news, everyday. its shoved down our throats day in and day out.
its quite clear you dont get it, but this isnt just "one sleazy politician". he was governer of NY. and was the biggest crime fighting attorney since guliani. he deserved to be made an example of...even more so then what was reported.
that is going to trump news of the happenings in africa and china anyday.
He slept with someone...honestly....big deal. We get sanitized fast food stories on the economy etc not actual accounts. This is the part you don't get. One level deeper than how you're thinking lies the reality.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The reason it's a big deal is that it is illegal.
And he based his career on prosecuting people for the EXACT SAME THING.
And he used state funds to do it.
I'm not surprised this was front-page news for a week. You can only run so many "Iraq War Still Going On" headlines in a row.
for the least they could possibly do
I think if you lined up all the officials that slept with call girls and printed stories for each t it would be an entire weekly section in the newspaper.
Lots worse hypocrisy going on you know...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)